Play Games Learn Japanese


Last month, I visited the Japanese Language and Media Institute (JLMI) to try out their latest “Japanese Pop Culture and Language Learning Workshops.” JLMI is under the Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy, one of the leading schools in Tokyo for training professional visual media translators.

先月、私はJapanese Language and Media Institute (JLMI)を訪問し、最新の「日本のポップカルチャーと語学学習ワークショップ」に出席しました。JLMIは、プロの映像メディア翻訳者を育成する東京の有力な学校の1つである「日本映像翻訳アカデミー」というアカデミーの一部です。

Japanese Pop Culture and Language Learning Workshops


This new workshop series offers a unique curriculum where participants can learn practical Japanese language skills and gain valuable exposure to Japanese culture needed for business and society in Japan through media, featuring popular Japanese entertainment content such as anime, manga, and video games! What a fun new twist on Japanese classes!


What is JVTA?


Established in 1996, JVTA is a school that trains professional visual media translators who create subtitles and voiceovers. In 2016, it created the Global Communication Art Institute, which teaches the skills needed to do global PR.


Attending the Workshop!


I attended the workshop on “Useful Japanese Found in Video Games” where I had the new experience of recording a video game walkthrough in Japanese!


Aim of the workshop –

“Try your hand at a simple video game walkthrough using Japanese learned through fun and engaging class activities! We will practice natural speaking rhythm, tone, greetings, and learn about Japanese culture through some of Japan’s most popular video game titles. You will also learn interesting gamer lingo, as well as many useful Japanese phrases and vocabulary based on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test level N5 (JLPT N5).”ワークショップの目的 –

“楽しく魅力的な授業で学んだ日本語を使って簡単なビデオゲームの実況プレイを試してみてください!日本で最も人気のあるビデオゲームのタイトルを使って、ナチュラルなリズム、トーン、挨拶をし、日本文化を学びます。また、日本語能力試験N5JLPT N5)に基づいて、面白いゲーマー用語や、便利な日本語のフレーズやボキャブラリーを学ぶことができます。”

Lesson Content: Learning New Vocabulary


First we learned various verbs, nouns, as well as adjectives/modifiers and expressions both commonly used and specific to videogames. It was really fun learning outlandish vocabulary such as how to “teleport to X” (転送する, tensou suru) or “charge at Y” (溜め撃ちをする, tameuchi wo suru)! As gaming can become very emotional, we also focused on a lot of emotional expressions. 

まず、様々な動詞、名詞、一般に使用されるビデオゲームに特有の形容詞/修飾語及び表現を学びました。 「Xに転送する」や「Yに溜め撃ちをする」など、面白い語彙を学ぶことができるのはとても面白かったです! ゲームが非常に感情的になる可能性があるので、多くの感情表現に焦点を当てました。 

Studying hard! よく勉強しています!!

Recording a Game Walkthrough in Japanese


After learning so many new words, we had the challenge of reviewing, preparing, and recording a short video game walkthrough in Japanese!


I recorded a walkthrough playing The Legend of Zelda, one of the most popular video games created by Nintendo! Keep scrolling for a video of me in the recording room doing the walkthrough below~

任天堂が作った最も人気のあるビデオゲームの一つである「ゼルダの伝説」を実況プレイしてみました! 下記にある実況プレイのレコーディングルームで私のビデオを見てください!

Some photos during the recording session!


Game Walkthrough Recording with Professional Equipment!


Check out my final recording file!! What do you think?

私の完成したレコーディングファイルを聴いてください!! どう思いますか?

Can you pick up on some of the new words and gamer lingo I tried to use? 😉

私が使用してみようとした新しい単語やゲーマー用語のいくつかを拾うことができますか? ;)

It was a great experience practicing my Japanese speaking skills through a game walkthrough. It was actually much harder than I had expected, as you have to be really fast in articulating your thought process and create commentary spontaneously in Japanese depending on what you see happening in the video game. Perhaps you can hear from my voice and see from the videos that I was actually quite nervous!




Final Thoughts


Although I have been living in Japan for over a year now, I learned so many new words through the workshop that I have never used before. It is amazing that video games can actually be a great resource for education where you can learn things (both linguistically and culturally) that would not be taught in class or a textbook!

私は1年以上日本に住んでいますが、新しいワークショップを通じて、たくさんの新しい言葉を学びました。 ビデオゲームは授業や教科書で得られないようなもの(例えば、言語的および文化的なこと)を学ぶことができる教育のための大きなリソースになることができると思います。

Other interesting workshops included using professional subtitling software to create Japanese Anime subtitles, learning Japanese by singing J-Pop and Anime songs, and even Japanese anime voice acting sessions! Hopefully I will have another chance to try a different workshop next time!

その他の面白いワークショップでは、プロの字幕作成ソフトウェアを使用して日本語アニメ字幕を作成したり、J-Popやアニメの歌で日本語を学習したり、日本のアニメの音声演奏セッションを行ったりしています。 次回は別のワークショップを試してみたいと思います!

Facebook: Japanese Language and Media Institute (JLMI)


About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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