From delicious ramen and fresh seafood to modern dining and astounding bars:
Where to eat out in Onomichi!
Overlooking the city scape of Onomichi from the nearby island, many boats and sea cranes are reminiscent of a former era of prosperity, when the town was a bustling trade center within the Setouchi Inland Sea.

Now a calm and idyllic port town, Onomichi’s past history as a hub of sea-faring traffic on par with Osaka and Kobe in the economy of Western Japan remains evident in the refined local cuisine, which used to cater to the tastes of wealthy merchants.
From Onomichi-style ramen and fresh seafood to modern dining and astounding bars, read on for my must-try Onomichi local cuisine recommendations!
Be sure to also check out my posts on exploring Onomichi’s Downtown City, Island Hopping, and the Setouchi Seaplanes!
Table of Contents
- Onomichi Ramen
- 尾道ラーメン
- Lemon Island
- レモンの島
- Have a Seafood Bowl Piled High with Seasonal Seafood
- 季節の「海の幸」を盛り付けた海鮮丼を食べましょう!
- Modern Dining with Local Flair地元の雰囲気のあるモダンなダイニングレストラン
- “Shell” we get a drink?
- 飲み「貝」をしましょうか?
- Last Thoughts
- 最後によせて!

Onomichi Ramen
Perhaps one of the most popular local dishes is Onomichi-style ramen, with many popular noodle shops having long queues during lunch hours!

Kuishinbo Senryo is conveniently located just a 5-minute walk away from Onomichi station on the main shopping street, – perfect for your first meal when you arrive or a quick slurp just before you have to catch the train!
昭和63年創業の「くいしん坊 千両」は、尾道の本通り商店街にある老舗ラーメン店です。尾道駅に到着した時に最初の食事をしたり、電車に乗る直前に急いで食べるのに最適でしょう。

Onomichi ramen is made from a clear soup consisting of stock drawn from small fish in the Seto Inland Sea with added soy sauce, and firm crimped noodles. With toppings such as the signature pork back-fat, it has a refreshing and rich flavor.


「くいしん坊 千両」で尾道ラーメンをすすりながら!

Having been in operation for more than 30 years, Kuishinbo Senryo’s friendly staff give the ramen store a cozy atmosphere!
30年以上営業してきた「くいしん坊 千両」は、スタッフがフレンドリーで居心地の良い雰囲気を与えます!
They welcomed me warmly and even invited me to write a special message for them!
Kuishinbo Senryo Ramen くいしん坊 千両 Address: 1-1-10 Todo, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture 722-0035住 所:〒722-0035 広島県尾道市土堂1-1-10Tel: 0848-25-2639 |

Lemon Island
If you go Island Hopping around the Onomichi area, especially in Autumn and Winter, you will notice bright patches of yellow and orange everywhere as many farmers grow lemons and other citrus fruits! Onomichi has nurtured a rich food culture owing to the temperate climate unique to the Seto Inland Sea, which also provides the ideal environment to grow lemons.
秋か冬に尾道周辺の島巡りをすると、多くの農家がレモンや他の柑橘類を栽培しているため、どこでも黄色とオレンジの明るいパッチワークのような模様が見えます! 尾道は、レモンを栽培するのに最適な瀬戸内海特有の温暖な気候により、豊かな食文化を育んでいます。

In fact, Ikuchijima along the Shimanami Kaido Expressway is the leading producer of domestically grown lemons! History goes that local farmers started producing lemons that were both tasty and safe to compete against imported lemons saturating the market, establishing what is now known as the Setoda Lemon brand. Setoda lemons are popular in Japan for their mild taste and refreshing fragrance!
実際、しまなみ海道沿いの生口島は、国産レモンの主要生産地です! 今迄、地元の農家が、市場をあふれている輸入レモンと競争するのに、おいしくて安全なレモンを生産し始め、現在、瀬戸田レモンブランドとして知られているものを確立しました。 瀬戸田レモンは、マイルドな味とさわやかな香りで日本で人気があります!
In addition to producing lemons, Onomichi is also home to a wide range of lemon products, from juice to baked goods and pastas.

Lemon sweets are a must-try in Onomichi, and the lemon cakes at Shimagocoro are very famous!


Marvel at the perfect shapes and colors of Setoda lemons~

Did you know?
The scent of a lemon comes from a substance called limonene, which is found not in the fruit but in the lemon skin. At Shimagocoro, lemons are peeled by hand in order to preserve as much of the scent as possible.
レモンの香りはリモネンと呼ばれる物質に由来しています。リモネンは果物ではなくレモンの皮に含まれています。 「島ごころ」では、多くの香りを保つために、手でレモンを剥いています。

Why not try Setoda lemon as an experimental topping on pasta?

Lemon Carbonara Pasta at Mionomichi 「水尾之路」のレモンパスタ 住所:722-0044 広島県尾道市西久保町15-5 Address: 15-5 Nishikubo-cho Onomichi-shi Hiroshima 722-0044, Japan Tel: 0848-38-9576 Mail: [email protected]Website |

Have a Seafood Bowl Piled High with Seasonal Seafood
The Inland Sea is known as one of the best fishing grounds in Japan, as nutrients flow into it from the mountain rivers of surrounding Honshu and Shikoku. This makes the nearby waters rich in plankton, which serve as food for its fish. Local fishermen say that the distinctively strong tides of the Seto Inland Sea firm up the fish and increase their flavor.
瀬戸内海は、本州と四国を取り巻く山や川から養分が流入するため、日本で最高の漁場の1つとして知られています。 これにより、近くの水はプランクトンが豊富になり、魚の餌となります。 地元の漁師は、瀬戸内海の独特の強い潮流が魚の身をしめ、風味が増すと言います。




Modern Dining with Local Flair
Komedoko Shukudo is a favorite amongst the locals for modern dining in a sophisticated atmosphere.

The dinner course uses products sourced locally, with fish, vegetables, meat, and rice all supporting local fishermen and farmers.
Pork Steak (from Taiyo Pork, Onomichi City) in Lemon & Ginger Sauce (from Waroku Farm, Innoshima)
世羅六穀豚の厚切りトンテキ(太洋ポークさん、尾道市)・レモンジンジャーソース(和六農園さん、尾道市因島)Japanese clay pot rice with seasonal ingredients.
季節の土鍋の炊き込みご飯です。Tempura of seasonal Setouchi Fish (from Ms. Chiyono, Higashi-Onomichi City)
瀬戸内新鮮魚(千代乃さん、東尾道市)の米粉天ぷらTempura of seasonal Setouchi Fish (from Ms. Chiyono, Higashi-Onomichi City)
Their specialty dish is the Japanese clay pot rice with seasonal ingredients, using rice from Ittokumai. The rice is especially delicious as it has been infused with dashi from the fish!
名物料理は、季節の土鍋の炊き込みご飯です。 ご飯は魚の出汁をふんだんに使っているので特に美味しいです!
For those who appreciate farm-to-table dining, Komedoko Shukudo warmly welcomes visitors to discover local produce while eating out with the delicate sheen of an artful antique.
Komedoko Shokudo こめどこ食堂 Address: 5-2 Higashi Goshocho, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture 住所:〒722-0036 広島県尾道市東御所町5-2 2F Tel: 050-3374-3313 |

“Shell” we get a drink?
If you ask any Onomichi local for the “shell bar,” you will inevitably be pointed the way to Rodin.

You know you have arrived at the front of the bar when you see a huge “shell” sign. At first, I thought I was being led to a petrol pump station!
巨大な「SHELL」の看板が見えると、バーの前に着いたことがわかります。 最初は、ガソリンスタンドに案内されていると思ってしまいました!

Entering the bar, my eyes popped wide open in astonishment at the mind-blowing collection of sea creatures and other gadgets on display!

“Master of Shells”: Mr. and Mrs. Ishikawa fell in love with their shared passion for the ocean.
Rodin has been opened for 56 years since the year they got married! How romantic~!
「ロダン」は、結婚してから56年間オープンしています! なんてロマンチックでしょう〜!
The bar features a staggering numbers of beautiful shells that they have collected over the years from all over the world. One of their favorite destinations is Cebu in the Philippines.
バーには、世界中から長年にわたって集めてきた驚くべき数の美しい貝殻があります。 ご夫妻のお気に入りの場所の1つは、フィリピンのセブ島です。

Fun fact: The Ishikawa’s home is above their bar, and their son owns the bar next door called Roost!
Rodin ロダン Address: Kubo 2-14-13, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture 住所:〒722-0045 広島県尾道市久保二丁目14-13 |
Last Thoughts
Even after leaving Onomichi, the port town has left a warm glow in my heart. I already cannot wait to re-visit the city that has so tastefully blended aspects of modern Japan with the warmth of its local residents who live in tranquility, overlooking the sea.
From the old-fashioned streetscapes of Onomichi’s Downtown City, beautiful journeys waiting to be explored with Island Hopping, to heartwarmingly authentic Local Cuisine and dining experiences, you will find yourself joyfully immersed in a place where the passing of time flows with the ocean waves. Onomichi City has a whole kaleidoscope of experiences to offer to visitors, making it a wondrous place to discover something new and uniquely your own.
尾道の市街地の昔ながらの街並み、島巡りで探索されるのを待つ美しい旅、心温まる本格的な郷土料理や食事の体験などの旅の時間の経過は海の波が穏やかに流れるように思い出に浸ることができます。 尾道市には、訪問者に提供できる万華鏡のような体験があり、あなた自身の新しい何かを発見する素晴らしい場所となるかもしれません。

This blog article is sponsored by:
Onomichi City Website 〒722-8501 広島県尾道市久保一丁目15-1 Tel:0848-38-9111Fax:0848-37-2740 Onomichi Tourism Association 一般社団法人尾道観光協会 事務局:〒722-0036 広島県尾道市東御所町1-20 JB本四高速尾道ビル1F Tel: 0848-36-5495 FAX 0848-22-2201 SHIMANAMI JAPAN 一般社団法人 しまなみジャパン 住所:広島県尾道市東御所町11-9 JA尾道市駅前ビル1階 Tel: 0848-22-4073 |