2024 Summer Updates – Stay Cool & Keep Your Spirits High!
2024年の暑中見舞い- 暑い中でもやる気を出そう!

rachel summer travel

As the seasons change and the days grow increasingly sweltering, it has been quite some time since my last blog post. I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits.

With 2024 well into its second half, I thought it would be an opportune moment to reflect upon and update on the past six months. It has been a period marked by thrilling developments, new challenges, and heartwarming moments that have significantly shaped both my journey and SeiRogai’s trajectory.


Named “Top 15 Next Unicorn” by Tokyo Metropolitan Government at Innovation Leaders Summit 2023!

Woman on the pitch
Representing SeiRogai at the Innovation Leaders Summit 2023

I’m still brimming with excitement from our participation at the Innovation Leaders Summit 2023 (ILS2023) held on December 4th last year, where we had the incredible honor of being selected as one of Tokyo’s “Top 15 Next Unicorn” companies.


It was a privilege to represent SeiRogai to an impressive attendance of over 20,000 audience, including industry leaders and prospective partners.

Exploring the theme “Global Virtual Travel: Unlocking Boundless Adventures for Immersive Exploration”, we showcased how our cutting-edge VR technology is revolutionizing the travel experience.


「Global Virtual Travel: 地域の魅力を最大限に引き出す新しい観光DXの形」と題して、最新のVRテクノロジーを利用したバーチャルツアーについてご紹介しました。

This was my first official presentation in Japanese, and although I was initially quite nervous, it was an incredible opportunity to share our ideas and recent progress with a broader audience. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and am incredibly excited for what lies ahead. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to push the boundaries for future developments!


ILS2023でSeiRogai CEOのサムミヨル・ユエンとともに
With SeiRogai’s CEO Samuel Yuen at ILS2023

For more details, see:


SeiRogai Selected Among Tokyo’s Top 15 Rising Unicorns [SeiRogaiがネクストユニコーンTOP15に選出!]

Nanto City VR360 Virtual Tour in Gokayama – Premiere Release Ceremony and Press Event

「南砺市VR360度バーチャルツアー In 五箇山(相倉・菅沼)」お披露目会

南砺市長 田中さん(中央)とSeiRogai CEO サムミヨル・ユエン(右)と
Nanto City Mayor Mr. Tanaka (center) and SeiRogai CEO Samuel Yuen (right)

March was a month filled with immense pride and joy for our team! After months of dedication and hard work since August of last year, we were thrilled to unveil the culmination of our efforts – a breathtaking virtual tour of Gokayama (Ainokura and Suganuma), Nanto City.


On March 6th, we gathered at the Nanto City Hall to celebrate the completion of our virtual tour with a special launch event. I am overjoyed with the feedback from Mayor Tanaka about how the virtual tour was able to capture the essence of Gokayama, Nanto City’s hidden gems and enable people from around the world to discover its timeless charm.



The premiere ceremony and press conference was well-received and featured in a variety of local media outlets, including newspapers and television!


Moving forward, we’re committed to supporting the promotion of Nanto City through inbound tourism events, media campaigns, and the sale of local specialties. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the revitalization of the local economy.


For more details, see:


Journey Behind The Lens: Presenting The Nanto City Vr360 Virtual Tour In Gokayama [レンズの向こう側の旅:南砺市VR360度バーチャルツアー IN 五箇山をご紹介]

Back to School: Panel speaker at the 30th Harvard Asian Business Conference


パネリストの皆さんと – 左からLarry Liu(ラリー・リュウ)、Rachel Leng(レイチェル・リン)、Sara Jane Ho(サラ・ジェーン・ホー)、Yang Yang Zhang(ヤン・ヤン・チャン)、DJ DiDonna(ディージェイ・ディドンナ
Panel Speakers on “Entrepreneurship” panel – From Left to Right: Larry Liu, Rachel Leng, Sara Jane Ho, Yang Yang Zhang, and DJ DiDonna

Once again, March was a totally whirlwind full of milestones for me.


On March 31st this year, I had the incredible opportunity to join as a panel speaker at the 30th Harvard Asia Business Conference in Boston!

The Harvard Asia Business Conference is a legacy event with a three-decade-long history of serving as a discussion platform for critical policies and trends shaping modern Asia. This year’s theme, “Asian Momentum: Breakthrough Success in Asia and Beyond,” perfectly captured the dynamic and transformative nature of the region.



At the conference, I shared my insights on SeiRogai’s journey from ideation to execution at the Entrepreneurship Panel for contributions to driving innovation from Asia to the global stage. Drawing on my experience in the complex yet rewarding market of Japan, I highlighted the importance of digital transformation and cross-border partnerships in today’s entrepreneur landscape.


SeiRogai CEO サムミヨル・ユエンも出席し、ディスカッションに熱心に耳を傾けました
Samuel Yuen, SeiRogai’s CEO, attended the event and listened intently during the discussion

As a panelist, I had the privilege of engaging in thought-provoking discussions with over 300 participants from various fields. What made this experience even more special was the presence of many business school students among the audience, who were eager to learn from our discussion. Looking back, I believe that the forum was not just a platform for sharing SeiRogai’s story; it was a valuable opportunity to connect with and inspire the next generation of changemakers.


8 people in HABC 30
Commemorative photos with the panelists and conference organizers

For more details, see:


Rachel Leng Among Panel Speakers on Entrepreneurship at 30th Annual Harvard Asia Business Conference [第30回ハーバードアジアビジネスカンファレンスの起業家精神に関するパネルスピーカーの一人として、SeiRogaiのRachel Lengが登壇!]

Exhibit at the SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Showcase Program

「SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 ショーケースプログラム」出展

Most recently, we participated in “SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024“, an event organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, held from May 17th to 21st! This event is a gathering place for technologies and ideas aimed at tackling the world’s challenges.

直近のイベントとしては、5月17日から21日、東京都主催の「SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024」に出展しました!このイベントは、世界が直面する課題へ立ち向かうためのテクノロジーやアイデアが集まる場所です。

At the SeiRogai booth, we showcased our unique DX tourism platform, “Global Virtual Travel,” which utilizes the latest VR technology, along with our video streaming platform, “SeiRogaiTV.”

SeiRogaiの展示ブースでは、最新のVR技術を活用した独自のDX観光プラットフォーム「Global Virtual Travel」や、動画配信プラットフォーム「SeiRogaiTV」をご紹介しました。

As a Tokyo Bay eSG Partner, we are dedicated to contributing to the development of the local community and to the realization of a sustainable society.


man and woman introducing vr technology
SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024でSeiRogai CEOのサムミヨル・ユエンとともに
With SeiRogai’s CEO Samuel Yuen at SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024

A big thank you to everyone who visited our booth!


For more details, see:


SeiRogai’s Exhibition Report at SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Showcase Program!

「SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 ショーケースプログラム」の出展報告!

What’s Next?


Get ready for more exciting news! Our schedule for this summer and fall is packed with events that I can’t wait to share with you.

Mark your calendars for these exciting events:

さらにワクワクするニュースにご期待ください! この夏と秋のスケジュールには、皆さんにぜひお知らせしたいイベントがたくさんあります。


Yurakucho Innovation Fair in July
イノベーションフェア in 有楽町 2024  
July 2nd (Tue) – July 3rd (Wed), 2024
Booth No. 220
2024 年 7 月 2 日(火) ~7 月 3 日(水)
ブース番号 220

We had the opportunity to showcase “SeiRogaiTV,” our cutting-edge video streaming technology, at the Innovation Fair in Yurakucho from July 2nd to 3rd.
Stay tuned for our detailed event report!

Pikimama Summer Fair in August
August 24th (Sat), 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
2024年8月24日(土) 10:00−15:00

Join us at the Pikimama Summer Fair on August 24th at the Minato City Industrial Promotion Center. We’ll offer a VR tour that provides an immersive, fun experience for parents and children alike. Bring your family and enjoy a new kind of adventure!
港区立産業振興センターで開催されるPikimama Summer Fairに参加します。 ご家族で新しい没入体験を楽しんでいただけるVRツアーをお届けしますので、ぜひご家族揃ってお越しください!

Minato Ward Community Genki Fair in October 8回港区地域げんきフェア October 24th (Thu)

We’re thrilled to return to the Minato Ward Community Genki Fair on October 24th, 2024. This year, we’ll be showcasing our latest VR tours, giving you a chance to experience them firsthand. We can’t wait to connect with you there!
昨年も好評だった港区地域げんきフェアに今年も出展します。 今回は最新のVRツアーをご紹介しますので、ぜひ会場で体験してみてください。 皆様とお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!

For a sneak peek, take a look at our exhibition last year:
SeiRogai Exhibits at “The 7th Minato City Community Genki Fair

Upcoming Events

SeiRogai and I will continue to participate in various events throughout the second half of 2024, so please stay tuned for more announcements and updates throughout the year!


Reflections and Looking Forward


Half a year has swiftly passed, almost imperceptibly, as time often does when one is fully immersed in meaningful endeavors.

Reflecting on the past months, it has been a tumultuous yet exhilarating journey replete with challenges, triumphs, and invaluable lessons. It is indeed remarkable how much can transpire in such a brief period. Each experience, whether it presented smooth sailing or obstacles, has been a formative step, intricately shaping both my personal growth and the trajectory of SeiRogai.

As we advance toward the year’s conclusion, I am filled with a profound sense of introspection and eager anticipation. The achievements thus far have been commendable, yet they only serve as a prelude to the myriad possibilities that lie ahead. The remainder of the year presents itself as a blank canvas, awaiting to be imbued with novel adventures, groundbreaking ideas, and profound connections.




As the rainy season gives way to the intense heat of summer, I urge you all to take care and remain hydrated. As we continue this journey together, let us embrace the unknown with open hearts and minds, ready to turn every challenge into an opportunity for growth and innovation. Here’s to a promising second half of the year, filled with success, discovery, and the joy of shared experiences!



About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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