
Spring Yakuzen Medicinal Cuisine

Last October, I attended an Autumn Yakuzen Cooking Class and wrote about it in a post on 「薬膳教室 Yakuzen Cooking Class」(Japanese only). Had the chance to go for another class at Hills Yakuzen to learn more about medicinal cuisine for the Spring season!

去年の10月ごろ、一旦薬膳料理の教室に行ってきました。その経験で、「薬膳教室 Yakuzen Cooking Class」について、書きました。健康に役立つ漢方の知恵を、手軽な薬膳料理で取り入れてみたかったので、薬膳料理教室にとても興味があります。そして、ヒルズ薬膳の教室では、初心者にも嬉しい薬膳の基礎知識から、簡単な薬膳レシピや薬膳理論解説まで教えてくれました!

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Ohanami 2018: Kimono experience & Chidorigafuchi Boat お花見2018:

Some of you might have heard of Japan’s ohanami (お花見, ‘flower viewing’) season before. Basically, hanami refers to the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the transient beauty of flowers, primarily sakura (cherry blossoms). Unique to Japan, ‘hanami’ season is so much more than simply viewing flowers, it really becomes a huge, lively event for gatherings, outdoor parties, picnics, drinking, and marks the arrival of Spring. From the end of March to early May, cherry trees bloom all over Japan (except for the island of Okinawa, where they bloom in February). Hanami customs in modern Japan mainly involves going to a park for an outdoor picnic beneath the sakura trees during daytime or at night (called yozakura (夜桜, “night sakura”). As the blossoms only last a week or two, there is a certain beauty to taking a moment (or several days) to appreciate their transient beauty amidst a hectic schedule (usually, the peak of hanami takes place during the end of March to early April in Tokyo, which coincides exactly with the change of fiscal years in Japan).


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Spring Luncheon at Singapore Embassy in Tokyo

I was the emcee for a Spring Festival Luncheon Celebration held at the Embassy of Singapore in Tokyo. The event brought together the Singaporean community living in Japan, and also helped promote Japan-Singapore cultural exchange and interaction.


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Aoki Sake Brewery Tour

Recently had the opportunity to attend an exclusive brewery tour at Aoki Sake Brewery (, a small Brewery in Ibaraki Prefecture about an hour away from Tokyo. Ms. Chisa Aoki, the 9th generation family member continuing the brewery business gave us the tour of the premises and brewery process. (FYI, the Japan Sake and Sochu Makers Association has a great step-by-step explanation of the basic sake brewing process.) It was fascinating to see the actual process from start with milling and steaming the rice to finish with bottling!

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International Space Exploration Forum (Part 2)

My previous post 「国際宇宙探査フォーラム International Space Exploration Forum (Part 1)」was on my experience as a Y-ISEF participant learning about the space industry and working with other talented young professionals to present our ideas in the Ideathon. In this post, I wish to share my experience as a Questioner for S-ISEF (ISEF for high school Students; and representing Singapore on the Y-ISEF Reception stage.

前のブログは「国際宇宙探査フォーラム International Space Exploration Forum (Part 1)」で、Y-ISEFの参加者としての経験について書きました。でも、私はISEFの色んなイベントの参加者であることに加えて、スピーカーや質問者としても関わっていました。Y-ISEFが終わった後、次世代を担う高校生を対象としたサイドイベント「S-ISEF」(ISEF for Students)にも「質問者」として誘っていただきました。

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International Space Exploration Forum (Part 1)

Last month, the 2nd International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF2) was held in Tokyo, sponsored by Japan’s Cabinet Office, MEXT, METI, and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The event was a gathering of high-level governmental representatives to examine how space exploration expands the horizons of humanity and how it challenges us to gain and share the knowledge, experiences, and benefits as common assets for all humankind.

文部科学省及び国立研究開発法人宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)は、2018年3月に東京都内で第2回国際宇宙探査フォーラム(ISEF2)を開催しました。国際宇宙探査フォーラム(ISEF)は、宇宙探査における国際協力の促進を目的とした閣僚級を含む政府レベルでの対話・意見交換の会議です。そして、私は次世代を担う若手を対象としたサイドイベント「Y-ISEF」(ISEF for Young Professionals)に誘われて、4日間のイベントに参加致しました。本サイドイベントでは、国内外の18歳以上から35歳程度までの学生や多様な分野で活躍するヤングプロフェッショナル約80名を幅広く募り、世界をリードする起業家や各国の政策決定者等と今後の宇宙探査について議論し交流する場を提供しました。

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