Rachel Leng, Co-Director of Events at the Harvard Club of Japan, assisted in organizing and moderating the event, which was held on October 9, 2024, at the International House of Japan. The event was organized by the Harvard Club of Japan in partnership with and hosted by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Singapore Global Network (SGN).
The event opened with opening remarks from the Honorable Noriyuki Shikata, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Malaysia and Former Cabinet Secretary for Public Affairs at the Prime Minister’s Office, who set an engaging tone for the evening.

Mr. Tan Kong Hwee shares his important perspectives on international economic trends.
Tan Kong Hwee様は国際経済動向に関する重要な視点を共有しました。
Rachel then facilitated a discussion with special guest Mr. Tan Kong Hwee, Executive Vice President of Singapore EDB. Their dialogue offered valuable insights into global economic development and the complexities of Singapore-Japan trade relations, focusing on key themes such as economic collaboration, investment opportunities, and the evolving challenges and prospects within the Asia-Pacific region.
レイチェルは次に、シンガポール経済開発庁(EDB)の副社長であるTan Kong Hwee様との特別対談を進行しました。彼らの対話では、グローバルな経済発展やシンガポール・日本間の貿易関係の複雑さについて貴重な洞察が提供され、経済協力、投資機会、そしてアジア太平洋地域における進化する課題と展望といった主要テーマに焦点が当てられました。

Rachel poses alongside Singapore EDB EVP Tan Kong Hwee, Ambassador Noriyuki Shikata, and EDB Regional Director Mr. Koi Foong Ho, capturing the essence of collaboration and shared insights at the event.
レイチェルは、シンガポールEDB副社長のTan Kong Hwee様、日本大使の四方敬之様、EDBリージョナルディレクターのKoi Foong Ho様と共に、イベントでの協力と共有された洞察を象徴する一枚に収まりました。
The event was well-attended by participants, including officers from EDB Singapore and alumni from the Harvard School. The evening provided a valuable platform for networking and engaging discussions, fostering connections among participants.

Honorable Noriyuki Shikata delivering an impactful address during the opening remarks.

Mr. Tan Kong Hwee highlights the support measures EDB Singapore provides for Japanese companies.
Tan Kong Hwee様は、シンガポール経済開発庁(EDB)が日本企業向けに提供する支援策を強調しました。

Mr. Koi Foong Ho offering remarks before the dinner reception.
ディナー・レセプションの前に挨拶するKoi Foong Ho様。