
Trial Teleworking in Toyama

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to try the new normal trend of “Working From Anywhere” (WFA) that has been accelerated due to the COVID pandemic. Hence, I recently completed a 2-month trial of teleworking in Toyama Prefecture!

私の新年の抱負のひとつは、COVIDの大流行で加速した「WFA(Working From Anywhere)」という新常識に挑戦することです。というわけで、先日、富山県で2ヶ月間のテレワークトライアルを終えました!

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A Taste of Creative Gibier Cuisine in Japan

To me, nothing is quite as exciting as the thrill of trying out new dishes and new restaurants. The coronavirus pandemic has made me appreciate even more the novelty of diving into exotic dishes that were not prepared at home. Hence, when I was invited to try a new restaurant for JNTO’s (Japan National Tourism Organization) “Taste Tour Japan” series featuring Japanese Food and Restaurants, I jumped at the opportunity!

私にとって、新しい料理や新しいレストランを楽しむことほどワクワクすることはありません。今回のコロナ禍で、家では作らなかった異国の料理を食べることの新鮮さをより強く感じるようになりました。ですので、JNTO(日本政府観光局)の「Taste Tour Japan」シリーズで日本の食とレストランを特集するにあたり、新しいジビエ料理レストランに招待されたとき、私はその機会に飛びつきました!

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Rachel Leng Harvard Prize Book

Harvard Prize Book 2020 Awards Ceremony

This year is the first time the Harvard Prize Book Awards were presented virtually, and I was humbled to contribute to the ceremony as the Alumni Awards Presenter for Japan.

From March to June 2021, I prepared a speech addressed to the high school students screened at the awards ceremonies, and met virtually with some of the winners to discuss their interests, ambitions, and dreams.

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Setouchi Seaplanes: Luxury Aerial Adventures over the Seto Inland Sea

If like me, you miss being up in the air and flying due to the pandemic and are in Japan, you will want to check out a chartered flight with the Setouchi Seaplanes! No need to worry about social distancing or a 14-day quarantine! 😉

チャーター便ですので、3密を気にしなくても大丈夫ですよ! ^_^/「レイチェルの日本探訪」最新号は「瀬戸内 シー プレーン搭乗記」です~。

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One Day in Hakone

Today, I wish to share about my day trip from Tokyo to Hakone. During a difficult period where cross-border movement is severely restricted, I hope that this article will transport you to a different destination with me and perhaps inspire your future travels!


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Enjoy the Four Seasons at Showa Memorial Park!

Showa Memorial Park—opened in 1983 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the start of Emperor Showa’s reign—is majestically laid out with seemingly endless grounds to explore. Canals, fountains and other water features, as wells as sculptures found in the gardens give the park a grand ambience reminiscent of European estates. Impressive features, such as a huge circular fountain crowned with intricate statues complete the sense of grandeur.


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