SunRockers Shibuya player Ryan Kelly, former LA Lakers and Duke Class of 2013!

Had a blast at the super close basketball game watching SUNROCKERS SHIBUYA vs. NIIGATA ALBIREX BB!
サンロッカーズ渋谷 対 新潟アルビレックスBB の試合を見に行きました!
Exciting to see Ryan Kelly, former LA Lakers & Duke Class of 2013, in action with the SunRockers!
Although the SunRockers did not win, it was a great game.
Nice play & awesome slam, Ryan!!
そして、Ryan Kellyさん(元LA LakersとDuke大学2013年卒業)とお会いできて嬉しかったです!

Ryan is so tall (211cm) that I didn’t even reach his shoulders although I was on my best tiptoe

With two of the SunRocker Girls. They put on great choreography throughout the match

Cute that they put kids photos of all the players on the Game Program for Kids Weekend!
Big thank you to the Duke Fuqua Japan Club for organizing!