Table of Contents
- The Harvard Prize Book in Japan during COVID
- コロナ禍の日本のハーバードプライズブック
- My Speech to the Harvard Prize Book 2020 Winners
- 2020年度ハーバード・プライズ・ブックの受賞者に向けた私のスピーチ
- Virtual Meetings with some of the HPB 2020 winners
- 今年の受賞者との バーチャルミーティング
- Reflections
- 最後の一言
The Harvard Prize Book in Japan during COVID
Since I moved to Japan in 2017, I have presented the annual Harvard Prize Book on behalf of the Harvard Club at various high schools in Japan. The awards ceremony is typically held at the end of the school year between March to June. Last year, with the onset of the global pandemic, it was not possible to hold in-person ceremonies as non-essential businesses were shut down, and people were urged to stay home and socially distance to slow the spread of the then-novel coronavirus. Although many schools had to cancel their ceremonies, I was glad to be still able to speak to the 2019 winner of Junten High School, Miss Yoshino Kanauchi (金内佳乃).
2017年に日本に移住して以来、私はハーバードクラブを代表して、毎年日本の様々な高校で「Harvard Prize Book」を贈呈しています。授賞式は通常、3月から6月の学年末に行われます。昨年は、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の防止により、自宅待機や社会的な距離を置くことが求められたため、授賞式は取り止めになりました。多くの学校が式典を中止しましたが、2019年度の受賞者である順天高等学校の金内佳乃さんにオンラインでお話しができてよかったです。

Speaking with Miss Yoshino Kanauchi, Junten High School’s winner of the 2019 Harvard Prize Book
This year is the first time the Harvard Prize Book Awards were presented virtually, and I was humbled to contribute to the ceremony as the Alumni Awards Presenter for Japan.
From March to June 2021, I prepared a speech addressed to the high school students screened at the awards ceremonies, and met virtually with some of the winners to discuss their interests, ambitions, and dreams.
My Speech to the Harvard Prize Book 2020 Winners
My 6-minute speech to the Harvard Prize Book 2020 winners has been uploaded on YouTube:
Transcript of speech in English and Japanese
Harvard Prize Book Awards 2020 - Harvard Club of Japan (Presented by Rachel Leng, Spring 2021) Rachel Leng's speech representing the Harvard Club of Japan to Winners of the 2020 Harvard Prize Books in Spring of 2021. 2020年度ハーバード・プライズ・ブック・アワード- ハーバード・クラブ・オブ・ジャパン(2021年春 リン・レイチェル発表) 2020年度ハーバードプライズブックの受賞者に対するハーバードクラブオブジャパンを代表するリン・レイチェルの2021年春のスピーチ。 Dear Winner of the Harvard Prize Book, Congratulations! Harvard Prize Books are awarded to outstanding students in the next-to-graduating high school class who display excellence in scholarship and high character, combined with achievement in other fields. ハーバードプライズブックの受賞者の皆様、おめでとうございます! ハーバードプライズブックは、色々な分野での優れた成績及び高い徳性を備えた人間性を表す、高校2年生の極めて優秀な学生に授与されます。 As someone who has achieved success in many different areas, you should be proud of yourself. I hope that you will consider the opportunities at Harvard and studying liberal arts. 多くの異なる分野で成功を収めた人として、皆さんは自分自身を誇りに思うべきです。 ハーバード大学を経験する機会やリベラルアーツの勉強をぜひ検討してください。 2020 was a difficult year for many of us. The impact of the coronavirus makes it tough to plan for an uncertain future. 2020年は私たちの多くにとって大変な年でした。 コロナウイルスの影響により、不確実な将来を計画することは困難です。 When I graduated high school and was considering being the first in my family to go to college, it was in 2008 and during the global financial crisis at that time. It was not the best year for international students to consider going to the U.S., and although I was worried about going so far away from my family and my home to venture to a foreign country alone, I took a chance and applied anyway, thinking I would never get in. 私が高校を卒業し、家族の中で初めて大学に進学することを考えていた2008年当時は、世界的な金融危機の最中でした。アメリカに留学することを考えるのに最適な年ではなく、家族や家から遠く離れて思い切って一人で外国に行くことを心配しましたが、とにかくチャンスを掴んで入学申請をしました。けれども、絶対に入学できないと思っていました。 However, to my surprise, I received an offer and pursued a liberal arts education. Although I have faced many challenges since then, I have never regretted it. しかし、驚いたことに、私は入学の内定を受け、リベラルアーツ教育を追求しました。 それ以来、多くの課題に直面してきましたが、後悔したことは一度もありません。 I cannot imagine what it is like to be in high school during this covid pandemic - perhaps many of you will feel insecure about the future, intimidated by expectations and fearful of the unknown. I am telling you this because, even now, I sometimes feel the same way. この激しいコロナ禍の中での高校生活というのはどういうものか想像できません。おそらく多くの皆さんは、期待する・されることに怯え、未知のものを恐れ、将来について不安を感じるでしょう。私が皆さんにこのことを伝えるのは、私は今でも同じように感じることがあるからです。 Throughout history, uncertainty and global crises have happened before, and might happen again in the future. COVID will also come to pass. 歴史を通して、不確実性と世界的な危機は以前にも起こったことがあり、将来に再び起こるかもしれません。 COVIDも収束するでしょう。 When it does, YOU are the generation that will be leading our future in the post-COVID new normal. Stay positive – you are not alone. その時は、皆さんはCOVID後のニューノーマルにおいて私達の未来をリードする世代です。ポジティブであり続けてください。皆さんは一人ではありません。 I can understand it must be confusing for any of you to consider studying overseas when so many travel restrictions are in place. Nonetheless, I have always believed that with great challenges comes great opportunities. 非常に多くの旅行制限が課せられているときに、留学を検討することは、皆さんにとって混乱を招くに違いないことを理解できます。それでもなお、私は常に大きな挑戦には大きなチャンスが来ると信じてきました。 In fact, the best time to try new things is during times like this when nobody can tell what the future will be. So, even if you try something really crazy and it fails, everything is changing anyway, and there really is no right or wrong! 事実、新しいことに挑戦するのに最適な時期は、このように未来がどうなるか誰にもわからない時期です。 だから、皆さんが本当にクレイジーなことを試みて失敗したとしても、とにかくすべてが変化していているので、本当に何が正しいのか何が悪いのかもありません! Take every opportunity to try new things, even if you think they may never succeed. Who knows – it may lead you to discover something you might have thought was impossible before! 成功しないかもしれないと思っていても、あらゆる機会を利用して新しいことに挑戦してください。 誰にもわからないけれど、それはあなたが以前は不可能だと思っていたかもしれない何かを発見することにつながるかもしれないです! Ultimately, this pandemic has made a lot more people reflect on what is truly important. I’ve learned, that as people get older, they tend to think back on their younger years to figure out their dreams and life passions. However, by then it is often too late, and they regret having lost precious time. In contrast, you can do it now! 最終的に、このパンデミックにより、より多くの人々が本当に重要なことについて考えるようになりました。 私は、人々が年をとるにつれて、彼らが自分の夢と人生の情熱を見つけ出すために若い頃を振り返る傾向があることに気づきました。しかし、その時には手遅れになることが多く、貴重な時間を失ったことを後悔しています。 それとは対照的に、皆さんは今それができます! Take some time to think about the changes you would like to see in the world, and what you can do towards achieving that goal. You can start small – even just in your local community! 皆さんが世界を見たいと思うその変化と、その目標を達成するために何ができるかに時間をかけて考えてください。例え皆さんが地元のコミュニティだけにいたとしても小さなことから始めることができます! As nobody knows what the post-covid future will be, it is even more important to realize that a good plan today is better than an excellent plan months or years from now. What you do now, WILL make an impact in your future. ポストCOVIDの将来がどうなるかは誰にもわからないので、今日の良い計画は、数か月または数年後の素晴らしい計画よりも優れていることを認識することがさらに重要です。 あなたが今、何をするかが、あなたの将来に影響を与えるでしょう。 I would like to leave you with a challenge – as we enter an ever-connected digital era, it is a contradiction that so many people find themselves isolated and alone. Take a moment every day to reach out to someone – whether they are your loved ones, your schoolmates, or even those that you’ve had a falling out with! Many times, your actions may not have immediate results, but in the long run, you will be amazed to find how important those seemingly insignificant human connections may be. 私は皆さんに挑戦を残したいと思いますー私たちが絶えずデジタルで接続された時代の一員であるのに、非常に多くの人々が自分自身を孤立して孤独に感じることは矛盾することです。 毎日少しの時間を作って、誰かに手を差し伸べてください。その人達はあなたの愛する人、あなたの学友、あるいはあなたが仲違いした人であっても! 多くの場合、皆さんの行動はすぐには結果が出ないかもしれませんが、長期的には、それらの些細な人間のつながりがどれほど重要であるかを知って驚くことでしょう。 As your semester comes to a close, it is my wish to all of you that you continue to stay ambitious, encouraged, resilient, and above all, hopeful. In the spirit of the Harvard Prize Book, the more that you read, write, learn, and experience, the more you will come to know and the further you will go. 皆さんの学期が終わりに近づく頃、私は皆さんが意欲的で、勇気を与えられ、立ち直りが早く、そして何よりも希望に満ちたままでいることを願っています。 ハーバードプライズブックの精神では、読んだり、書いたり、学んだり、経験したりをすればするほど、より多くのことを知り、さらに進歩することができます。 Congratulations again, and good luck!! 改めてお祝い申し上げます!そして、頑張ってください!
Virtual Meetings with some of the HPB 2020 winners
今年の受賞者との バーチャルミーティング
After the awards ceremony, I had virtual meetings with this year’s winners along with several other promising students from Junten High School, Shibuya Makuhari High School, and Saint Maur International School. I was very impressed by the high level of achievement of these talented young students!
Junten Junior and Senior High School

Sae lived in the U.S. from the age of 5 to 10. Inspired by “I am Malala,” she developed an interest in education in developing countries. In 2019, she volunteered in Cambodia and also organized a crowdfunding campaign to support education for needy children, raising 100,000 yen in four days. In the future, Sae hopes to study pedagogy in developing countries at Sophia University and study abroad.
Shibuya Makuhari Junior and Senior High School

Rika is an active member of the English Debate Club and the Model United Nations Club, and has achieved excellent results in competitions such as the National High School Debate Tournament and the National Parliamentary Debate Federation Cup. She also won an award for excellence at the National Model United Nations Competition for High School Education. She aspires to go to medical school and study abroad in the future.
脇田理花さんは、帰国生のリーディングクラス及びライティングクラスにおいて際立って優秀な成績をおさめています。また、English Debate Club及び模擬国連部に所属しており、全国高校生ディベート大会および全国パーラメンタリーディベート連盟杯などにおいて優秀な成績を収めました。そして、全国高校教育模擬国連大会において優秀賞を獲得しました。医学部に進学を希望しており、将来はぜひ留学をしたいと考えています。
Saint Maur International School

St.Maur International Schoolの優勝者Jan Jaroscak氏(右)と、大学入学カウンセラーのMs. Anna Novick氏(中央)、Glenn Scoggins氏(左)とのミーティング。
Jan is a citizen of the Czech Republic who attended elementary school in Prague during Grades 1-4. In 2014, he and his family moved to Yokohama, where they have lived ever since, and he entered Grade 5 at Saint Maur. He quickly adjusted to life in a new environment as well as an unfamiliar language, and he has been an excellent student and an active participant in sports, music, speech, and drama throughout his years here. (Impressively, he speaks Czech, English, Japanese, and Spanish.)
Jan’s academic interests at the university level include European Law, International Law, Politics, and Environmental Issues. He is currently investigating higher education in the European Union (E.U.) and is considering both research universities and liberal arts colleges.
Janさんはチェコ人で、Grade 1-4の間はプラハの小学校に通っていました。2014年に家族と一緒に横浜に引っ越し、それ以来、横浜に住んでいる彼は、サンモールのGrade 5に入学しました。慣れない環境や言葉にもすぐに慣れ、成績優秀で、スポーツ・音楽・スピーチ・演劇にも積極的に参加しています。驚くべきことに、彼はチェコ語・英語・日本語・スペイン語を話すことができます!
Harvard Alumni originated the Harvard Book Prize Awards Program in 1910 as part of an effort to attract the attention of talented students to the opportunities at the university. Today, more than 1900 Prize Books, sponsored by local Alumni, are awarded in schools worldwide.
As an alumni presenter of the Harvard Book Prize Awards and a member of the Harvard Club of Japan committee, I wish to encourage more students to think broadly about where they apply to college. While admission to Harvard is perceived as very competitive, it does seek out talented students around the world, and I do genuinely believe one will never know their full potential if they do not take risks and try new things, even if it may seem impossible to achieve at the start.
In Japan, I have noticed that many students still choose to pursue their college studies domestically in Japan, opting only for a study abroad stint rather than to challenge completing their full B.A. degree at a university abroad. However, such a short study abroad or exchange program, or limiting their consideration of studying overseas to only graduate school, is simply not the same. It cannot replace the experience of studying in a new country during one’s formative college years, as those years have tremendous potential to shape one’s future decisions and opportunities. As someone who has experienced this in my own life personally, I am a firm believer and advocate for students to gain immersive experience and exposure to living in different countries and cultures at a younger age.
It may take some time, but I sincerely wish to see more students from Japan take the leap to pursue a liberal arts education.
What are your thoughts on this? Send me an email and let me know!