Wishing you health, wealth, and new blessings to count each day in 2023!
In 2020, just before the coronavirus pandemic hit and changed so many lives around the world, I had rung in the new year at Zojoji Temple. In Japan, many people visit temples and shrines during the new year to do “Hatsumōde ” (初詣), or the first prayer and wish of the new year.
About New Year’s Eve or Ōmisoka in Japan:
Ōmisoka or ōtsugomori is a Japanese traditional celebration on the last day of the year. Traditionally, it was held on the final day of the 12th lunar month. With Japan’s switch to using the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of the Meiji era, December 31 is now used for the celebration.
As part of the celebrations, at midnight, many visit a shinto shrine or temple for Hastumode, or the first shrine/temple visit of the year. Throughout Japan, Shinto shrines prepare amazake (sweet sake) to pass out to crowds that gather as midnight approaches. Most Buddhist temples have a large bonshō (Buddhist bell) that is struck once for each of the 108 earthly temptations believed to cause human suffering. When seeing someone for the last time before the new year, it is traditional to say “Yoi o-toshi wo” (良いお年を, lit. “Have a good New Year”). The traditional first greeting after the beginning of the New Year is “Akemashite omedetō (明けましておめでとう, lit. “congratulations on the new year”).
Zojoji Temple for Hatsumode in 2023
As we are entering the post-covid era, I find myself again returning to Zojoji Temple in the new year. Although this time, it is related to our upcoming project filming a virtual tour of Zojoji Temple in collaboration with Minato City.
During the first week of the new year, we visited Zojoji Temple not only for Hatumode, but also to interview some of the monks and key representatives of the temple for our production.
Watching the Sunrise
Another popular activity for starting off the new year in Japan is to catch the sunrise. I recently had the good fortune to catch several beautiful sunrises while filming, including the below photos when I visited Tochigi Prefecture.
To me, the sunrise is a reminder that there is always something to look forward to. Every sunrise brings with it the promise of a new beginning. No matter how dark and cold the night may have been, the sun will always rise again.
So, when we see the sunrise at the beginning of a new year, we can take a moment to reflect on all the good that is yet to come. And have hope that this year will be a better day than year before, starting with a new day.