Farming in Japan

Interview with Wasabi Cultivator David Hulme

On a day trip to Okutama (about an hour west of Shinjuku), I met with wasabi cultivator David Hulme, an Australian expat and former journalist who has been working hard to expand knowledge of wasabi growing and restoring an old wasabi patch!

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Wasabi Growing in Okutama

On a day trip to Okutama (about an hour west of Shinjuku), I met with wasabi cultivator David Hulme, an Australian ex-pat in Japan and former journalist who has been working hard to expand knowledge of wasabi growing while restoring an old wasabi patch!

奥多摩への日帰り旅行で、ワサビ栽培者David Hulmeさん(在日在住オーストラリア人の元記者)と出会いました!彼は古い山葵谷を復元するように成長しているワサビの知識を拡大するために懸命に働いています。

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Yoshinoya Farm Fukushima

My latest trip around Japan was to visit Fukushima and explore the agricultural industry there. To many Japanese, Fukushima is known as the “Fruit Kingdom” because of its many seasonal fruits. Peaches are the most famous, but large quantities of cherries, Japanese pears, grapes, persimmons, and apples are also popular. Moreover, the prefecture’s signature beef “Fukushima-Gyu” (福島牛)can only comprise of high grade Japanese Black-type cattle fed, raised, and processed within the prefecture.

最近、福島を訪れ、そこでの農業を深く知るために少し体験をしました。 日本人にとって、福島は、季節の果実が多いことから「果実王国」として知られていますね。 桃は最も有名らしいですが、チェリー、梨、ぶどう、柿、りんごなどが大量に売られています。 また、福島牛は、県内で飼養、飼育され、処理された高級な黒毛和牛のみで構成されているみたいです。

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