Every August 9th, Singaporeans celebrate National Day with a grand parade (National Day Parade: NDP). Singapore achieved independence from Malaysia on August 9, 1965, and celebrated its 53rd Birthday in 2018!
毎年8月9日に、シンガポールは独立記念日にあたるナショナルデー(National Day)のために、豪華なパレード(National Day Parade:NDP)が開催され、盛大に祝います。シンガポールは1965年8月9日にマレーシアから分離独立したので、2018年で53周年を迎えました。

At the National Day Reception in Tokyo with Ambassador of Singapore to Japan, Former Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew
Since moving to Tokyo, I have attended various events organized in association with the Singapore Embassy in Japan, including the Singapore New Years Reception and Spring Luncheon.
私は、以前のシンガポール大使館の新年会 や 昼食会など、時々大使館の様々なイベントに出席します。今年のシンガポールナショナルデーレセプションにも参加しました。
Did you know that Japan’s National Foundation Day is celebrated on February 11th? According to Japanese legend, Jimmu, the first emperor, ascended the throne and started the nation on this date. However, I think to most Japanese these days, Valentine’s Day with all the fervor of chocolate-giving is probably the more celebrated day of the two! (Click to read more about unique Valentine’s Day customs in Japan on my previous blog post.) *** 日本の建国記念日は2月11日なのをご存知でしょうか? それは初代天皇である神武天皇が即位した日らしいです。でも、日本人はあまり祝いませんね。2月の祝日と言えば、日本人の大多数は2月14日のバレンタインデーの方が重要ですよね?(笑) (前のブログにて、日本式のバレンタインデーについて書きましたので、ぜひご覧ください~) |

This year, as part of the celebration for Singapore’s 53rd National Day, the Overseas Singaporean Unit in the Prime Minister’s Office and the Singaporean Associations in Japan collaborated to produce a short video! The theme was to feature Singaporeans living and working abroad in Japan, and I was honored to be one of the five profiled.
We even filmed at my office! It was so much fun and I am grateful that my colleagues were very supportive and even joined in the filming efforts.
Take a look at the video by Ciel Liu (www.cielimpression.com) below!
もし時間があったら、完成したビデオをご覧ください~ 私のプロフィールは2番目です。

We had some interesting “backstage” photos with Ciel, which I thought would be fun to share here.
Here are some of me pretending to give a presentation at our conference room.
Several of my colleagues joined into the acting and filming, including those from our hedge fund and private equity teams! 😉

Real scenes from the final video turned out a lot cooler than expected 😉

Last Thoughts
Every Singapore National Day, all Singaporeans will hold their right hand in a fist over their heart and recite the Singapore National Pledge in unison. I am doing just so in the photos below. For those who do not know about the Singapore National Pledge, click here.

Moving forward, I hope that my various activities will contribute to Japan-Singapore relations and encourage more diversity, mutual understanding, and collaboration.