The coronavirus crisis has hit the global economy like a storm never seen before, hurting millions of people financially.
During a time when money is alarmingly scarce for many people, those who have some extra cash (or are even actually saving money by being forced to stay home and spending less than during normal times!) ought to be extremely grateful.
People are increasingly turning to the prime opportunity to grow their wealth by investing spare cash when the markets are down.
However, how do you make the most of it?
What would Jim Rogers do?
I first met Jim Rogers during one of his trips to Tokyo where he shared his future economic forecast and gave me career advice as a young professional.
Curious about his outlook on the impact of the coronavirus and how to be a successful investor in such an unpredictable environment, I recently caught up with him over Skype!
Read on to understand why he warns against investing in Japan for the long term, his outlook on the coronavirus, as well as advice to the next generation for success despite a grim future forecast for the world economy!
Article Contents
1. Asia is the Future, but Do Not Invest in Japan
2. Invest in Korea: The Happiest Country in Asia
3. Outlook on the Coronavirus: Be Worried!
4. How to Be a Successful Investor
5. Advice to the Next Generation: How to Achieve Success Amid Uncertainty
6. Final Thoughts: My Key Takeaways
Asia is the Future, but Do Not Invest in Japan
Last year, Jim Roger wrote 3 best-selling books all warning against problems in Japan, including The Future of Japan and The World That Will Be Read Through the Flow of Money (January 2019).
これには、「日本への警告 米中朝鮮半島の激変から人とお金の動きを見抜く」(2019年1月)と「ジム・ロジャーズ 大予測: 激変する世界の見方」(2020年5月)が含まれます。

The international financial commentator has observed that “200 years ago, people moved to London; 100 years ago, they moved to New York; this century, the move is to Asia.” Although Jim has a strong positive outlook on the future of Asia as a region, he emphatically cautions that “Japan’s arithmetic does not work… [the country] is better now than it was before, but simple arithmetic does not add up… and someone needs to find a way to save Japan.”
国際的な金融コメンテーターのジム・ロジャーズは、「200年前、人々はロンドンに移住しました。 100年前、彼らはニューヨークにまた移住しました。
今世紀、動きはアジアに向けられています。」 ジムは地域としてのアジアの将来について強い肯定的な見通しを持っていますが、彼は「日本の算術はうまくいかない…[日本]は以前よりも優れていますが、単純な算術では成り立たない…日本を救う方法を見つけるために誰かが必要であることを強調します。」
According to Jim, with Japan’s population in decline, and debt levels continuing to increase, “unless somebody pays off the debt or has babies or has immigrants very quickly,” Japan will not be an attractive investment target. With high debt worldwide, Jim also warned that the next economic downturn and bear market will be “horrendous.”
Although he is a self-proclaimed fan of Japan as a travel destination with some of the best restaurants, service, attention to detail, and cultural history, he is adamant that Korea is Japan’s main competitor, and that “Japan cannot compete with an open Korea.” He indicates that tourism, agriculture, and the education sector are the most promising industries to consider for investments, and proposed spending cuts, lower tariffs, more births, and greater acceptance of immigration to “save” Japan.
As of April 1, 2019, the Japanese government introduced amendments to the Immigration Act allowing for more foreigners to work in Japan. (Click HERE to read my blog article on a seminar I gave on “Working with Foreigners in Japan” in response to this policy change). However, whether these amendments will be effective to support Japan’s dwindling workforce remains to be seen.
2019年4月1日の時点で、日本政府はより多くの外国人が日本で働くことを可能にする移民法の改正を導入しました。 (このポリシーの変更に対応して私が「日本で外国人と働くこと」について行ったセミナーに関しするブログ記事は、ここをクリックしてご覧ください)。 しかし、これらの改正が日本の減少する労働力をサポートするのに効果的であるかどうかはまだ不明です。

Invest in Korea: The Most Exciting Area in Asia
Jim believes that in the near future, Korea will be the “most exciting area” among Asian countries, butthe main obstacle to this is that the US army does not want to leave. He nonetheless predicts that South and North Korea will open and emphasizes the Korean Peninsula as a “hot target for investment.” Unification would save money earmarked for defense (national defense budget) and save lives in both countries. While there might be resistance, he said combining natural resources and labor from North Korea with capital and ability from the South would improve upon the status quo. (Read about my experience visiting the DMZ border in Korea!)

ジムは近い将来、韓国がアジア諸国の中で「最もエキサイティングなエリア」になると信じていますが、これに対する主な障害は、米軍が韓国を離れたくないということです。 にもかかわらず、彼は南北朝鮮が統一されると予測し、朝鮮半島を「投資のホットターゲット」として強調しています。 統一は、両国の防衛のために割り当てられた予算を有効に費やし、人命さえも救うでしょう。 抵抗があるかもしれませんが、彼は北朝鮮からの天然資源と労働力を、韓国からの資本と能力を組み合わせると現状を改善できるでしょうと話しました。
When asked about the basis for his assumptions about Korea, Jim points out, “South Korea is one of the 10 largest economies in the world now. [It] is not a poor country. [People] should do their homework. This is not 1959. It is now [the 21st century]. [Korea] is ready to be independent financially.” If it were up to him to spur the opening process, Jim also says he “would go to the 38th parallel and meet Mr. Moon and take down the border guards and have a K-pop concert. And I will open the border and let people come and go and open the economy.” The key to Korea’s success will be deregulation of the economy, as current regulations in Korea are so strict that it is hard to invest.

Outlook on the Coronavirus: Be Worried!
Speaking from his home in Singapore, Jim believes that the country is making a mistake by closing down. If it were up to him, he would not have closed down. He makes the point that “there have been many epidemics in history, but never before has the world closed down… the cure can be worse than the disease.” For COVID-19, the “current cure has been horrible, ruining many lives, but we will only know in a few years.”
Jim warns me that we should all be very worried about the future. He has commented on numerous occasions that world debt has skyrocketed since 2008, and the next global economic crisis would be the worse in his lifetime. The time has come. We now find ourselves in a situation where debt is becoming worse, exacerbating economic woes. However, he warns that it is “not over yet – at the moment, markets are rallying. Nearly every economy in the world has printed a huge amount of money, and are borrowing or spending it.” As money goes into markets, the markets will go up.
「現在、市場は回復しています。 世界のほとんどの国が大量のお金を印刷し、

Despite the fact that he has published several books (and has 2 more books upcoming) discussing problems in Japan, Jim himself has bought into Japanese shares (mostly ETFs at this stage). Jim observes that “the Bank of Japan has been going into work early, printing and spending money as fast as they can (on bonds, stocks, etc.).” Under these circumstances, he believes that “stocks can still go up for a while, with a lot of money flooding the world.” At this time, he is looking at companies operating in distressed industries such as tourism, transportation, and agriculture.
日本での問題を論じた本を何冊か出版している(そして、今後も2冊の本を出版する予定)にも係わらず、ジム自身は日本の株を買いました。 ジムはまた、「日本銀行は早期に業務を開始し、できるだけ早くお金を印刷し、(債券や株などに)費やすようになった」と述べています。 これらの状況下で、彼は「株式はまだしばらくの間上昇する可能性があり、大量のお金が世界にあふれている」と信じています。現在、彼は観光、交通、農業などの将来に問題を抱えた産業を運営している企業を観ています。
Yet, the US “only cares about the election in November” and is making the same mistake as the UK in the 1920s, where it was once the richest and most powerful county, but spent and borrowed too much. By scattering assets everywhere, the UK has since lost its position as the top world economy.
For those who are unsure about investing in stocks, Jim advises that saving money in the bank is still a good strategy with one caveat – you need to know the right currency to put your money in! Personally, Jim holds on to USD, but mentions that the Japanese Yen “might be okay.”
ジムは、銀行へお金を預金することは、株式への投資について不安な人にとっては、依然として良い戦略であるとアドバイスしています。 でも、注意しなければいけないことが1つあります!あなたのお金を預けるのに適切な通貨を知ることは非常に重要です! 個人的には、ジムは米ドルを保持していますが、日本円は「おそらく大丈夫です」と述べています。
How to Be a Successful Investor
To be a successful investor, Jim instructs me not to listen to anyone but myself. Ultimately, people who are successful and happy in life must follow their passions and trust in themselves.
In his own words, “don’t listen to some guy on the TV or internet… everyone wants a hot tip! Everyone wants to get rich this month! Hot tip will ruin you… Invest only in what you and yourself know a lot about.”
彼自身の持論は、「テレビやインターネットで誰かの言うことを聞いてはいけません…誰もが飛び切りの情報を望んでいます! 皆はすぐに金持ちになりたい! ですが、飛び切りの情報はあなたを破滅させます… あなたと自分自身がよく分かっていることのみに投資してください。」
Jim stresses that being a successful investor is, in fact, BORING. You are not going to get rich fast. The fundamental strategy is to follow your passion and dive deeply into the things that you like and get a good understanding of them. Then, when you see changes happening in your niche that you know will be good, simply do some research and invest. Jim’s advice: “If everyone treated it like they only had 20 investments to make in a lifetime, then everybody would be more careful and successful!”
ジムは、投資家として成功することは、実のところは詰まらないことであると強調しています。 あなたはすぐに金持ちになりたいわけではありません。 基本的な戦略は、あなたの情熱に従い、好きなものに熱中し、それらをよく理解することです。次に、自分の得意なことで起きている変化が良い物と分かったときに、調査を行って投資します。 ジムのアドバイス:「誰もが一生のうちに20件だけの投資をするならば、誰もが今以上に注意深くなり、そして成功するでしょう。」
Although Jim says that AI and Blockchain will be some of the most exciting things in the 21st century, if people are not interested in it then it will not do any good for them. If we look back in history, everything people thought at a certain time, was wrong 15 years later. Whatever we think now, is probably going to be wrong in 2035!
For those who feel that they do not know much about anything or have not found their passion, Jim advises to put money in a bank (being mindful of choosing the right currency!), then travel if you can or even “just look out the window until you see and find something, then do your research.”
Having driven around the world twice, Jim spent 5 years seeking adventure, different lives, and chasing a desire to see the world from the ground up. During his travels, every turn brought him something new – sometimes it was a great surprise, other times he found his own life in danger. Nonetheless, the exposure to many different people and backgrounds and seeing as much of the world as possible is the best way to inspire new ideas and discover interests, which will then lead to successful investments in life.

Advice to the Next Generation: How to Achieve Success Amid Uncertainty
Famous as an “Investment Biker” for his twenty-two-month, fifty-two-country motorcycle odyssey, Jim does not hesitate to stress the importance of everyone, especially youth, to stay curious and see the world. Jim shared a story where even when he was riding through poor villages in rural areas, whenever he asked a mother if he could take a photo of her child, the mother would always want to have her child look the best possible. Such behaviors highlight how people are not that different from one another despite widely different socioeconomic circumstances, and that there needs to be more interconnection and mutual understanding globally.
ジムは、22か月間、52か国をオートバイで旅をして書いた「Investment Biker (冒険投資家ジム・ロジャーズ 世界バイク紀行)」が有名で、特に若い内は好奇心を持ち、世界を見聞することが、すべての人に重要だと強く説いています。
When I asked him on what young professionals and students can do in these uncertain times to develop their careers. His advice: “Don’t do what people say you should do, and don’t listen if they say you are crazy. Do what you believe in… Once you are successful, everybody will come back claiming credit after even if they didn’t believe you back when you started.”
若い専門家や学生がこの不確実な時代に彼らのキャリアを発展させるために何ができるかを彼に尋ねた時、彼のアドバイスは:「あなたがやるべきだと言われていることをしないでください。そして、あなたがクレイジーだと言われたら、それを真に受けてはいけません。 あなたが信じていることを行ってください… あなたが成功すると、彼らは最初にあなたを信じていなかったとしても、後であなたのところに戻ってきますよ。」
For example, imagine this: If you really enjoyed gardening as a kid, and everyone told you not to pursue gardening because it would not bring you great success, but you did it anyway. Later on, if you started a company providing gardening services, and this company grows and maybe even IPOs on the stock market, you would find that many people suddenly start appearing. Parents will come back saying that they gave you the seeds to start gardening, teachers will say that they always knew you were different and would be successful (even if they didn’t), and old friends will suddenly approach you saying they need jobs. As Jim says, the morale of the story is that “if anyone laughs at your idea, view it as a sign of potential success!” After all, he credits his own success to the idea that he has always made money by straying away from the herd. Only by wandering away from the action can you find the way to the new action.
例を上げてみましょう。次のように想像してみてください。あなたは子供の頃からガーデニングが好きで、楽しんでいても、将来大きな成功に繋がらないので、皆からガーデニングの仕事をしないように言われました。でも、好きなことですので、とにかくそのようにしました。後で、ガーデニングサービスを提供する会社を立ち上げ、この会社が成長し、株式市場でIPO(上場)が行われるようになると、突然多くの人々があなたの前に現れ始めるはずです。両親は、園芸を始めるためのきっかけの種を与えたと言って戻ってきます。教師や先生は、あなたがいつも他の人と違っていて成功するだろうと常に思っていたと言うでしょう(たとえそうでなかったとしても)。古い友達は突然あなたに近づいてきて、「私は仕事が必要だ」とあなたに言います。ジムが言うように、この話の要点は「誰かがあなたのアイデアを笑ったら、それは潜在的な成功のしるしと見なすことです!」最終的には、彼は自分が一般の群れから離れて常に自分自身でお金を稼いでいるという考えに自分の成功を信じています。 いつもの行動から離れて、一歩踏み出すだけで新しい未来への道を見つけることができます。
As a proud father of two daughters aged 16 and 12, Jim tells me that his daughters have been the best learning experience for him. He stresses that the ability for youth to think independently and stay curious is imperative, and tries in every way to encourage their interests and ideas. Additionally, Jim strongly believes that for his daughters’ generation, Asia and mandarin will be extremely important.
Ultimately, financial education is very important – it can make and destroys lives. Jim gave piggy banks to his daughters at a very young age to not only teach them the importance of saving, but also the fact that there are many different currencies in the world! I believe this approach is a great way for parents to help their children grow up globally minded.

Final Thoughts
In these times of coronavirus, perhaps the most important lesson to keep in mind is that there is a crucial need to recognize change and react accordingly. Those who are still thinking that the world will “return to normal” and the way it was before are the ones who will be swept aside by inevitable change.
コロナウイルスの時代において、おそらく心に留めておくべき最も重要な教訓は、変化を認識し、それ相応に応じることがとても重要であるということです。 世界が「今まで通りの日常に戻る」とまだ考えている人々には、避けられない変化に追いやられるでしょう。
My Key Takeaways from Jim Rogers’ Advice
- Learn to listen to your intuition and trust your own judgment about your own true potential, even when other people are highly skeptical.
- Focus on your passions, but also work on broadening your passions by constantly experiencing and learning new things outside of your comfort zone.
- Hard work and persistence DOES payoff: Jim never stopped studying and wound up in Yale and then a scholarship to Oxford from rural Alabama! More important than this, however, is the willingness and ability to thrive amid change.
- You are never too young to start seeing as much of the world as possible, as this will contribute richly to your ability to approach opportunities with a global perspective.
- 他の人が非常に懐疑的であっても、自分の直感に耳を傾け、自分の真の可能性について自分の判断を信頼することを学びましょう。
- 自分の情熱に焦点を当てるだけでなく、常に安全地帯の外で新しいものを体験して学習することにより、情熱を広げることにも取り組みます。
- 懸命な努力と粘り強さが成果を生む:ジムは勉強を続けて、アラバマ州の田舎からエール大学を卒業し、そして、オックスフォード大学で奨学金をもらいました!しかし、これよりも重要なのは、変化の中で成長するための能力と意欲です。
“Never act upon wishful thinking. Act without checking the facts, and chances are that you will be swept away along with the mob.”
“Not one country in existence today has had the same borders and government for as long as two hundred years. The world will continue changing.”
“Beware of all politicians everywhere. They excelled at recess when they were in school but have excelled at little since.”
“The Roman censor Appius Claudius the Blind said, “Every man is the architect of his own fortune.”