Red Carpet Party

Shall we enjoy a glamorous evening at the 
Red Carpet Party in Tokyo?

Use discount code ‘redvip’ to get 50% off ticket prices!




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Recently received invitations to an upcoming Red Carpet Party event in Tokyo, to be held at the Shangri-La Hotel on Friday, 23 March. Unlike in the U.S. (or during my time in Shanghai and Seoul), formal gala and black tie ball events seem pretty uncommon in Japan. The only one I have attended since moving to Tokyo was the Gala held for the 2017 CJIFF China-Japan Film Festival awards ceremony. Does anyone know why this is? Perhaps this is mainly a cultural influence, as traditional Japanese culture tends to revere ceremonial events that are more meditative and muted (e.g.: think of tea ceremony, ikebana flower arrangement, or Noh theatre) rather than celebratory and exuberant in the Western preference.

Many U.S. cities have charity balls and black tie galas held at luxurious venues such as opera houses, museums, or hotel ballrooms. For example, New York’s The MET Gala and MOCA Ball are two of the most famous events. The Boston Ballet Ball was one of my favorites. Universities such as Harvard and Duke also threw formal events every season (e.g.: Spring Formals and Winter Balls) to fundraise and promote networking. With the ladies dressed up in gorgeous gowns and the gentlemen in dapper tuxedos, these exciting events are a great way to raise money and meet new people~ Diverse themes from Venetian and Masquerade to fairytales and popular movies made each event unique and entertaining to attend! <Check out photos of past events below!>

If you are in Tokyo on Friday March 23rd, why not join me at the Red Carpet Party? It promises to be a fun and fabulous evening! Remember to use the ‘redvip’ discount code and get 50% off your ticket price~ ♥


At the 2017 CJIFF “Golden Crane” Awards Cemony


この点については、日本はアメリカとは違います。アメリカに住んでいた時、季節的なBlack Tie Gala(ブラックタイガラ)やCharity Ball(チャリティーボール)のイベントはよくあります。例えば、Spring Galaは毎年の春に行って、Winter Ballは毎年の年末に参加できます。Venetian Ball (古典的なベネチア人風)やMasquerade(仮面舞踏会)やHollywood Stars(ハリウッドスター、エルビス・モンローなど)とか、色んなテーマの正式的なイベントがあります。

Long gowns are my favorite! 私は長いドレスが好きですよ~ ♥ ♥

アメリカのレッドカーペットは、催事などで、歓待の意を表すため、高官や著名人などが通るところに敷かれる赤い絨毯だけじゃなくて、お洒落なビジネスネットワークキングや慈善団体の募金活動を目的として行っていますよ。New YorkのThe MET GalaとMOCA Ballは最も有名な二つらしいです。Los Angelesのハリウッドでももちろんあります。そして、 様々な都市のバレエ団やオーケストラは自分のガライベントがあります(例えば、毎年のBoston Ballet Ballはとても人気です)。会場は、多くの場合、バレエ団、博物館、またはホテルのボールルームです。

Attending a Harvard University Charity Ball

ハーバード大学のBlack Tie Charity Ballで写真を撮りました~


とにかく、もし時間があれば、一緒にエレガントな夜を楽しみませんか? 50%割引チケットがありますよ~ 「redvip」割引コードを是非使ってください~☆ 皆様にお会いできますことを心よりお待ちしております。♥

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About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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