
Jim Rogers’ Investment Advice

I first met Jim Rogers during one of his trips to Tokyo where he shared his future economic forecast and gave me career advice as a young professional. Curious about his outlook on the impact of the coronavirus and how to be a successful investor in such an unpredictable environment, I recently caught up with him again over Skype! Read on to understand why he warns against investing in Japan for the long term, his outlook on the coronavirus, as well as advice to the next generation for success despite a grim future forecast for the world economy! 


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“Love in the Time of COVID”: A Letter to My Mother

Today (May 5th) is my mother’s birthday. I had wanted to travel to celebrate with her in person, but unfortunately, the coronavirus outbreak thwarted all of those plans. Instead, I am celebrating with her virtually, beginning with a birthday letter that I wrote.

Read my letter published on SGN’s website as part of their “Love in the time of Covid” series!

今日(5月5日)は母の誕生日です。 私は母と直接会って祝うために旅行したかったのですが、残念ながらコロナウイルスにより私の計画のすべてを妨害しました。代わりに、私はバーチャルで母と一緒に祝っています。母への手紙から始まります。

SGNに公開された「Love in the time of Covid (コロナの時代の愛)」シリーズの一環として私の手紙をぜひご覧ください。

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I have personally gone through countless websites and webinars to select my recommended list of SIX BEST FREE ONLINE COURSES ON COVID-19 that I feel provides the most time-efficient & effective education on this important topic affecting all of our lives.

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Interview with The Japan Times

Thanks to The Japan Times for the feature on their Japan Network Updates!

「The Japan Times」(ジャパン・タイムズ)という新聞の記事に掲載されました!英語で書きましたので、一応日本語版も和訳しました。

Japan Times Article Link:

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How to Get Tested for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tokyo

Amid all the confusion in Japan (and globally) with regulatory changes in response to the coronavirus outbreak as infections increase, there is limited updated information in English on how foreign residents and tourists in Tokyo can get tested and treated for the COVID-19 virus. Moreover, much of the information is conflicting or ambiguous.

To clarify important details, I called my Local Ward Health Center (保健所), the Tokyo Covid-19 Call Center (新型コロナ受診相談窓口), and “Himawari,” (ひまわり) the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Medical Advisory Service (東京都 医療機関 薬局案内サービス) providing a help desk for foreigners and non-Japanese speakers numerous times for more information.

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The 13th Japan International Manga Awards

Last month, I attended the 13th Japan International Manga Awards, where 4 winners were selected from hundreds of submissions from around the world. t first, I expected that many of the submissions would be from China and South Korea (both are countries with popular localized versions of manga, called Manhua 漫画 or Manhwa 만화 respectively), or other East Asian countries. I was surprised to learn that many of the winning works and runner-up nominations came from artists in countries such as Israel, Brazil, Spain, and even far flung countries in Africa and the Middle East such as Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Egypt!

先月、私は第13回日本国際漫画賞の授賞式に参加し、そこで世界中から寄せられた何百もの応募の中から4人の受賞者に会いました。 最初は、応募作品の多くが中国か韓国(漫画のローカルバージョンが人気のある国であり、それぞれ、「マンフア」と「マンワ」と呼ばれています)からのものであると予想していましたが、他の東アジアの国々からの応募もありました。受賞作品や準優勝ノミネート作品の多くがイスラエル、ブラジル、スペインなどの国のアーティストからであり、そしてさらにはナイジェリアやアフガニスタンやエジプトなどのアフリカや中東の遠い国々からの応募作品もあることを知って驚きました!

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