Who else during this coronavirus pandemic has missed dining out? I know I have, especially in a city like Tokyo which offers some of the top restaurants in the world. Dining out was off-limits for some time during the height of the pandemic and amid Tokyo’s multiple state of emergency declarations, but it is nice to have some form of a return to normalcy as more diners start eating out again. The restaurant industry has certainly changed dramatically in the past year and a half, but it has been quite amazing to witness how so many Japanese people make personal efforts to support their local restaurants and cafes.
To me, nothing is quite as exciting as the thrill of trying out new dishes and new restaurants. The coronavirus pandemic has made me appreciate even more the novelty of diving into exotic dishes that were not prepared at home. No doubt that all this extra time at home has allowed us to hone our cooking skills and discover new recipes, but it is still nice to be able to just sit down and simply appreciate good food, rather than worrying about preparation (or in my case, burning down the kitchen >.<;).
Hence, when I was invited to try a new Gibier Cuisine restaurant for JNTO’s (Japan National Tourism Organization) “Taste Tour Japan” series featuring Japanese Food and Restaurants, I jumped at the opportunity!
Check out my article, “Taste of the Wild! Explore the new frontiers of Japan’s wild game cuisine,” featured on JNTO’s website!
私にとって、新しい料理や新しいレストランを楽しむことほどワクワクすることはありません。今回のコロナ禍で、家では作らなかった異国の料理を食べることの新鮮さをより強く感じるようになりました。家にいる時間が増えたことで、料理の腕を磨いたり、新しいレシピを発見したりすることができたのは嬉しいですが、準備に気遣いをすることなく(私の場合はキッチンを焼いてしまうこともありますが … >.<; )、ただ座って美味しい料理を味わうことができるのは、やはり幸せですね。
ですので、JNTO(日本政府観光局)の「Taste Tour Japan」シリーズで日本の食とレストランを特集するにあたり、新しいジビエ料理レストランに招待されたとき、私はその機会に飛びつきました!
私の記事、「Taste of the Wild! 日本のジビエ料理の新境地を探る」がJNTOのウェブサイトに掲載されました。ぜひご覧いただければと思います。

Taste of the Wild! | TASTE TOUR JAPAN | Your Official Guide to Japanese Food | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
Note: All images are sourced from the original JNTO article. Excerpts of this blog article were originally published on JNTO.

Table of Contents
- Elegant Japanese Gibier Cuisine at Elezo Gate
- エレゾゲートの優雅な日本のジビエ料理
- The Difference with Japanese Jibie Cuisine
- 日本のジビエ料理との違いとは
- Healthy and Sustainable Wild Game Meat
- 健康的で持続可能な野生動物の肉
- Final Thoughts
- 最後によせて
- Other Articles on Food and Travel in Japan
Elegant Japanese Gibier Cuisine at Elezo Gate

It was my first time to dine on a 3-course meal of Japan’s wild game cuisine at the newly opened Elezo Gate in the Toranomon Hills Yokocho.
The term Gibier (meaning “wild animal hunted for food” or “game”) is known as “jibie”(ジビエ) in Japanese, but originates from the French language. Although it is often seen as the traditional food of European nobility, it has been used in Japanese cuisine since ancient times, with time-honored game-meat dishes—such as momiji stew, having venison as its key ingredient, and botan stew, featuring boar meat—being a mainstay in rural life.
The popularity of “jibie” in Japan declined after the Meiji period (1868–1912) when farm-raised beef and pork became prevalent throughout the country. But recently, after a long hiatus, wild game meats have been gaining popularity in Japan’s culinary world as a healthy and sustainable food that is low-calorie, low-fat, yet high protein.
In Tokyo, the number of restaurants serving jibie dishes is on the rise, from traditional Japanese nabe (hot-pot) and shabu-shabu restaurants to European bistros and fine-dining establishments. Jjibie cuisine is quickly becoming sought after once again in Japan. The challenge, however, is to make jibie cuisine that appeals to Japanese diners, which means the meat must be carefully sourced and cooked to create tasty, hearty dishes without a strong gamy flavor. This preference for high-quality meat is, more than anything else, what sets contemporary game cuisine apart from its rustic forebears.


Unlike the impression I had of Japanese wild game meats as something you would have in an izakaya or roadside stall in rural areas, the contemporary bistro ambiance and plating of each dish at Elezo Gate made it a chic dining experience.
Elezo Gate emphasizes its high-quality meat and its use of all parts of an animal without wastage. The restaurant’s goal is to always create dishes that bring out the natural flavors of the meat. At Elezo Gate, all seasonings, including sauces and spices, and even the wines offered with the meal, are specially curated to complement the ingredients in meat dishes without overpowering the genuine flavor of the meat itself.
The Difference with Japanese Jibie Cuisine

The Elezo Group was established in 2005 as a meat processing and distribution business in Obihiro, Hokkaido. It has since expanded to include a variety of brands and now operates as an integrated meat production and management system. Although Elezo Gate does not specialize solely in jibie cuisine, it has become well known in Tokyo as a gateway to the world of game.
Did You Know?
Did you know that in Japan, most game is hunted in the prefectures of Hokkaido and Mie? Unlike wild game meats used in other countries, Japanese jibie cuisine is renowned for its delicate, clean flavor. The game meat derives its “gamey” taste from what the animal eats.
From speaking with Sasaki-san, the CEO of Elezo Group and an avid gibier cuisine fan, I learned that the freshness and proper processing of wild game meat are crucial to lessening the wild taste and increasing the tenderness of the jibie.
For example, Elezo Gate uses only deer meat from animals that are about two years old so that the steak is more succulent. It takes about three weeks for Elezo’s meat-processing plant to prepare the meat before it is shipped to the restaurant.
The biggest challenge in preparing and serving jibie meats is managing sanitation properly. Poorly sourced wild game can carry viruses and other parasites, which are generally well controlled in farm-raised animals, such as pigs and cows. In 2014, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set strict guidelines for hygiene in handling wild game to maintain food safety. Each step in the process must be carefully monitored, from hunting and transport of the animal to butchering, processing, preparing, and selling its meat—in other words, everything from capture to consumption.
It is, however, difficult for restaurants that purchase game meat from various slaughterhouses to ensure high standards of hygiene and the authenticity of the jibie meat. The Elezo Group prides itself on its A-to-Z operations, where game meat is acquired directly from the hunter and the entire preparation process is completed at designated Elezo meat-processing plants. Elezo requires that all the hunters it works with deliver the game to the meat-processing plant within two hours of taking the animal.
Healthy and Sustainable Wild Game Meat

On the subject of sustainability, Sasaki comments that the rise of a jibie food culture in Japan would benefit rural prefectures, since deer and other wild animals cause significant damage to many agricultural regions. With jibie cuisine, game could be viewed as a gift from nature, since it would be hunted to give consumers a nutritious culinary experience, instead of being culled as a pest.
Don’t forget to read the rest of the article here!

JNTOのウェブサイトに掲載された私のプロフィール。JNTOの「Taste Tour Japan」レストランガイドシリーズに貢献できて嬉しいです。^^
Final Thoughts
Dining at Elezo Gate was a refined culinary journey into Japanese jibie cuisine – a very different experience compared to my past encounters with wild game meats in other countries (from pigeon pie, venison stew, and roast pheasant in the U.K., to “bush meats” such as grilled kangaroo and seared emu fillets in Australia, and even barbecued zebra, impala, or hartebeest in Namibia). I was very impressed by how clean the meats tasted – they were not gamey at all!
In 2014, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set strict guidelines for hygiene in handling wild game to maintain food safety. Each step in the process must be carefully monitored, from hunting and transport of the animal to butchering, processing, preparing, and selling its meat—in other words, everything from capture to consumption. An exceptional level of attention to detail is required to achieve high standards of hygiene and consistency in the meat preparation process. I suppose the same idea that lies behind the processing of Japan’s treasured wagyu beef to achieve a sophisticated flavor and tenderness is also carried over to the country’s wild game meats.
I was also surprised to learn from Sasaki-san that Elezo Gate also occasionally serves rare wild game dishes such as Hokkaido Black Bear (higuma) and the Japanese Rock Ptarmigan (raicho)! (Raicho – literally translated as “thunder bird” – is the official bird for Gifu, Nagano, and Toyama Prefectures and are listed as a special protected endangered species.)
While ptarmigans are often thought of as alpine birds, some ptarmigans also spend the winters along the shore in such places as the Kamchatka Peninsula and the North America’s Hudson Bay. In Japan, tundra-inhabiting rock ptarmigans can be found in the Chubu Mountain region, and the forest-inhabiting hazel grouse can be found in Hokkaido. The rock ptarmigans found in the Chubu region came to the area during the ice age, and then migrated back north as the climate warmed and the glaciers retreated. At that time, a group of rock ptarmigans found a suitable climate in the mountains and became isolated. Like their counterparts which inhabit the European Alps and Pyrenees, they represent a population left behind during migration after the ice age.
Japanese rock ptarmigan profile | Raicho Mimamori Net (raicho-mimamori.net)
ライチョウのプロフィール | ライチョウ見守りネット (raicho-mimamori.net)
For jibie cuisine enthusiasts, I do not doubt that these rare menu dishes would be quite the attraction.
If you are looking for a new experience in meat cuisine as well as a healthy alternative to beef and pork, why not give Japan’s jibie cuisine a try? The animals are sourced from the Japanese hinterland, where their meat has long been part of the diet of local hunters. Available game meats change with the seasons, and there are various ways to prepare and enjoy them year-round.
Have you had Japanese wild game cuisine before? What do you think about “Jibie” and Gibier Cuisine in Japan? I would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences! Please do leave me a comment or send me an email by subscribing to me newsletter. I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂
日本のジビエ料理を召し上がったことはありますか?日本の「ジビエ」や「ジビエ料理」についてどう思われますか?皆様のご意見や経験をぜひお聞かせください。お気軽にコメントをお寄せください。また、メールマガジンをご購読くださいね♪ ご連絡をお待ちしております。