Humbled to be presented a Certificate of Achievement as 1 of 92 Youth Volunteers for her contributions as Cohort II of the eMpowering Youths Across ASEAN (EYAA) Programme. This programme is sponsored by a partnership of the ASEAN Foundation and Maybank Foundation with the goal of empowering ASEAN youth leaders to implement their ideas on real-world volunteer projects which would lead to meaningful change in local communities across ASEAN.
I was part of a team of 8 other talented Youth Leaders and Volunteers to help the community of Sitio Tamale, Bongabon Nueva Ecija in a far-flung area along the slopes of Sierra Madre mountain range in Central Luzon Island, Philippines.
Together with the Global Peace Foundation, we implemented an on-site project to teach the residents of Sitio Tamale how to farm, market, and sell organic mushrooms and thereby better their livelihood by achieving a new source of income.