Techno Circus


In August, I went to Shinjuku to watch the non-verbal technodelic “Techno Circus,” the latest show created by world-famous performance group SIRO-A, presenting their spectacular mix of dance, comedy, cutting edge illusion, 3D visuals, and acrobats set to the latest techno music. 

This post features an exclusive interview with the SIRO-A team, the first Asian group to win the Golden Buzzer in America’s Got Talent! 

 8月に、新宿にある白A LIVEの「TechnoCircus」というノンバーバルショーを見に行きました!
白Aは2015年アメリカの国民的オーディション番組「アメリカズ・ゴット・タレント」で アジア人初の ゴールデンブザー賞を獲得しました~ 「TechnoCircus」 年齢や性別を問わず、誰でも楽しめると思います! ショーは、「テクノミュージック」と「最新テクノロジー」を融合させ、ダンス、コメディ、イリュージョン、アクロバットで展開していく全く新しい「ミクスド・エンターテイメント」です。カラフルな映像、面白いキャラクター、3Dのビジュアル、素敵なTechno音楽に合わせた。とても楽しくて、素晴らしいパフォーマンスでした。


I also made an appearance on the show! Can you find me? 
私も出っていますよ~ 見つけられますか? 

Interview with the SIRO-A Group

Rachel: Techno Circus was spectacular! How did you come up with the inspiration and idea for the show?

SIRO-A: We are influenced and inspired by all aspects in our lives, from Japanese traditional cultures to the latest pop trends. We are constantly brainstorming for new ideas to create a never-before-seen performance.


白A: 僕たちは伝統的文化から最新のポップトレンドまで、いろいろなものからインスピレーションを得ています。そして常に、今までみたことがない最新パフォーマンスを作ろうと、ブレインストーミングしながら、検討を重ねています。

R: When did you start performing? How long does it take to practice and prepare for a show?

S: SIRO-A was formed in 2002 by six High school classmates from Sendai – a city northeast of Tokyo. At first, we simply bought a projector and started playing with it. In 2010, we performed our current style of performance at the Shanghai Expo. There are multiple performances within one show, and each of the performances requires about three months of preparation time. We make sure to practice our performing skills throughout the year to make sure we’re always prepared for the next show.

レイチェル:いつ公演を始めましたか? ショーの練習と準備にはどれくらいの時間がかかりますか?

白A: 白Aは2002年仙台の高校の6人の生徒たちが結成し、プロジェクターを買って遊んだりするうちに2010年には上海万博に出演し、現在のパフォーマンススタイルを確立しました。


R: It is a very unique performance style indeed! What was it like to compete in the 2015 season of America’s Got Talent? How did you feel when you made it to the Semifinals?

S: The competition was one of the most difficult challenges for us ever. We had to create several new performances within a very short time period. We practiced our routines every day, and it was truly quite demanding. However, it was all worth it when we received unanimous applause and the Golden Buzzer to enter the semi-finals! It was the first time a contender from an Asian country had received a golden buzzer spot. It was a great experience for us.

レイチェル:確かに非常にユニークなパフォーマンススタイルですね!2015年のAmerica’s Got Talentに参加してどのように感じたのか? そして競技会中にどのように考えていたのか。準決勝に進出した気持ちをシェアしてください。

白A: 僕たちにとっては、今までで最も難しい挑戦の一つでした。短い期間にいくつかのパフォーマンスを作らなくてはなりませんでした。僕たちは新しいパフォーマンスを作り上げ、毎日練習し、満場一致の拍手とともにゴールデンブサーを獲得しました。それは僕たちにとってかけがえの無い経験でした。

Taking a souvenir photo after the show with all SIRO-A performers. 

R: No doubt an incredible experience on the world stage. As a group, what do you still want to improve? What is the next achievement for SIRO-A?

S: At present, we are working on a new show to entertain foreign tourists to Japan. We would like to make many new friends with audiences from around the world.

レイチェル:世界のステージで素晴らしい経験ができましたね。ご自分たちのパフォーマンスについて、何かもっと向上させたいことはありますか。 次の目標は何ですか?

白A: 今は日本に来てくださる観光客の皆さんにどうやって楽しんでいただくショーができるかを毎日考えています。世界中からのお客様と素敵な輪を作って行きたいです。

Interview with Kent the Clown, who is also known as the National Anthem Jukebox for being able to sing all the national anthems of the world from memory!


Rachel: What is your motivation for wanting to sing all national anthems of the world?

Kent: Firstly, when I think about world peace and diversity, the most important thing that comes to my mind is the need to understand and respect all cultures and perspectives that exist globally. This respect for international unity sparked my interest in the National Anthems, world histories, cultures and languages from around the world.

Secondly, I wanted to challenge myself to do the same thing that any computer or machine could do but had not been done by a human being before – memorize all the National Anthems of the world by heart.





R: How do you memorize and sing in so many different languages? What is the process for mastering so many songs?

K: Perhaps it is an ability I was born with. (: I have been listening to National Anthems every day for over twenty years! If you simply say a country’s name, or whenever I meet someone from a different country, the National Anthem of that country begins to play in my head.

レイチェル:どうやって多くの異なる言語を覚えて歌いますか? たくさんの曲を習得するプロセスは何ですか?

ケント:生まれつきです。なんてね(笑)。この二十年、毎日 国歌ばかり聞いています。  今では、誰かが国の名前を言ったら、勝手に頭の中で国歌を歌い始めるので、僕はただ口を開けてその真似をするだけです。

R: Wow. Every day for twenty years is a lot of dedication! Which country had the most difficult anthem to remember?

Kent: The National Anthems of India and Bangladesh were the most difficult to remember for me. It took over one month to remember each anthem! Coincidentally, these anthems were both written by the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore.



“Clowning” around ;P

R: I would never have expected that! What is your next goal?

Kent: I would like to sing all National Anthems at the Opening Ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

R: That would be an amazing feat! Thank you so much for joining me today. Good luck in achieving your goals and I hope that more audiences will be able to enjoy your spectacular performance! 

For those in Tokyo in September, their performance schedule is attached below. I would highly recommend all to watch! Perfect even for those who do not speak Japanese and especially for families with kids!



レイチェル:素晴らしい目標ですね!是非参加してください。頑張ってください! 取材に協力してくれてありがとうございます!多くの観客が素晴らしいパフォーマンスを楽しむことができることを願っています!!

興味がある方は、パフォーマンススケジュールは下記にあります!是非見に行ってください~ チケットはウェッブサイトにより、予約ができます。


About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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