Have you ever wanted to try driving around Tokyo in a go-kart, much like the racing video game Mario Kart? MariCar is the go-kart rental service that provides these fun tours around Tokyo! You might have seen people driving past on the public roads in various character costumes if you have been in Tokyo for long enough. Finally had the chance to try the RMaricar tour myself recently!
Special Discount Offer!! When making a reservation at Rmaricar, mention that you read “Rachel’s blog” to get: 1) 500JPY off for Go-pro rental2) Free Sports Cam for 1 hour (to take awesome videos of your ride)! Make a reservation now!! Bookings: [email protected]*Note that this is only for the Roppongi branch, Rmaricar! **Do not forget your International Driving Permit to drive in Japan! 特別割引キャンペーン もしRmaricarを予約される時に「レイチェルのブログを見た」と言ってくれたら Goproのレンタルを500円OFFに致します! 又は、ノーマルスポーツカメラの場合は1時間無料にします。 予約は E-mail から受け付けています! [email protected]* 一番大切なのは、運転免許証が必要です。外国の方は国際運転免許証がないと日本で運転できないのでご注意を。 |

Where do you go to rent these go-karts? I went to RMaricar, the Roppongi branch of Maricar. They have several branches around Tokyo, including in Shinagawa and Akihabara.
Given that you are riding a go-kart in Japan, you may want to do some Cosplay and dress up in your favorite character!

There were many costume options it was hard to make a choice! Should I pick Pikachu or Stitch? (^^)

Decided on Pikachu in the end!
It was actually a lot more fun than I thought dressing up in costume and riding around the streets of Tokyo!
We chose to do the 2 hour Course B. It was great to experience Tokyo in a new way riding around!
We rode past Tokyo Tower, Odaiba, Rainbow Bridge Roppongi, Shibuya, and Harajuku.

Along the way, we had the chance to take many photos! It was also super fun to have pedestrians and especially kids passing by wave to us and take photos – felt like a celebrity for a few minutes! 😉 We even went up to speeds of 70km/hr – it felt pretty fast as you are fully exposed in a go-kart!

皆のグループ写真で~す。Group photo 🙂
Recommended to all who want a unique experience of Tokyo, those who love MarioKart, and even those who just want something different to do on a weekend afternoon~