Ginza Café Culture


Most people who visit Tokyo think of Ginza (銀座) as the neighborhood famous for its luxury shopping, restaurants, and entertainment venues. However, did you know that Ginza represents deep historical and cultural roots to the Japanese people? Besides having the largest Uniqlo store in the world, Ginza is home to historic buildings such as the Kabukiza Theater (Japan’s largest and most famous Kabuki theater), some of the most unique themed cafes in Tokyo, and the nostalgic Ginza Lion Beer Hall!

東京を訪れるほとんどの人は、銀座を高級なショッピング、レストラン、娯楽施設で有名な所だと思っています。 しかし、銀座は日本人にとって大切な歴史的、文化的な深いルーツでもありますね。 銀座には、世界で最大のユニクロ店があるほか、歌舞伎座、東京で最もユニークなテーマカフェ、懐かしい銀座ライオンビヤホールなどの歴史的建造物がたくさんありますよね。

To experience more of Ginza’s distinctive blend of the old and the new, I was invited to join the Ginza Theatrical Night Tour by Shochiku Co. Ltd., one of Japan’s oldest film studios and production companies famous for kabuki.


In my previous post, I shared the history of the Ginza district and architectural highlights.

In this post, follow me as I explore Ginza’s historical café culture and nightlife!




Historical Experience #2: Café Culture


As we continued our walking tour, we learned that Ginza is famous for its café (or kissaten 喫茶店) culture, well loved by the Japanese for over 100 years!


Our guide leading the walking tour while introducing various landmarks in Ginza.


We explored many back alleys and small streets with restaurants tucked away, such as the Mihara Alley (三原小路). The restaurants, cafes and signage along this alley are reminiscent of Japan’s Showa Period.

三原小路(みはらこうじ)のようなレストランが隠れている多くの裏通りや小さな通りを探索しました。 この路地沿いのレストラン、カフェ、看板は日本の昭和時代を彷彿とさせます。



In front of a famous Xiao Long Bao restaurant in Mihara Alley! Although I have visited Ginza a number of times before, it was my first time discovering this alley, which was a delightful mix of both traditional Japanese shops and Western-style restaurants!

三原路地の有名な小籠包の店の前で! 私は銀座を何度も訪れたことがありますが、この路地を初めて発見した時、伝統的な日本食店と現代的な洋食レストランとの両方のコントラストががあって楽しかったです。

After walking through the alley, we made a stop at Cafe Tricolore. Opened in 1936 with the aim of spreading coffee culture more widely among the public, Café Tricolore is the quintessence of Japanese traditional café culture.

路地を歩いた後、私たちはトリコロール本店に立ち寄りました。 1936年にオープンしたトリコロールは、コーヒー文化を広く世間に広めることを目的に、日本の伝統的なカフェ文化の真髄です。

Entering the nostalgia-packed place through the pivot door, we enjoyed coffee that had been carefully brewed using a flannel filter, along with homemade éclairs.


Enjoying my café time~ After a long shopping day in Ginza, Café Tricolore’s red velvet armchairs are incredibly inviting.


Located in a quiet alley in Ginza, this cafe managed to keep a fabulous retro style. It is an oasis of tranquility in this popular upmarket shopper’s district. Inside, every little detail counts, immersing you in a classy vintage atmosphere. Coffee is brewed in a copper kettle over open fire and served in exquisite porcelain cups.

銀座の静かな路地にあるこのカフェは、なんと素晴らしいレトロなスタイルを保っているのでしょうか! この雰囲気が東京で人気の高級ショッピング街の静けさのオアシスです。 内側には、細部まで装飾がすべて揃っており、上品なヴィンテージの雰囲気に浸っています。 コーヒーは暖炉の上で銅のホットでつくられ、絶妙な磁器のカップで提供しています。

Photo of Cafe Tricolore when it opened in 1936.


Many antiques are on display around the café. I very much enjoyed my coffee whilst admiring the eclectic decorations in this charming old café.

カフェ周辺には多くのアンティークが展示されています。 私はこの魅力的な古いカフェで「和」と「洋」が合わせった装飾を鑑賞しながら私のコーヒータイムをとても楽しみました。

Having fun with Mobo playing coffee barista!


By the way, the oldest Japanese kissaten still in operation is located in Ginza – Cafe Paulista opened in 1911. It is popular for its coffee, and is often regarded as the pioneer of Japan’s kissaten culture creating a friendly atmosphere for anyone to relax.



Historical Experience #3: Nightlife


The next stop was, for some of us, the long-awaited highlight of the tour: experiencing nostalgic local drinking culture at Japan’s oldest beer hall!


Entrance to the Lion Beer Hall.


In 1899, the Ebisu Beer Hall was established 116 years ago in Ginza 8-Chome as Japan’s first beer hall. The Beer Hall Lion Ginza on 7-Chome opened as its successor. It is often celebrated as Japan’s oldest beer hall.

1899年、銀座八丁目に116年前に設立された恵比寿ビール館は、日本初のビール館です。 7丁目にあるビアホールライオン銀座が後継店としてオープンしました。 日本最古のビアホールとして有名です。

Some photos on the wall of The Beer Hall Lion Ginza on 7-Chome when it was completed in 1934


Located on the main upscale Ginza shopping district, Lion Beer Hall is perfectly situated for a break with beer accompanied with some German bierhall-esque food.


The moment we entered the beer hall, we were greeted with loud, boisterous shouts and a bustling crowd. Contrary to the stereotype that most Japanese tend to be quiet in public spaces, the beer hall was bursting with energy as everyone was in a happy mood drinking and having fun!

ビアホールに入った途端、大声で話すにぎやかな声と楽しそうな群衆に迎えられました。 ほとんどの日本人は公共の場で静かになりがちであるという固定観念に反して、みんなが飲んで楽しんで幸せな気分になっていたので、ビヤホールは活気にあふれていました!

We were served a glass of refreshing Sapporo Beer with some sausages and fried chicken.


Although I have walked past this beer hall on several occasions while shopping in Ginza, I had never tried entering, as I thought that it would be a “tourist trap.” Looking around, however, I quickly realized that most of the Lion Beer Hall patrons were actually local Japanese!

銀座で買い物をしながら何度もこのビアホールを通り過ぎて歩いたことがありますが、「観光客を呼び込むだけの店」だと思ったので、入ることを試みたことは一度もありませんでした。 驚いたことに、ほとんどのライオンビヤホールの常連客は実際には地元の日本人でした!

The ambiance at Lion Beer Hall is super fun, with plenty of people throwing down big mugs of beer with gusto – even with complete strangers at different tables! Basically, this place is the Japanese version of an old-school beer hall. The minute you walk in you are bombarded with crazy, loud, exciting, and chaotic energies.

ライオンビヤホールの雰囲気はとてもにぎやかなものです。たくさんの人がガンガンと大きなマグカップでビールを飲んでいます。別のテーブルで見知らぬ人と一緒にも! 基本的に、この場所は昔のビール醸造所の日本版と思います。 足を踏見込まれた途端に、クレイジーで、騒々しく、刺激的で、そして混沌としたエネルギーを強く感じます。

The beer hall had beautiful high ceilings and tables sprinkled all over the place at whim.


The nostalgic atmosphere of the place made me feel almost like I was on a movie set of an iconic beer hall! It was perfect that our special guest actors were also around to put on a performance for us! All around were people laughing, talking and drinking in a great and lighthearted atmosphere.

その場所のノスタルジックな雰囲気は、私が象徴的なビアホールの映画セットにいるような気分にさせました! 私たちの特別なゲスト俳優もパフォーマンスをするために私達の周りにいたことはさすがでした! 周囲には、明るく心地よい雰囲気の中で笑ったり、話したり、飲んだりする人々がいました。

At the end of the tour, we were given tickets to PlusTokyo, the city’s newest and biggest music lounge! What a fantastic opportunity to check out both the historic drinking taverns as well as modern bars in the same night, and all within walking distance!

ツアーの終わりに、銀座にある最大のミュージックラウンジであるPlusTokyoへのチケットをもらいました! 同じ夜に、そしてすべて徒歩圏内にある歴史的な飲酒店とモダンなバーの両方を訪れることができるなんて素晴らしい機会でしょう!

Coincidentally, I was actually at the Opening Launch Reception Party for PlusTokyo in late 2018!

They have a nice rooftop bar and I look forward to visiting again for a drink in the warmer months.




Final Thoughts

I had a very exciting evening at this innovative Ginza Theatrical Night Tour. It was my first time to experience a walking tour accompanied with actors and a theatrical performance in addition to sightseeing! Speaking to the guide, Mobo and Moga when they were in character the whole time was entertaining and certainly made the journey memorable! Even though the tour was sometimes quite hasty, I discovered many new places, including the Mihara Alley and Lion Beer Hall that I will likely visit again in my own time.

この革新的な銀座劇場ナイトツアーに参加してとても楽しい夜を過ごしました。 観光に加えて、俳優と劇場のパフォーマンスを伴うウォーキングツアーを体験するのは初めてでした! ガイドといえば、MoboとMogaが彼らの特徴を常に把握していたときは面白かったし、旅が思い出深いものになりました! ツアーは時々かなり時間が不足して急いだりしましたが、多くの新しい場所を発見できました。時間を作ってまた行きたいなあと思います。

However, I found that the explanations of the various places we visited were often quite superficial and not very comprehensive (likely because the people leading our excursion were Shochiku film actors, and not professional tour guides). For example, a lot of the above information written here is from my own research, and not explained by the tour guide or in the tour itself. Perhaps it is simply my own preference, but I appreciate it when tour guides are deeply knowledgeable and more detailed.

しかし、訪れたさまざまな場所についての説明は、表面的なもので、あまり詳しくはないことと思いました。 例えば、上記の情報の多くは自分で調べました。ツアーガイドやツアー自体では説明されていなかったことです。 たぶんそれは私自身の好みなのですが、ツアーガイドが深く知識を持ち、より詳細に説明してくれるときはありがたいです。

Ultimately, it was impressive that almost 10 Shochiku staff were escorting us the whole tour! I felt like a VIP as they made sure we crossed roads safely and moved together in a group, hahaha.

結局、10人近くの松竹のスタッフがツアー全体を護衛してくれたのは印象的でした! 彼らは私たちが安全に道路を横断し、集団で一緒に動くことをエスコートしてくれたので、VIPのように感じました。笑)

Through this Theatrical Night Tour, I learned about Ginza as an intriguing enclave of bygone times and future dreams, signifying lived lives, hope, and whimsical romance. Next time I set foot to explore Ginza, I will be sure to view the area in a different light and appreciate the wealth of places to discover besides the department stores and lavish restaurants!


If the opportunity arises, I would like to try out different theatrical tours in various locations featuring unique acting performances and plots! Looking forward to the next story and adventure!

機会があれば、ユニークな演技やプロットをフィーチャーした様々な場所で色んな演劇ツアーに参加したいと思います! 次の物語と冒険を楽しみにしています!


About Shochiku

Founded in 1895, Shochiku started off with Kabuki theaters and has now established itself as a leading motion picture/theater producer, distributor, and exhibitor.

Besides sustaining Kabuki for over 100 years, Shochiku has also been active in the Japanese film industry as an independent distributor from its pioneer days.

The Company, which has always been a pioneer, produced the first color motion picture in Japan and was the creator of the world’s longest-running feature film series. It has also become a symbol of enduring tradition as the exclusive promoter of the kabuki theater in Japan.

The Company is continuing to develop its business and is making all possible efforts in various fields, including multimedia and the creation of international co-productions. The Ginza Theatrical Night Tour is just one way demonstrating how Shochiku is aware of the importance of offering cutting-edge motion pictures and an innovative repertoire that can move and delight audiences.

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About Rachel

Rachel Leng is COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., a Tokyo-based business consultancy & media production company. Previously, she was Leader of Business Development on the Investment Management team at a Japanese private equity fund, as well as Policy Analyst at a top think tank in Seoul, South Korea.

As an East Asia specialist and former Miss Singapore titleholder, Rachel is passionate about the potential of media to educate and raise awareness about history, culture, art, business, and societal issues to enhance mutual understanding.

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