The Appeal of Liberal Arts



Since moving to Tokyo in early 2017, I have been invited on various occasions to speak to Japanese college and high school students on topics varying from liberal arts education, to international experiences, to global careers. To date, I have spoken before in South Korea, China, Singapore, and the United States, but it is my first time to participate in such an event in Japan. Moreover, delivering a speech (albeit brief) on “The Appeal of Liberal Arts” 「リベラルアーツの魅力」in Japanese was rather challenging, but I was glad I could do it.


Business Seminar at Samsung headquarters in Seoul, South Korea

Interview with Ignite Academy on importance of a global mindset


Webcast for a Chinese Education NPO


To be honest, I am not fond of public speaking, but have gradually gotten better over time and lots of practice. The opportunity to encourage others, especially students, by providing them new inspiration and perspectives motivates me. 


For example, I was honored to be invited as the 2017 Forum Speaker for the “Sagano High School · HLAB Collaboration” program in Kyoto.



Preparing for each speech forces you to reflect on your own experiences, decisions, and thoughts. I have found this process of reflection and deliberation to be refreshing and effective in enabling me to think more clearly every time about my own life direction and career moving forward.


By the way, it is my company’s annual End-of-Year party tonight. It will be my first time acting as the Emcee and Host in Japanese, but I will do my best to put on a good performance!


Lastly, I wish to summarize and share 3 key values that I believe contribute greatly to The Appeal of Liberal Arts.



第三のポイントはCRITICAL THINKINGです。リベラルアーツはコミュニケーションの一番いい勉強方法だと思います。この経験があるために、世界のどこにいても、プレゼンテーションができ、様々な人々と良いコミュニケーションをすることができるようになります。要するに、リベラルアーツ教育を通して世界の見方が変わります。

Firstly, Chance. Liberal Arts opens many doors for opportunities. Through a Liberal Arts Education, students can experience diverse majors and academic topics, providing so many more potential options and career directions for them to choose from when they think about what they would like to pursue. 

Secondly, International Perspectives. Through Liberal Arts, students can develop themselves as global talent and lead more global careers. Through a Liberal Arts education, students can also develop better self-understanding and establish their own unique identity.

Thirdly, Critical Thinking. Liberal Arts is one of the best way to learn communication and critical thinking skills. With a solid foundation in critical thinking, it is possible for one to go anywhere in the world and deliver effective presentations, and communicate with people from diverse backgrounds. Through a Liberal Arts education, students will change their perspective of the world. 



About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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