Autumn Colors 2: Budou-no-oka Winery


This Autumn, I went on a day trip with Tokyo Gaijins to the Shosenkyo Gorge and Budou-no-oka winery inIgari/Katsunuma, Yamanashi! It was a beautiful trip, and hope to share my experience and itinerary with all of you!

※ This trip is in two parts: “Autumn Colors I: Shosenkyo Gorge” & Autumn Colors II: Budou-no-oka Winery

この秋、山梨県の伊賀里/勝沼にある御嶽昇仙峡ぶどうの丘ワイナリーに「東京ガイジン」という旅行会社の日帰り旅行をしました。 それは楽しい日帰り旅行でしたので、皆さんと私の経験と旅程を分かち合いたいと思います!

※今回の日帰りは2つの部分に分かれて紹介します:「秋の色I:昇仙峡 」、「秋の色II:ぶどうの丘」


After the mountain walk in “Autumn Colors 1: Shosenkyo Gorge” along the river, we headed off to Budou-no-oka, a local winery about 30 minutes away!


About Wine in Japan
The history of winemaking in Japan started in the 19th century, and now wine is produced in various regions in Japan. Some pretty high-quality wines have been produced in Japan – even winning gold medals at international wine competitions in France! A wine tour in Katsunuma, Japan’s wine country, can be easily enjoyed as a day trip from Tokyo. In Yamanashi prefecture, Katsunuma lies in the beautiful countryside north of Mount Fuji. Katsunuma area is one of Japan’s most famous kingdoms of fruit where grapes, peaches, and plums are grown. The history of grape-growing in this region started in the 17th century. There are now almost 80 wineries, large and small, in Katsunuma where 27% of Japanese wine is produced. In October when vines are laden with grapes, lots of people come to enjoy visiting wineries and grape picking.

Stop #3: Wine Tasting in the Budou-no-oka Wine Cave

Arriving to the Budou-no-oka Winery. Budo-no-oka (ぶどうの丘) in Japanese means “Grape Hill” – aptly named after the grape vines that grow on the hillside!

Here you can enjoy absolutely stunning views of the mountains and vineyards.



Tip: Free Flow Tastings at the Wine Cave!

At the entrance to the wine cave! With an entrance fee of 1,100 yen, you are provided with a tastevin (wine tasting cup – see below for an explanation), and are able to freely taste more than 200 different locally produced wines! (In other words, pretty much free-flow wines! hehe)


What is a Tastevin?

Tastevin is pronounced “tastevin”.
“The tastevin is the old tasting cup used by tasters and wine producers. According to a custom going back to the 15th or 16th century, it is given as a christening present, for it is a tool rather than an “objet d’art” and people of Burgundy keep it in their pocket.

An essential utensil for winegrowers and wine tasters, the tâtevin (tâter = to taste) is the time-hallmark wine tasting cup. This cup, in solid silver or silver-plated, has a raised design so that the appearance and color of the wines, especially the reds, can be appreciated. The concavities bring out the ruby-red reflections. Sometimes, the cups have ripples and flutings, in which case the reflections take on a deeper hue.”
Click here to read more about the tastevin!


Koshu Wines

The wines crafted in Yamanashi are generally called “Koshu wines.” To put briefly what makes them so distinct, it is that they pair well with Japanese cuisine. A refreshing acidity and clean flavor is the perfect match for sushi, sashimi and tempura. Japan’s unique Koshu variety of grapes are mainly used. Although people tend to think of white wines when they think of Koshu wines, reds produced using the Muscat Bailey A grape are also popular. In just the Katsunuma area alone, one can find well over 200 wine brands – proudly exhibited in Budou-no-oka’s wine cave.



Tip: Check out the “Liberation of New Wines”

There was even a corner for local wines in the “Beaujolais Nouveau” spirit! Beaujolais Nouveau is possibly one of the most frivolous and animated rituals in the wine world – at midnight on the third Thursday in November, the new season’s Beaujolais is distributed and drunk all over the world.

※甲州種・マスカット・ベーリーA種の新酒ワインは、11月15日(Beaujolais Nouveauの日)より取扱開始されました!これも、好きなものを全部試飲できます!

*~*Did you know?*~*

Beujolais Nouveu is a surprisingly famous and popular event in Japan! As Japan’s time zone is ahead of Europe, the Japanese are the first to get a taste of the light red wine every year, and they are the first in the world to hold midnight Nouveau wine parties. In fact, Japan is the biggest export market for Nouveau, averaging about 60 million liters annually. (Japan holds a record of over 12.5 million bottles sold in 2004!)

Beaujolais Nouveau is as about as close to white wine as red wine can get. As a young wine, the astringent tannins normally found in red wines are absent, leaving an easy-to-drink, fruity wine. This, coupled with the fact that it tastes best when chilled, makes for a festive wine to be gulped rather than sipped, enjoyed in high spirits rather than critiqued.

Read more about the history behind Beaujolais Nouveau by clicking here.


Beaujolais Nouveauはおそらく11月の第3木曜日の真夜中に、新しいシーズンのボジョレが世界各地に分布して飲酒されている、ワイン業界で最もノリがよく活気のある儀式の1つらしいです。この祭りが日本でどれほど人気が​​あるのか​​、私は初めて知った時に驚きました!日本のタイムゾーンがヨーロッパよりも先行しているため、日本人は最も早く新しいボジョレワインを味わうことができ、これらの深夜パーティーを開催するのは世界で一番早いです。実際、日本はヌーボーにとって最大の輸出市場であり、約6,000万リットルですよ!(2004年には1250万本以上を売ったそうです!)。
ボジョレヌーボーは、赤ワインですが、白ワインに近いものです。 若いワインとして、赤ワインで通常見られる収斂タンニンは存在せず、飲みやすいワインを作り出します。 これは、冷やされたときに最高の味を味わうということができるし、お祝いの雰囲気で楽しむことができます。

「Final Thoughts」

Although I have visited various wineries across the U.S. and Europe before, it was my first time to use a tastevin for wine tasting. It was quite fun to feel like a professional sommelier in the wine cave! Moreover, after the tasting, you can keep the tastevin as a nice souvenir from your visit. However, to be honest, many of the local Yamanashi wines were not too great to taste, and perhaps a proper Riedel wine glass would still be my preference~

Click here to out my recommendations for visiting Napa Valley!



でも、正直に言うと、やっぱりリーデルグラスで飲むワインがいいかな~ ^^;



Check out Tokyo Gaijins for more fun events on their websiteFacebookInstagram, or Meetup page!


About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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