This Autumn, I went on a day trip with Tokyo Gaijins to the Shosenkyo Gorge and Budou-no-oka winery inIgari/Katsunuma, Yamanashi! It was a beautiful trip, and hope to share my experience and itinerary with all of you!
※ This trip is in two parts: “Autumn Colors I: Shosenkyo Gorge” & “Autumn Colors II: Budou-no-oka Winery“
この秋、山梨県の伊賀里/勝沼にある御嶽昇仙峡とぶどうの丘ワイナリーに「東京ガイジン」という旅行会社の日帰り旅行をしました。 それは楽しい日帰り旅行でしたので、皆さんと私の経験と旅程を分かち合いたいと思います!

About the Shosenkyo Gorge
- Mitake Shosenkyo (御嶽昇仙峡, Mitake Shōsenkyō), outside central Kofu City, is one of Japan’s most beautiful gorges. It is part of the Chichibu Tama Kai National Park, which covers more than 1250 square kilometers of forested mountains, valleys and some rural towns in the prefectures of Yamanashi, Saitama, Nagano and Tokyo.
- The Shosenkyo Gorge is very popular amongst the Japanese during the autumn leaf season (called 紅葉 koyo), usually the most beautiful from late October to mid-November.
- 甲府市中心部の外にある御嶽昇仙峡は、日本の最も美しい渓谷の一つです。 山梨県、埼玉県、長野県、東京都の1250平方キロメートル以上の山岳地帯、谷間、いくつかの田舎町をカバーする秩父多摩甲斐国立公園の一部です。
- 10月下旬から11月中旬にかけて、最も美しい紅葉の季節には、日本の人たちの間で、御嶽昇仙峡がとても人気があるらしいです。
The Shosenkyo Gorge is just north of central Kofu City, the prefectural capital of Yamanashi Prefecture, 100 kilometers west of Tokyo. It is about a 2-hour bus ride from Shinjuku in Tokyo. We had an early 7am departure to make the most out of the day!
御嶽昇仙峡は、東京から西へ100kmの山梨県の県庁所在地、甲府市の北に位置しています。 東京の新宿からバスで約2時間です。 私たちは、午前7時過ぎに出発し、その日を最大限に活用しました!
Stop #1: Ride the Ropeway for Breathtaking Views

Our first activity in the morning was to ride the Shosenkyo Ropeway to access an observation point with panoramic views of the Southern Japanese Alps. You can even see Mount Fuji on clear days! The Ropeway takes you directly to a Panoramic Viewing Dock at the top of the mountain.
午前中の最初の活動は、日本のアルプス南部のパノラマの景色を見下ろす観測点にアクセスするために、昇仙峡ロープウェーに乗ることでした。 晴れた日に富士山を見ることさえできますよ!
昇仙峡ロープウェイ上空から, ロープウェイ山頂はパノラマビューの絶景です!すごく綺麗ですよ。

Tip: Hike to the “Yasaburou” lookout point

About a 10-minute hike from the Panoramic Viewing Dock is the “Yasaburou” lookout point, marked on the above map with the big red dot on the upper left hand corner!

These photos were taken atop of the “Yasaburou” lookout point – breathtaking 360° panoramic views just a short hike from the ropeway!


Stop #2: Walk along the Shosenkyo Gorge
After enjoying the Ropeway, we embarked on an easy hiking trial that leads for about four kilometers along the Arakawa River from the Nagatoro Bridge to the Sengataki Waterfall, offering beautiful scenery of the mountain river and valley. The entrance to the trail is about a 7-minute walk from the Ropeway.


Tip: Eat some local foods along the hike!
Above the waterfall, there is “Shosenkyo Taki Ue,” a small village consisting of souvenir shops and restaurants.


Tip: Spot animals and enjoy the natural surroundings!
Many interestingly shaped rocks which resemble and are named after animals or other objects can be seen along the hike.


To be continued…
To continue our day trip, let’s go for some wine tasting in Japan’s most well-known wine-growing region in “Autumn Colors 2: Budou-no-oka Winery”!