Sports Game

Baseball in Japan

I have heard that baseball in Japan (called “yakyū,” combining the characters for “field” and “ball”) is one of the nation’s most popular sports and often an exhilarating experience. Hence, it has been on my bucket list to witness a live game. Recently had the chance to watch the 89th Intercity Baseball Tournament between SEGASammy (Tokyo) and Mitsui Heavy Industries (Kobe). As my colleagues and I were invited by SEGASammy, we joined the SEGASammy Rooters team!

来日以来、日本の特別な野球文化について、よく耳にしましたので、自分自身で野球観戦へ行ってみたかったです。先週、初めて日本の野球観戦を見に行って嬉しかったです!セガサミー野球部が都市対抗野球の東京代表として準決勝まで進出していますので、たまたまWhiz Partnersの後藤さんに誘われて、私は山口さんと一緒に3人でセガサミールーターズの応援に参加しました!第89回都市対抗野球大会の優勝をめぐって、セガサミー(東京都)と三井重工神戸(神戸市)が東京ドームで試合をしました。とても楽しかったです!!!

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Have you ever wanted to try driving around Tokyo in a go-kart, much like the racing video game Mario Kart? MariCar is the go-kart rental service that provides these fun tours around Tokyo! You might have seen people driving past on the public roads in various character costumes if you have been in Tokyo for long enough. Finally had the chance to try the RMaricar tour myself recently!


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