
Yoshinoya Farm Fukushima

My latest trip around Japan was to visit Fukushima and explore the agricultural industry there. To many Japanese, Fukushima is known as the “Fruit Kingdom” because of its many seasonal fruits. Peaches are the most famous, but large quantities of cherries, Japanese pears, grapes, persimmons, and apples are also popular. Moreover, the prefecture’s signature beef “Fukushima-Gyu” (福島牛)can only comprise of high grade Japanese Black-type cattle fed, raised, and processed within the prefecture.

最近、福島を訪れ、そこでの農業を深く知るために少し体験をしました。 日本人にとって、福島は、季節の果実が多いことから「果実王国」として知られていますね。 桃は最も有名らしいですが、チェリー、梨、ぶどう、柿、りんごなどが大量に売られています。 また、福島牛は、県内で飼養、飼育され、処理された高級な黒毛和牛のみで構成されているみたいです。

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Play Games Learn Japanese

This new workshop series offers a unique curriculum where participants can learn practical Japanese language skills and gain valuable exposure to Japanese culture needed for business and society in Japan through media, featuring popular Japanese entertainment content such as anime, manga, and video games! What a fun new twist on Japanese classes!


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Autumn Colors I: Shosenkyo Gorge

This Autumn, I went on a day trip with Tokyo Gaijins to the Shosenkyo Gorge and Budou-no-oka winery in Igari/Katsunuma, Yamanashi! It was a beautiful trip, and hope to share my experience and itinerary with all of you!

※ This trip is in two parts: “Autumn Colors I: Shosenkyo Gorge” & “Autumn Colors II: Budou-no-oka Winery”

この秋、山梨県の伊賀里/勝沼にある御嶽昇仙峡とぶどうの丘ワイナリーに「東京ガイジン」という旅行会社の日帰り旅行をしました。 それは楽しい日帰り旅行でしたので、皆さんと私の経験と旅程を分かち合いたいと思います!


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Napa Valley Harvest Season

Napa Valley is north of San Francisco and known for hundreds of hillside vineyards! As a wine lover, it was a dream to visit Napa in the Autumn. The peak times to visit Napa are August through October (Harvest season) or March through May (Spring season). After attending several harvest dinners, grape stomping, and countless tasting sessions, here are some of my top recommendations!

ナパバレーはサンフランシスコの北にあり、何百もの山腹はブドウ園で知られています。 ワイン愛好家として、秋にナパを訪れるのがずっと夢でした。 ナパの一番ピークな時は、8月から10月(収穫期)または3月から5月(春期)らしいです。 いくつかの収穫後の夕食、グレープ・ストンプ(ブドウ踏み)、そして数え切れないほどの試飲会に出席した後、下記の事は私の一番のおすすめです!

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Day of the Dead

Have you heard of the Day of the Dead (known as “Día de los Muertos” in Spanish)?

Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated in Mexico between October 31st and November 2nd. On this holiday, Mexicans remember and demonstrate love and respect for their deceased loved ones. Because of its importance as a defining aspect of Mexican culture, Day of the Dead festivities have been recognized as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2008.

皆様、死者の日(ししゃのひ、スペイン語: Día de los Muertos、英語: Day of the Dead)を聞いたことがありますか?


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