Gokayama, located in Nanto City, is a rich, emerald oasis where locals honour the slow way of living. Here, enchanting villages with ancient grass-roof houses are scattered among the vibrant mountains of the Toyama region, which lies around 350km from the metropolis of Tokyo.
五箇山は、南砺市に位置し、地元の人々がゆっくりとした暮らしを尊び生活する豊かなエメラルド色のオアシスです。ここには、昔ながらの茅葺き屋根の家々が点在する魅力的な村が、富山地域の活気ある山々に点在しています。東京から約350 km離れた富山県のこの地は、自然の美しさと静けさが魅力です。
Together with SeiRogai, I ventured there to film the Nanto City VR360 Virtual Tour, to lift the veil on some of the unspoilt jewels of real and rugged Japan, far from the trodden tourist trails of the capital.
Launched on Global Virtual Travel, the video allows you to float like a bird among the mist-draped mountains. You can almost taste the crisp, alpine air, hear the trickle of a stream and watch as an ancient world falls into place around you.

Follow my exact itinerary to uncover the hidden treasures of this fascinating UNESCO World Heritage Site…
Table of Contents
- Gokayama in Nanto City: Discovering the Idylls of Old
- 南砺市・五箇山:古き良き日本を発見する旅
- Suganuma: Where Time Stands Still
- 菅沼集落:時が止まった村
- Visiting Gorobei Restaurant By Village Chief Nakashima
- 中島区長による合掌造り家屋のお食事処 「食べ処 吾郎平」を訪問
- A Souvenir from Suganama at Arai Shop & Cafe
- 菅沼集落のお土産店「土産・お休み処 あらい」
- Ainokura: The Cultural Heart of Gokayama
- 相倉集落:五箇山の文化的中心地
- Meeting the Twin Cliffs
- 「相対する岩壁」との出会い
- Choyomon Minshuku: Stay Inside a 400-Year-Old Gassho-Zukuri House
- 合掌造り家屋の民宿 「長ヨ門」:400年の歴史を持つ合掌造り家屋に宿泊
- Gokayama: A Shrine to Tradition
- 五箇山:伝統の神社
- Where to Eat in Ainokura
- 相倉でのグルメスポット
- Ready to Visit the Enchanting Region of Gokayama?
- 五箇山の魅力的な地域を訪れる準備はできましたか?
Gokayama in Nanto City: Discovering the Idylls of Old
Gokayama, located in Nanto City, is a region nestled within the pristine mountains of Toyama.
Forming part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the enchanting villages of Suganuma and Ainokura are rich with stories, begging to be told. Yet the region remains relatively under the radar, offering the ultimate antidote to the tumult of everyday life.
Suganuma: Where Time Stands Still

Our journey began in Suganuma, where low-lying clouds part to reveal a tiny village of thatched-roof buildings, enveloped in vibrant storybook scenery.
These gassho-zukuri houses, as they are known, are hundreds of years old. As we strolled through the village, a local lady explained how the roof of each one is pitched at approximately 60 degrees to protect against the heavy snow of winter. The style is said to resemble two hands joined together.

After escaping from the overstimulation of the city, it was glorious to get lost in the tranquil atmosphere of an ancient settlement, lost in time. If it’s your first time visiting Gokayama, I recommend spending your first few moments doing just that.
Next up, stop by the traditional Tenohira coffee shop, before exploring more soul-soothing natural landscapes surrounding the village, from rich rice fields to forested hillsides, where the locals cut grass for use in the gassho-zukuri roofs.
散策後には、「茶房 掌」に立ち寄り、村を囲む美しい田んぼや森林に目を向けるのも良いでしょう。合掌造りの屋根に使われる茅を刈る地元の人々の姿が見られます。

Tenohira Coffee Shop
Address: 400 Suganuma, Nanto-shi, Toyama-ken 939-1973(茶房 掌)
Opening Hours: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM (Winter period 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM)
茶房 掌
Visiting Gorobei Restaurant By Village Chief Nakashima
中島区長による合掌造り家屋のお食事処 「食べ処 吾郎平」を訪問

After exploring the stunning scenery, the next step on the tour took us inside the Gorobei Restaurant, housed within a traditional gassho-zukuri building. This is a beautiful space to sit by the open fireplace and taste a delicious lunch set with Iwana-Yaki.
Here you can indulge in some of the world’s freshest fish reared by Nakashima Kucho himself. Each fish is caught from a nearby pond as soon as an order is made – in contrast to other restaurants in Nanto City, where the fish is bought from nearby farms.
美しい景色を堪能した後、ツアーの次の目的地として「食べ処 吾郎平」に向かいました。このお食事処は、伝統的な合掌造りの建物内にあり、囲炉裏のそばでくつろぎながら、岩魚焼きの美味しいランチセットを味わえる素敵な空間です。

Vegetarians can enjoy an equally revitalising meal with local Gokayama tofu and wild mountain vegetables.
“Farm to table isn’t a trend here, it’s a way of life.”
Gorobei Restaurant
Address: 906 Suganuma, Nanto, Toyama 939-1973, Japan
Opening Hours: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM
食べ処 吾郎平
A Souvenir from Suganama at Arai Shop & Cafe
菅沼集落のお土産店「土産・お休み処 あらい」

The final shop I recommend in Suganama village is the quaint Arai souvenir shop and cafe, where you can pick up local, handcrafted products to take a piece of the village away with you. You’ll find everything from keyrings and traditional straw hats to local snacks and toys.
However, as I discovered while filming for the tour, one of the most precious gifts of visiting this region was meeting the people who have never known another home; and the moments with them that I’ve bottled up for safekeeping.
菅沼集落でおすすめの最後のお店は、「土産・お休み処 あらい」です。ここでは、地元の手作り製品を購入し、集落の思い出を持ち帰ることができます。キーホルダーや伝統的な 麦わら帽子、地元のおやつやおもちゃなど、さまざまな商品が揃っています。
Arai Shop & Cafe
Address: 503 Suganuma, Nanto, Toyama 939-1973, Japan
Opening Hours: 08:45 AM to 04:45 PM
土産・お休み処 あらい
Ainokura: The Cultural Heart of Gokayama

The next stop on our Gokayama tour was Ainokura, a neighbouring UNESCO village. As the sun rose over the grass-roof houses, we learnt of a centuries-old craft still practised in the village.
By stepping inside an eclectic workshop known as the Washi Paper Workshop, you can get a glimpse of the unique washi paper-making experience, and even try it for yourself.

In this very special store, an innovative local artisan is demonstrating the incredible strength of paper made from natural fibres by crafting dolls, toys, and even a wedding dress – all made from washi.
The creative craftsman who owns the store is more than happy to show you the painstaking process and help you make your own piece of washi paper. This makes the perfect souvenir from a place where natural materials are still used for everything, and plastics are few and far between.

Washi Paper Workshop
Address: 835 Ainokura, Nanto, Toyama 939-1915, Japan
Opening Hours: 08:15 AM to 05:00 PM (Closed on Wednesdays)
住所:〒939-1915 富山県南砺市相倉835
Meeting the Twin Cliffs

Ainokura literally means ‘Twin Rock cliffs’ – so take your time to stroll through the village and see if you can spot the far-off peaks.
Derived from the words ‘Ai’ which means pair and ‘kura’ which means rock cliffs, it’s clear that this whole village is inspired by its enchanting natural surroundings.
A journey to Gokayama is a chance to reset, recharge, and relax in beautiful, tranquil surroundings, from the twin peaks, cloaked in trees, to the terraced fields and winding riverways.
「アイ」は「相対する2つ」 、 「クラ」 は 「岩壁」 という言葉から成り立つこの名前からもわかるように、この村全体が自然豊かな周囲の景観に影響されています。
Choyomon Minshuku: Stay Inside a 400-Year-Old Gassho-Zukuri House
合掌造り家屋の民宿 「長ヨ門」:400年の歴史を持つ合掌造り家屋に宿泊

Immerse yourself fully in the Gokayama culture with the Choyomon Minshuku homestay – an accommodation experience like no other. Located in a gassho-zukuri house, it’s a chance to stay in a beautiful, traditional dwelling, right inside the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

While staying there, you can also experience the ancient Kokiriko folk song and dance, a vibrant cultural tradition passed down through the generations. Unique to the region, this song is believed to be the oldest folk song in Japan, and features the curious sounds of the sasara, a wooden percussion instrument that was once used for cleaning.

With dramatic costumes, atmospheric drumming and mesmerising music, this is one experience not to be missed.
Choyomon Minshuku Homestay
Address: 418 Ainokura, Nanto, Toyama 939-1915, Japan
Opening Hours: Check-In from 15:00 Check out by 10:00
Contact Website: 0763-66-2755
合掌造り家屋の民宿 「長ヨ門」
住所 〒939-1915 南砺市相倉418
Gokayama: A Shrine to Tradition

The final stop on the tour takes us to Ainokura Jinushi Shrine, nestled among tall trees and bathed in dappled light.
This peaceful place is the perfect spot to reflect on the unique culture of Gokayama, and the ways in which traditions are carefully preserved and passed down, in place of the relentless technology race of our daily lives.
“To return us to a quieter, more peaceful time…”

Where to Eat in Ainokura
Planning to visit Ainokura? The village is packed with wonderful places to eat, where fresh nutrient-rich produce shines through each menu and the lush, mountain landscapes inspire each plate.
Matsuya Tempura Restaurant
お休み処·茶店 まつや
Located in the middle of the village, this open-air restaurant is the perfect spot for a fresh and tasty lunch. If you’re hungry, try the traditional set menu, which includes an array of regional vegetarian and fish dishes. Of course, you should also sample the tempura while enjoying a sensational view of the lush green mountains and gassho-zukuri houses.
Matsuya Tempura Restaurant
Address: 445 Ainokura, Nanto, Toyama 939-1915, Japan
Opening Hours: 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
お休み処·茶店 まつや
住所: 富山県南砺市相倉445
営業時間: 9:00-17:00
Gassho Teahouse Ainokuraya Restaurant
合掌茶屋 相倉屋
Situated near the car park, this traditional teahouse restaurant specialises in udon and soba noodles served either hot or cold and topped with seasonal vegetables and tofu. With an English menu available, this restaurant also serves as a souvenir shop, filled with locally-made souvenirs.
Gassho Teahouse Ainokuraya Restaurant
Address: 710 Ainokura, Nanto, Toyama 939-1915, Japan
Opening Hours: 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM
合掌茶屋 相倉屋
住所: 富山県南砺市相倉710
営業時間: 9:00-16:00
Ready to Visit the Enchanting Region of Gokayama?
Watch the Virtual Tour

Get a fascinating feel for everything this region has to offer by watching the Nanto City VR360 Virtual Tour in Gokayama.
Produced by SeiRogai in collaboration with Nanto City and launched on the digital Global Virtual Travel platform, this video is the first of its kind made outside the major tourist destinations of Japan.
この映像は南砺市とSeiRogaiが共同制作し、観光D Xプラットフォームの「Global Virtual Travel」で公開されました。日本の主要観光地以外で制作された初めてのVR動画です。

Our immersive VR Travel experience is designed to inspire those who love to travel without excluding those who can’t.
Watch the video here (you only need to sign up for a free account), or get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the film here. It’s possible to watch on a regular PC or smartphone, and VR headsets are not essential.
Visit Gokayama in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan

Want to travel where few have ventured before, and visit this captivating place for yourself?
Gokayama is located approximately 350km northwest of Tokyo and has received revived touristic interest following the release of the VR360 Virtual Tour. The closest airport is in Toyama, where you can get a bus to Ainokura.
Alternatively, you can drive from Tokyo in around six hours, or catch the three-hour bullet train to Toyama/Shin-Takaoka Station, followed by a 40-minute drive.
If you’re visiting nearby Kanazawa City, you can also drive in around one hour or catch the bus straight to Gokayama, making it easy to add as part of a larger itinerary.