Napa Valley Harvest Season


Napa Valley is north of San Francisco and known for hundreds of hillside vineyards! As a wine lover, it was a dream to visit Napa in the Autumn. The peak times to visit Napa are August through October (Harvest season) or March through May (Spring season). After attending several harvest dinners, grape stomping, and countless tasting sessions, here are some of my top recommendations!

ナパバレーはサンフランシスコの北にあり、何百もの山腹はブドウ園で知られています。 ワイン愛好家として、秋にナパを訪れるのがずっと夢でした。 ナパの一番ピークな時は、8月から10月(収穫期)または3月から5月(春期)らしいです。 いくつかの収穫後の夕食、グレープ・ストンプ(ブドウ踏み)、そして数え切れないほどの試飲会に出席した後、下記の事は私の一番のおすすめです!



Visit a famous winery!


There are quite a number of world-famous wineries in Napa, including Stag’s Leap, Duckhorn, Screaming Eagle… Many of the expensive wineries require advance reservations and tastings can be quite expensive (often around or more than $100 per person). I think it is worthwhile to pick one to visit, even if only just for the experience. Personally, I really enjoyed visiting Opus One! It was a fantastic experience learning about the vineyard’s history, and the architecture was very beautiful.

Stag’s Leap、Duckhorn、Screaming Eagleなど、世界的に有名なワイナリーが数多くありますね。高価なワイナリーの多くは事前予約が必要です。また、テイスティングは非常に高価なこともありますよ。(参加費一人USD100以上は普通のことです!高~い!)>.<;


私は、Opus Oneを訪れて本当に楽しかったです! ぶどう畑の歴史を知るのは素晴らしい経験でした。その上に、ワイナリーの景色は驚くほど美しかったです。

About Opus One Winery

Opus One Winery, a winery in Oakville, California about 20 minutes away from downtown Napa by car, was founded as a joint venture between two legendary winemakers: Baron Philippe de Rothschild of Château Mouton Rothschild (one of the most prestigious French wineries) and Robert Mondavi to create a single Bordeaux style blend based upon Cabernet Sauvignon grown in Napa Valley.

In 1984, Mondavi and Rothschild released their first vintage – the most expensive Californian wine of the time at $50/bottle. To date, Opus One ranks among the most expensive red wines produced in the Napa Valley, with recent vintages retailing for over $300~$400 per bottle.


Opus One Wineryについて

オーパスワンワイナリーは、カリフォルニア州オークビルのワイナリーにあります(ナパのダウンタウンから車で約20分程かかります)。2つの伝説のワインメーカーとの合弁会社として設立されました。Château Mouton RothschildのBaron Philippe de RothschildとRobert Mondaviが、ナパバレーで栽培されたカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンをベースにしたボルドースタイルのシングルブレンドを創りました。

1984年に、MondaviとRothschildは最初のビンテージを発表しました。1ボトルの値段はUSD50で、それはその当時の最も高価なカリフォルニアワインでした。 今と比べると安いでしょう?今日まで、Opus Oneはナパバレーで生産された最も高価な赤ワインにランクインされています。最近のビンテージは1本あたりUSD300〜400ドル以上の小売りをしています。

On the way to the winery’s tasting room. The estate’s architecture is so beautiful!

ワイナリーの試飲室へ行く途中。 建築物はとても美しいですね!

Tasting the 2013 and 2015 vintages of Opus One in the Partners’ Room.

Opus Oneのパートナールームで、2013年および2015年のヴィンテージを試飲しました。

Ponder the refined taste of Opus One wine while enjoying a beautiful view of the winery’s grounds.


Robert Mondavi Winery is just across the street from Opus One, making it easy to visit both vineyards together!




Tour a winery and learn about the winemaking process!


With hundreds of wineries to choose from, you are spoilt for choice picking a few to tour. Definitely take the time to go on a few tours to learn about the winemaking process and explore the vineyards!

何百ものワイナリーからツアーを選ぶことができます。 ワイナリーツアーに行き、ワイン造りのプロセスについて学ぶことを強くお勧めします!

You get to walk through the vineyards and try many different types of grapes!


Napa is one of the most diverse wine-growing regions in the world because half of the world’s 12 recognized soil orders and 33 different soil series (even volcanic types!) can be found in the region. This is due to the varied topography – vineyards range in elevation from sea level to 2,600 feet (800 meters)!



Vats filled with wine after the harvest.


I learned that each wine barrel is equivalent to about 300 bottles of wine! Wow.


There are over 600 vineyards in Napa Valley. Did you know that nearly 89% of all United States wine is produced in California, and roughly a third of California wineries are based in Napa County, but only about 4% of California wine is produced in Napa? Crazy to think that one of the most renowned winegrowing regions in the U.S. is also one of the smallest for actual wine production!

ナパバレーには600以上のブドウ園があります。 アメリカのワイナリーの約89%がカリフォルニアで生産されており、そしてカリフォルニアワイナリーの約3分の1がナパ郡に拠点を置いていますが、ナパではカリフォルニアワインの約4%しか生産されていません。 米国で最も有名なワイン栽培地域の1つが、実際のワイン生産のための最小のものの1つであることを知ったのはとても驚きでした!



Have fun grape stomping!


Visiting Napa during Harvest Season wouldn’t be complete without trying out some grape stomping for yourself! Grgich Hills Estate is one of the wineries to offer this special activity to visitors.

ハーヴェストシーズン中にナパを訪問すると、自分自身で「グレープ・ストンプ」を体験できますよ!これを絶対おすすめします!Grgich Hills Estateは、この特別なアクティビティを訪問者に提供しています。

It was fun to stomp on grapes with your feet in a barrel! The grapes get in between your toes and your feet are stained with grape juice – but that just adds to the fun!

足で樽のぶどうを踏みつけるのはめちゃくちゃ楽しかったです!! ブドウはつま先の間に入り、足はグレープジュースで染められていますが、それだけで楽しい経験になりますよ!

(Don’t worry, the grapes people stomp on are not used for any wines. The winemaking process is very high-tech these days and people no longer need to manually stomp on grapes, hehe.)


How about some champagne at sunset?



About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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