Japan Travel

Exclusive: Interview with Minato City
SeiRogai x 港区にインタビュー掲載

As COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., I’m thrilled to share that Minato City Hall and the Minato City Industrial Promotion Center gave us an exclusive interview that delves into the core of our company’s mission. At SeiRogai, our passion lies in serving as a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world, opening doors for companies to expand overseas and showcase this remarkable country. Continue reading for the full interview and story!


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Workcation in Ehime Prefecture

Ehime Prefecture, consisting of the northwest area of Shikoku Island and several smaller islands in the Seto Island Sea, is one of the lesser-known regions of Japan. I spent about a week there in January.

It was my first trip to the Shikoku area and to be honest, I was not sure of what to expect of Ehime. I had heard that even for Japanese people, many will choose to visit different regions on the Honshu main island first before venturing out to Shikoku.

However, I was pleasantly surprised to find Ehime a beautiful area to explore with tranquil nature and unique historical buildings.

In this blog post, I will share highlights of my time in Ehime exploring tourist attractions, meeting with the locals, as well as introduce the teleworking facilities we used!




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Happy New Year 2023!

In 2020, just before the coronavirus pandemic hit and changed so many lives around the world, I had rung in the new year at Zojoji Temple. As we are entering the post-covid era, I find myself again returning to Zojoji Temple in the new year. Although this time, it is related to our upcoming project filming a virtual tour of Zojoji Temple in collaboration with Minato City.

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An Oasis of History and Architecture in the Heart of Gion: Sowaka and La Bombance Gion
祇園の真ん中にある歴史と建築 心のオアシス: 「そわか」と「ラ・ボンバンス祇園」

The Gion (祇園) district of Kyoto is famous for its nostalgic appeal as a place offering visitors a historic atmosphere steeped in the world of traditional Japanese culture and arts. I spent a couple of nights in Kyoto recently and a friend invited me to stay at Sowaka, a charming hotel in the Gion-Yasuka district. The hotel is situated just a 3-minute walk down the street from one of the most popular tourist destinations in the entire region, the Yasaka Jinja shrine. In this article, I share a review of my experience at Sowaka and its restaurant, La Bombance Gion. 

京都の祇園は、日本の伝統文化や芸術の世界に浸りながら、歴史的な雰囲気が味わえるノスタルジックな場所として有名です。先日、京都に2泊3日滞在した際、友人に誘われて、祇園・八坂にある魅力的なホテル「そわか」に宿泊しました。このホテルは、この地域全体で最も人気のある観光地のひとつである八坂神社から、歩いてわずか3分のところに位置しています。今回の記事は、「そわか」とそのレストラン「La Bombance祇園」での体験を紹介したいと思います。

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Hanami 2022: My Uncle’s Wish
2022年度のお花見: 叔父の願い

As a metaphor for life itself, the hanami blossoms represent radiant beauty, yet also poignantly highlights the short lived, transient nature of life. This year’s hanami was a very different experience for me as the blooming season coincided with the passing of a beloved uncle… In this article, I wish to share five lessons I learned from my uncle’s last moments.
人生の比喩として、花は輝く美しさを表すと同時に、人生の短さ、はかなさを切実に浮き彫りにしています。今年の花見は、最愛の叔父が亡くなった時期と重なったため、私にとっていつもとは違った体験となりました… 今回は、私の叔父の最後から学んだ5つの教訓をお伝えしたいと思います。

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