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Napa Valley Harvest Season

Napa Valley is north of San Francisco and known for hundreds of hillside vineyards! As a wine lover, it was a dream to visit Napa in the Autumn. The peak times to visit Napa are August through October (Harvest season) or March through May (Spring season). After attending several harvest dinners, grape stomping, and countless tasting sessions, here are some of my top recommendations!

ナパバレーはサンフランシスコの北にあり、何百もの山腹はブドウ園で知られています。 ワイン愛好家として、秋にナパを訪れるのがずっと夢でした。 ナパの一番ピークな時は、8月から10月(収穫期)または3月から5月(春期)らしいです。 いくつかの収穫後の夕食、グレープ・ストンプ(ブドウ踏み)、そして数え切れないほどの試飲会に出席した後、下記の事は私の一番のおすすめです!

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Nakiryu Michelin Starred Ramen

Looking for the best ramen in Tokyo? Nakiryu is the world’s second ramen shop to be awarded one Michelin Star (after Tsuta, which is actually only 1km away)! Located in Tokyo near Ikebukuro, the nondescript 10-seaters ramen restaurant is located down an alleyway about 10 minutes from Otsuka station on foot.

東京で最高のラーメンを探したいですか? 鳴龍は世界で2番目のラーメン店で、1個のミシュランスターが授与されました! 池袋の近くに位置し、大塚駅から徒歩約10分のところに、10人程がすわれるくらいの小さなラーメン屋があります。

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Day of the Dead

Have you heard of the Day of the Dead (known as “Día de los Muertos” in Spanish)?

Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated in Mexico between October 31st and November 2nd. On this holiday, Mexicans remember and demonstrate love and respect for their deceased loved ones. Because of its importance as a defining aspect of Mexican culture, Day of the Dead festivities have been recognized as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2008.

皆様、死者の日(ししゃのひ、スペイン語: Día de los Muertos、英語: Day of the Dead)を聞いたことがありますか?


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Nyonya Cuisine

Nonya cuisine is one of my must-haves whenever I go back to Singapore! Have any of you heard of and/or tried Peranakan or Nyonya cuisine before? Read on to learn more about the origins of this cuisine, and also my Top 2 Favorite Dishes!

最近、シンガポールへ帰りました~ 皆様、プラナカンやニョニャ料理をご存知ですか?これは、シンガポール人の地元の料理ですよ!今回の話題は、プラナカンやニョニャ料理の解説をしたいと思います!そして、私のTop2に入る好きなニョニャ料理も紹介したいと思います!

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East Hokkaido 4: Lake Kussharo

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less traveled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Lake Kussharo with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は屈斜路湖について書きたいと思います~

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Autumn Fruit: Akebi

Have you ever seen or heard of the “Akebi” fruit (or chocolate vine)? Apparently, it is considered one of the Autumn delicacies in Japan. Bold and bright purple, it caught my eye when I saw it for the first time at my local supermarket. Was it a fruit? A vegetable? A potato? Having never seen anything like the Akebi before, I was curious about how it would taste and shelled out about 400 yen to take some home with me and give it a try.


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East Hokkaido Part III: Mount Io

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads, collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less travelled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Mt. Io with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は硫黄山について書きたいと思います~

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Okutama River Rafting

Recently, I went with a big group of 20 friends to try rafting down the Okutama river! Although rafting is not exactly the most popular activity associated with Autumn, it was so much fun to try this activity in the Tokyo Metropolitan area for the first time!


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East Hokkaido Part 2: Lake Mashu
道東2: 摩周湖

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less traveled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Lake Mashu with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は摩周湖について、ご紹介したいと思います~

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East Hokkaido Part 1: Lake Akan

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time.

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。

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Napa Valley Harvest Season

Napa Valley is north of San Francisco and known for hundreds of hillside vineyards! As a wine lover, it was a dream to visit Napa in the Autumn. The peak times to visit Napa are August through October (Harvest season) or March through May (Spring season). After attending several harvest dinners, grape stomping, and countless tasting sessions, here are some of my top recommendations!

ナパバレーはサンフランシスコの北にあり、何百もの山腹はブドウ園で知られています。 ワイン愛好家として、秋にナパを訪れるのがずっと夢でした。 ナパの一番ピークな時は、8月から10月(収穫期)または3月から5月(春期)らしいです。 いくつかの収穫後の夕食、グレープ・ストンプ(ブドウ踏み)、そして数え切れないほどの試飲会に出席した後、下記の事は私の一番のおすすめです!

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Nakiryu Michelin Starred Ramen

Looking for the best ramen in Tokyo? Nakiryu is the world’s second ramen shop to be awarded one Michelin Star (after Tsuta, which is actually only 1km away)! Located in Tokyo near Ikebukuro, the nondescript 10-seaters ramen restaurant is located down an alleyway about 10 minutes from Otsuka station on foot.

東京で最高のラーメンを探したいですか? 鳴龍は世界で2番目のラーメン店で、1個のミシュランスターが授与されました! 池袋の近くに位置し、大塚駅から徒歩約10分のところに、10人程がすわれるくらいの小さなラーメン屋があります。

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Day of the Dead

Have you heard of the Day of the Dead (known as “Día de los Muertos” in Spanish)?

Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated in Mexico between October 31st and November 2nd. On this holiday, Mexicans remember and demonstrate love and respect for their deceased loved ones. Because of its importance as a defining aspect of Mexican culture, Day of the Dead festivities have been recognized as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2008.

皆様、死者の日(ししゃのひ、スペイン語: Día de los Muertos、英語: Day of the Dead)を聞いたことがありますか?


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Nyonya Cuisine

Nonya cuisine is one of my must-haves whenever I go back to Singapore! Have any of you heard of and/or tried Peranakan or Nyonya cuisine before? Read on to learn more about the origins of this cuisine, and also my Top 2 Favorite Dishes!

最近、シンガポールへ帰りました~ 皆様、プラナカンやニョニャ料理をご存知ですか?これは、シンガポール人の地元の料理ですよ!今回の話題は、プラナカンやニョニャ料理の解説をしたいと思います!そして、私のTop2に入る好きなニョニャ料理も紹介したいと思います!

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East Hokkaido 4: Lake Kussharo

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less traveled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Lake Kussharo with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は屈斜路湖について書きたいと思います~

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Autumn Fruit: Akebi

Have you ever seen or heard of the “Akebi” fruit (or chocolate vine)? Apparently, it is considered one of the Autumn delicacies in Japan. Bold and bright purple, it caught my eye when I saw it for the first time at my local supermarket. Was it a fruit? A vegetable? A potato? Having never seen anything like the Akebi before, I was curious about how it would taste and shelled out about 400 yen to take some home with me and give it a try.


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East Hokkaido Part III: Mount Io

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads, collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less travelled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Mt. Io with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は硫黄山について書きたいと思います~

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Okutama River Rafting

Recently, I went with a big group of 20 friends to try rafting down the Okutama river! Although rafting is not exactly the most popular activity associated with Autumn, it was so much fun to try this activity in the Tokyo Metropolitan area for the first time!


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East Hokkaido Part 2: Lake Mashu
道東2: 摩周湖

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less traveled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Lake Mashu with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は摩周湖について、ご紹介したいと思います~

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East Hokkaido Part 1: Lake Akan

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time.

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。

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