Life Lessons

rachel summer travel

2024 Summer Updates – Stay Cool & Keep Your Spirits High!
2024年の暑中見舞い- 暑い中でもやる気を出そう!

This summer has been filled with exciting domestic and international events, like the Japan Innovation Leaders Summit and the Harvard Asia Business Conference, where I proudly showcased our innovations and story. Additionally, we successfully launched a Gokayama in Nanto VR360 project and displayed our products and services at various events. Reflecting on the past six months, we’re thrilled with our progress and excited about the future.

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Climbing the Career Rock Wall

The ladder is a typical metaphor often used to describe a career path to success. However, in today’s changing world, we simply cannot predict what steps may or may not seem to lead us toward success, or the unexpected opportunities that could come our way. The coronavirus pandemic has made this reality come into clear focus for many. Rather than a straightforward path upwards to achieving career success with more prestigious titles and bigger paychecks, it has become more common for people around the world to consider the career climb as a rock wall.


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Hanami 2022: My Uncle’s Wish
2022年度のお花見: 叔父の願い

As a metaphor for life itself, the hanami blossoms represent radiant beauty, yet also poignantly highlights the short lived, transient nature of life. This year’s hanami was a very different experience for me as the blooming season coincided with the passing of a beloved uncle… In this article, I wish to share five lessons I learned from my uncle’s last moments.
人生の比喩として、花は輝く美しさを表すと同時に、人生の短さ、はかなさを切実に浮き彫りにしています。今年の花見は、最愛の叔父が亡くなった時期と重なったため、私にとっていつもとは違った体験となりました… 今回は、私の叔父の最後から学んだ5つの教訓をお伝えしたいと思います。

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Lessons on Resilience from 3 Elite Japan Athletes

In this article, I share what I have learned from speaking with 3 top Japanese athletes: Koji Murofushi, Olympic hammer throw gold medallist, Yokozuna Hakuho, one of the greatest Sumo grand champions in Japanese history, and Dai Tamesue, the first Japanese sprinter to win a medal at a World Competition track event. Their words about the mindset required to persevere and overcome setbacks to achieve success have stayed with me during these challenging times brought on by the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak. 
今回の記事では、オリンピックのハンマー投げ金メダリストである室伏広治氏、日本史上最高記録の大相撲グランドチャンピオンの1人である横綱白鵬、そして陸上競技の世界大会でメダルを獲得した日本人初の短距離走者である為末大氏のトップアスリート達と話すことから私が学んだことを共有したいと思います。 世界的なCOVID-19の大流行によってもたらされたこれらの困難な時代に、成功を達成するために挫折に耐え克服するために必要な考え方についての彼らの言葉は、私の心にとどまりました。

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Rachel Leng Harvard Prize Book

Harvard Prize Book 2020 Awards Ceremony

This year is the first time the Harvard Prize Book Awards were presented virtually, and I was humbled to contribute to the ceremony as the Alumni Awards Presenter for Japan.

From March to June 2021, I prepared a speech addressed to the high school students screened at the awards ceremonies, and met virtually with some of the winners to discuss their interests, ambitions, and dreams.

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