Japan Economy

Zia Mody

As the indisputable leader in Indian corporate law and ranked the #1 most powerful woman in India by Fortune magazine, it was very stimulating to hear her analysis of India’s future potential. After better understanding Zia Mody’s background and career path (full of a whole lot of pure determination and hard work!), I was even more inspired by how she has managed to achieve so much (well-deserved) success. She is a true role model not only for women in India, but for anyone who aims to achieve the best in their field internationally.

インドの会社法のゆるぎのないリーダーであり、フォーチュン誌によってインドで最も強力な女性の第1位に選出されましたインドの将来の可能性に関する彼女の講演を聞くことは非常に刺激的でした。 ジア・モディ氏のバックグラウンドとキャリアパス(純粋な決意とハードワークがいっぱい詰まっている!)はインドの女性だけでなく、自分の分野で国際的に成功することを目指している人にとってのロールモデルです。

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Napa Valley Harvest Season

Napa Valley is north of San Francisco and known for hundreds of hillside vineyards! As a wine lover, it was a dream to visit Napa in the Autumn. The peak times to visit Napa are August through October (Harvest season) or March through May (Spring season). After attending several harvest dinners, grape stomping, and countless tasting sessions, here are some of my top recommendations!

ナパバレーはサンフランシスコの北にあり、何百もの山腹はブドウ園で知られています。 ワイン愛好家として、秋にナパを訪れるのがずっと夢でした。 ナパの一番ピークな時は、8月から10月(収穫期)または3月から5月(春期)らしいです。 いくつかの収穫後の夕食、グレープ・ストンプ(ブドウ踏み)、そして数え切れないほどの試飲会に出席した後、下記の事は私の一番のおすすめです!

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China-Japan Film Festival


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Yebisu Beer Museum

In 1887, a small brewery specializing in German brewing methods started on an expanse of farmland and forested hills.
Three years later, Yebisu Beer was founded, named after the nearby train station and the name of the town.
Until today, people continue to love Yebisu Beer in Japan and all around the world!


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