
International Space Exploration Forum (Part 1)

Last month, the 2nd International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF2) was held in Tokyo, sponsored by Japan’s Cabinet Office, MEXT, METI, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The event was a gathering of high-level governmental representatives to examine how space exploration expands the horizons of humanity and how it challenges us to gain and share the knowledge, experiences, and benefits as common assets for all humankind.

文部科学省及び国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)は、2018年3月に東京都内で第2回国際宇宙探査フォーラム(ISEF2)を開催しました。国際宇宙探査フォーラム(ISEF)は、宇宙探査における国際協力の促進を目的とした閣僚級を含む政府レベルでの対話・意見交換の会議です。そして、私は次世代を担う若手を対象としたサイドイベント「Y-ISEF」(ISEF for Young Professionals)に誘われて、4日間のイベントに参加致しました。本サイドイベントでは、国内外の18歳以上から35歳程度までの学生や多様な分野で活躍するヤングプロフェッショナル約80名を幅広く募り、世界をリードする起業家や各国の政策決定者等と今後の宇宙探査について議論し交流する場を提供しました。

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Saturday Outing in Tokyo

Do you like concerts? Since young, I have often attended music concerts from philharmonic and opera to contemporary and jazz, and still very much appreciate being in a concert hall surrounded by music… I was surprised to learn that Tokyo actually has many concerts for reasonable/free tickets! Was invited to a Two Piano Concert in Bunkyo-Ku the other day; it was a beautiful performance (click here to watch a video).


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Red Carpet Party

Recently received invitations to an upcoming Red Carpet Party event in Tokyo, to be held at the Shangri-La Hotel on Friday, 23 March. Unlike in the U.S. (or during my time in Shanghai and Seoul), formal gala and black tie ball events seem pretty uncommon in Japan. The only one I have attended since moving to Tokyo was the Gala held for the 2017 CJIFF China-Japan Film Festival awards ceremony. Anyone know why this is? Perhaps this is mainly a cultural influence, as traditional Japanese culture tends to revere ceremonial events that are more meditative and muted (e.g.: think of tea ceremony, ikebana flower arrangement, or Noh theatre) rather than celebratory and exuberant in the Western preference.


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Aquarius Party@Restaurant Crescent

As 4 of 5 ladies at Whiz Partners have birthdays in January~February, we had an Aquarius Birthday Party to celebrate (treated by our boss, who also has his birthday in late January ^^). The venue of choice was Restaurant Crescent, a two Michelin star in Shiba Park!

弊社の女性社員は5人しかいないですが、4人のお誕生日は1月末から2月中旬までですので、水瓶座のお誕生日会をやりました~ (上司の誕生日も1月末ですので、先日、皆で御馳走になりました!笑)今回の会食は港区芝公園にある「レストラン・クレッセント」という高級フレンチ料理です。それに、外観は邸宅風でミシュラン2ツ星のお店ですので、お洒落なダイニングでした!

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The Straits Times

シンガポールに帰った時、弟と一緒に「ザ・ストレーツ・タイムズThe Straits Times」というシンガポール新聞の取材を受けさせていただきました。話題は国際的な生活やインターナショナルな経験やグローバルな人材など、色々な話しをしました。先日、出版されました。英語版だけですが、このリンクをクリックしてご覧ください~

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Tsukiji Fish Market

The Tsukiji Fish Market has recently become quite well known internationally, and many tourists make it a point to visit the market when in Tokyo. Ironically, however, many Japanese people living in Tokyo have never actually been to the market themselves!


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