Chanel Mademoiselle Privé


Chanel Mademoiselle Privé & Masterclass with Bruno Pavlovsky


In October, I attended the re-opening of Chanel’s Mademoiselle Privé Exhibit and a masterclass event with Bruno Pavlovsky, President of Chanel Fashion. Tokyo is the fifth stop of the exhibition’s tour, after London, Seoul, Hong Kong, and Shanghai.


Read on for some photos from the exhibition during the pre-opening and my key learnings from the masterclass!


Chanel’s Mademoiselle Privé Exhibit


The exhibition features a unique layout with five sections over two floors inspired by different elements of the French fashion icon Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel’s private creation studio in Paris. Each room features a distinct color that represents the brand (white for the staircase, beige for the sofa, black for the dining room, red for the writing desk and gold for the fireplace) with haute couture creations displayed alongside bottles of the No.5 perfume and original jewelry pieces.

展覧会は、フランスのファッションアイコン ガブリエル「ココ」シャネルのパリのプライベートクリエーションスタジオに触発された2つのフロアに5つのセクションがあるユニークなレイアウトを特徴としています。 各部屋には、ブランドを表す独特の色(階段は白、ソファはベージュ、ダイニングルームは黒、ライティングデスクは赤、暖炉はゴールド)が特徴です。 香水とオリジナルのジュエリーも展示されています。

“Mademoiselle Privé”


These two words are on the sign of the door to Mademoiselle Chanel’s Creation Studio on the third floor of 31 rue Cambon in Paris. As the title of the exhibition, visitors are invited to “open Chanel’s door of creation, to embark on an immersive journey into the sources of the creative universe of the fashion house.”

I am standing here in front of a redrawing of the actual door behind which work was done, signifying an extremely exclusive experience.

これら2つの言葉(マデモワゼル・プリヴェ)は、パリのカンボン通り31番地の3階にあるマドモアゼルシャネルのクリエーションスタジオへの扉に書いてあります。 展覧会のタイトルとして、訪問者は「シャネルの創造の扉を開いて、ファッションハウスの創造的な宇宙へ旅に出る」ように招待されています。


Some sneak peek photos of the exhibit during the pre-opening:


Black for the Dining Room


Did you know that before Chanel made black popular, it was seen as a color worn primarily by nuns (if not reserved solely for funerals)? I am certain that if black was not such a predominant color in Chanel’s fashion, it would not have been quite so popular in Japan. After all, many Japanese seem to have a special affinity with black clothing, wearing black dresses and suits day in and day out!

シャネルが黒を流行らせる前に、葬儀のためだけか又は主に修道女が着用する色として知られていました。 シャネルのファッションにとって、黒がそれほど主体的な色でなければ、日本ではそれほど人気がなかったでしょう。 結局のところ、多くの日本人は黒い服に対して違和感を持っていなかったので、黒いドレスとスーツをよく着ていますね!

Red for the Writing Desk:

“The Color of Life and Blood”



Gold for the Fireplace


Personally, this was my favorite section – I have no doubt that almost every girl loves to glitter and sparkle!


Masterclass with Bruno Pavlovsky


After visiting the exhibit, I attended a masterclass with Bruno Pavlovsky, President of Chanel Fashion.

Having worked at Chanel for over 30 years, Bruno shared his vision for Chanel and shared insights to how Chanel manages its branding.



With each market that Chanel enters, the brand faces the challenge of balancing contributions from local markets with some original brand point of view. Every market is a unique combination and the best way to execute effective branding, according to Bruno, is to appeal to customers in each specific market. It is necessary even for Chanel to adjust their brand to local perspectives.

To demonstrate this point, Bruno highlights that Chanel has over 200 boutiques. Although this number is fewer than some of their competitors, Chanel places strong emphasis on each boutique to contribute uniquely to the image of the brand.

シャネルが参入する各市場で、シャネルのブランドは地元市場でのブランドイメージと、独自のブランド視点とのバランスを取るという課題に直面しています。 ブルーノ氏によると、すべての市場はオリジナルの組み合わせであり、効果的なブランディングを実行する最良の方法は、特定の各市場の顧客にアピールすることです。 シャネルにとっても、ブランドを現地のイメージに合わせて調整する必要があります。

この点を示すために、ブルーノはシャネルが200以上のブティックを持っていることを強調しています。 この数は競合他社の数よりも少ないですが、シャネルはブランドのイメージに独自に貢献するために各ブティックに力を入れています。

Ultimately, the key to effective branding is to “first understand your own message and brand in order to effectively communicate it to customers.” Once you know what you want to deliver, and have in mind a concrete idea of the brand you want to create, customers will come naturally.

最終的に、効果的なブランディングの鍵は、「最初に自分のメッセージとブランドを理解して、それを顧客に効果的に伝える」ことです。配信したいものがわかったら、作成するブランドの具体的なアイデアを頭に入れます。 その結果、顧客は自然に集まります。

With regards to digital trends and e-commerce, Bruno states that there are still no plans to sell fashion items via e-commerce. Perhaps this is unsurprising, given the fact that luxury brands such as Chanel firmly believe in the importance of unique in-store experiences.

Finally, Bruno also touched upon issues of sustainability – Chanel is making efforts to be more sustainable in sourcing its materials, and along these lines, recently stopped using exotic skins.

デジタルトレンドと電子商取引に関して、ブルーノは、電子商取引でファッションアイテムを販売する計画はまだないと述べています。 シャネルなどの高級ブランドは店内で直接商品に触れる体験の重要性をしっかりと信じているという事実を考えれば、これは驚くことではないでしょう。


At the event, I also met with Guillermo GUTIERREZ, the current CEO of Chanel Japan,

& Chairman Richard Collasse who is well-known in Japan for his active role overseeing the construction of the emblematic Chanel building in Tokyo’s Ginza district. ^^/

このイベントでは、シャネルジャパンの現CEOのGuillermo GUTIERREZ氏にもお会いしました。

そして、東京の銀座地区に象徴的なシャネルの建物の建設を監督した彼の積極的な役割で日本によく知られているRichard Collasse会長。^^/

Last Thoughts


The Mademoiselle Privé Exhibit was a spectacular experience to learn about Chanel’s history, designs, and the story behind conceptual ideas. Definitely worth a visit for all Chanel fans!

During the masterclass, I learned a lot about Chanel’s modern vision, branding strategy, and also the ongoing challenges they face. It was eye-opening to hear about how Chanel makes a concerted effort to adapt local contributions as part of its global brand, and insightful to have Bruno Pavlovsky repeatedly stress the foundational elements of successful branding (i.e., understanding what you want to deliver is the best way to ensure that the brand message will be effectively communicated to customers!).

Personally, I would have liked to hear more specifically what Bruno Pavlovsky, as President of Fashion, believes are the greatest opportunities for Chanel in the future. Moreover, I am curious to understand what he identifies as the areas that presently need the most improvement for the Chanel brand to continue to evolve.






The exhibition is open to the public at the B&C Hall-Tennoz in Tokyo from October 19th to December 1st.


B&C Hall-Tennoz2
Chome-1-3 Higashishinagawa, Shinagawa City,
Tokyo 140-0002, Japan

About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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