International Travel and Culture

East Hokkaido Part 2: Lake Mashu
道東2: 摩周湖

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less traveled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Lake Mashu with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は摩周湖について、ご紹介したいと思います~

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East Hokkaido Part 1: Lake Akan

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time.

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。

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VR Zone Shinjuku

VR Zone Shinjuku is the world’s largest VR arcade located in the heart of Tokyo! Went to try out some games there recently, and it was a lot more fun than I had expected!

この間、東京・新宿にある「VR ZONE SHINJUKU」へ行ってきました!「VR ZONE」といえば、エヴァンゲリオン、マリオカート、ガンダムなどのアニメ・ゲームの世界を体験できるものを中心に様々なVRアクティビティが揃っている施設です。私は初めてVRを通じて、新しいゲームを体験できました!想像していたよりずっと楽しいものでした!!

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Summer in Japan: Watermelon Splitting

Have you ever heard of Watermelon Splitting? Suika-wari (スイカ割り, literally “Watermelon Splitting”) is a traditional Japanese game that involves splitting a watermelon with a stick while blindfolded. It is often played by kids in the summertime, usually at beaches but also at picnics, festivals, and other summer events. I first heard about this game from a Japanese friend, and recently tried playing it myself on the beach at Odaiba! Read on for my experience of this game, some fun facts and a short quiz!



スイカ割りって、日本だと夏って印象ですが、海外ではないと思います。 似たような文化はメキシコで行われる「ピニャータ」ということかもしれません。とても面白そうですので、絶対やってみたいなぁと思いました。最近やっとお台場海浜公園に自分自身でやってみました!

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Japanese Wedding

I was so happy to receive my first invitation to a Japanese wedding just over a month ago. The bride: Mao Miyake-san, one of the ladies who had participated in the Oiran Dochu parade together with me last year. (For those who have not read about my experience as an Oiran, click HERE for my previous blog post!)

私は6月に初めて日本の結婚式に招待されたことをとても嬉しく思います。 花嫁は去年私と一緒に花魁道中に参加した女性の一人、三宅真央さん。(花魁土中のニュースについて、まだ読んでいない方は、ぜひリンクをクリックしてご覧ください~)

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Kanreki Celebration at Ukai Toriyama

At the end of May, my family came to visit Japan to celebrate my father’s 60th birthday. At 60, according to the Chinese zodiac, a person has returned to the calendar sign under which the person was born after completing a full cycle of the twelve-pronged zodiac calendar. Although originally a Chinese tradition, it is arguable that Japanese society probably observes this tradition more closely now.


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