Tayu Oiran Soto-Hachi Monji Walk




We had an oiran workshop to practice being an Oiran for the upcoming festival! An expert on the Oiran Culture came to speak to us about the history of Taiyu oiran in the Edo period and teach us how to do the unique Oiran Dochu walk for the parade! Before we put on the takageta sandals, we practiced walking the “Soto-Hachimonji” walk in the tatami room. 


After learning and practicing the walk in the tatami room, it was time to go out on the streets to practice with the Takageta sandals! These sandals have a 10cm high platform, and it was indeed rather difficult to walk in them! We practiced for about 3 hours, and with all the squatting movements, it was quite a workout! 

外八文字の動きは畳で何回か練習した後、外に行って高下駄を履きました。3時間ぐらい道の上で外八文字の歩き方で歩きました。練習の後で、足が痺れました… T.T翌日、筋肉がとても痛くなって、大変疲れました!

Do you want to try the “Soto-Hachimonji” walk for yourself?

Start position: Stand up straight on the Takageta.
While holding on to the shoulder of the person next to the Taiyu providing support
(usually a man, literally called the “borrowed shoulder”), bend at the waist and knees
while moving your foot out to trace a semicircle in the shape of the side of a coin.  
Finish the move with your foot at a slight angle facing out and away from you.
Try not to jerk – the whole step should be a relatively fluid motion, with knees soft
and slightly bent most of the time. 

自分で花魁の歩き方「外八文字歩き」をやってみたいですか?太夫役の三宅さんが、花魁の所作を指導する先生の言葉をメモに書きました。興味があれば、是非ノートの通りにやってみて下さい。結構難しいですが、楽しいですよ!^ ^


Group photo with the other ladies who will be Taiyu in the Oiran Dochu procession. 

By the way, I was recently mentioned in Japanese news! The Shinagawa Business News had an article featuring me as the first ever foreigner to be an Oiran in the festival! 

ちなみに、品川経済新聞の09月20日「旧東海道沿いの「しながわ宿場まつり」開催迫る おいらん役に初の海外出身者も」記事に名前が出ました。初めて日本のニュースになって、面白くて、楽しいと思います!

旧東海道沿いの「しながわ宿場まつり」開催迫る おいらん役に初の海外出身者も – 品川経済新聞 (keizai.biz)

恵穎(えさき)太夫は、もうすぐ花魁道中に登場しますね。時間はとても速く過ぎました!ドキドキしていますが、楽しみにしています!忘れないために、下記のイメージは最後のお知らせですよ~ 時間があれば、お越しください~!^^ 23日のパレードで会えるのを楽しみにしていますね!また明日~ v(^^)v


About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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