
A Taste of Creative Gibier Cuisine in Japan

To me, nothing is quite as exciting as the thrill of trying out new dishes and new restaurants. The coronavirus pandemic has made me appreciate even more the novelty of diving into exotic dishes that were not prepared at home. Hence, when I was invited to try a new restaurant for JNTO’s (Japan National Tourism Organization) “Taste Tour Japan” series featuring Japanese Food and Restaurants, I jumped at the opportunity!

私にとって、新しい料理や新しいレストランを楽しむことほどワクワクすることはありません。今回のコロナ禍で、家では作らなかった異国の料理を食べることの新鮮さをより強く感じるようになりました。ですので、JNTO(日本政府観光局)の「Taste Tour Japan」シリーズで日本の食とレストランを特集するにあたり、新しいジビエ料理レストランに招待されたとき、私はその機会に飛びつきました!

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Onomichi III: Local Cuisine
尾道Ⅲ: 郷土料理

Onomichi’s past history as a hub of sea-faring traffic on par with Osaka and Kobe in the economy of Western Japan remains evident in the refined local cuisine, which used to cater to the tastes of wealthy merchants.

From Onomichi-style ramen and fresh seafood to modern dining and astounding bars, read on for my must-try Onomichi local cuisine recommendations!



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Nakiryu Michelin Starred Ramen

Looking for the best ramen in Tokyo? Nakiryu is the world’s second ramen shop to be awarded one Michelin Star (after Tsuta, which is actually only 1km away)! Located in Tokyo near Ikebukuro, the nondescript 10-seaters ramen restaurant is located down an alleyway about 10 minutes from Otsuka station on foot.

東京で最高のラーメンを探したいですか? 鳴龍は世界で2番目のラーメン店で、1個のミシュランスターが授与されました! 池袋の近くに位置し、大塚駅から徒歩約10分のところに、10人程がすわれるくらいの小さなラーメン屋があります。

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Tsukiji Market Tuna Fish Auction

A visit to the Tsukiji Fish Market Tuna Auction features in almost every Tokyo guidebook and is a must do in the city. Given that I now live in Tokyo, I figured it would be worthwhile to experience the auction at least once. A regular visit to the Tsukiji fish market would be to arrive around 9am or 10am and browse the many stalls. However, with only 120 visitors granted access to the famous tuna auction on any given day, securing a spot to watch the auction required a very early wake-up call (some people arrive as early as 1 am) and a little planning! Read on for some tips~

築地市場マグロの卸売市場の見学は、すべての東京のガイドブックに記載されており、都市での貴重な経験らしいです。 私が東京に住んでいる以上は、マグロの競りを1回ぐらい見学に行きたいと思っていました。 しかし、120人限定の訪問者のアクセスを許可されただけですので、オークションを見るための場所を確保することは、非常に早く起床して、事前に少し準備することが必要です。今回のブログにて、卸売市場に行くためのヒントをご紹介したいと思います。

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Tsukiji Fish Market

The Tsukiji Fish Market has recently become quite well known internationally, and many tourists make it a point to visit the market when in Tokyo. Ironically, however, many Japanese people living in Tokyo have never actually been to the market themselves!


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