I have heard that baseball in Japan (called “yakyū,” combining the characters for “field” and “ball”) is one of the nation’s most popular sports and often an exhilarating experience. Hence, it has been on my bucket list to witness a live game. Recently had the chance to watch the 89th Intercity Baseball Tournament between SEGASammy (Tokyo) and Mitsui Heavy Industries (Kobe). As my colleagues and I were invited by SEGASammy, we joined the SEGASammy Rooters team.
For all sports fans out there, you will definitely want to watch a baseball game in Japan and experience this country’s original baseball culture! In this post, I will share some observations and tips for watching a Japanese baseball game.
来日以来、日本の特別な野球文化について、よく耳にしましたので、自分自身で野球観戦へ行ってみたかったです。先週、初めて日本の野球観戦を見に行って嬉しかったです!セガサミー野球部が都市対抗野球の東京代表として準決勝まで進出していますので、たまたまWhiz Partnersの後藤さんに誘われて、私は山口さんと一緒に3人でセガサミールーターズの応援に参加しました!第89回都市対抗野球大会の優勝をめぐって、セガサミー(東京都)と三井重工神戸(神戸市)が東京ドームで試合をしました。とても楽しかったです!!!
Table of Contents
- (1) Cheering Squad and Cheerleaders 応援団とチアリーダー達
- (2) Food, Drink and Uriko-san飲食と売子さん
- (3)Corporate Teams企業チーム
Cheering Squad and Cheerleaders
When you enter the stadium, you will sit on a dedicated side for the team you are supporting – the same side as the team’s “ouendan” (a “cheering squad” of fans who yell, sing, wave banners, and bang away on drums while their team is at the plate). Each team has their own theme song and I have heard that some fans may even songs for individual players!
It was rather intimidating at first to sit next to the hardcore fans singing songs by heart, but the songs are actually pretty easy to follow along and it was super fun to get caught up in the excitement! Cheering at the baseball station in Japan often also involves lots of props such as balloons, flags, banners, and fans. The atmosphere at a baseball game is completely contrary to the stereotype of Japanese people being very reserved in public.
ハードコアのファンの隣に座るのはむしろ心強かったです。というのは、何も歌が解らなくてもすぐに歌えますし、皆と一緒に応援するのはとても面白かったです! 日本の野球場では、風船、旗、応援幕、団扇などの小道具もたくさんありますね。 私はびっくりしました!野球の試合での雰囲気は、私の日本人へのイメージは「日本人は非常に静かである」ということに対して完全に反対でした。
Food, Drink and Uriko-san
Entering the stadium, you will see so much variety of foods and bento boxes for sale! This is very different from the limited selection of hot dogs and peanuts at American baseball games. Unlike in the US, you are also permitted to bring your own food and drinks into the venue (although you will be expected to pour your drinks into plastic cups).
スタジアムに入ると、たくさんの食べ物やお弁当箱が売られています! これは、アメリカ野球のホットドッグとピーナッツの限られた選択とは非常に異なっています。他に、アメリカとは異なり、日本の野球では自分の食べ物や飲み物を会場に持ち込むことも許可されています(ただし、飲み物はプラスチック製のカップに注ぐことになります)。
Another great feature of Japanese baseball are the “uriko” (often pretty young girls selling drinks and snacks) running about. You’ll see them walking around with large kegs strapped to their backs at every baseball game.
日本野球のもう一つの大きな特徴は、売子さん(飲み物や軽食を販売するスタッフ、しばしば若い女の子)が会場で回っていることです。 彼女らが大きな樽を背負って歩き回っているのを見るでしょう。売子さんはアメリカにいません!
Corporate Teams
An interesting feature of Japanese baseball is that many corporations actually launch their own teams, even if their business has no real connection to sports. This seems to have many benefits including enlivening baseball as a sport in Japan, and is a very good marketing tool.
日本の野球のもう一つの特徴は、多くの日本企業が実際にはスポーツに本当のつながりがない場合でも、実際にチームを立ち上げることです。 これは、日本のスポーツとして野球を活気づけることを含む多くの利点を有するようであり、とても良いマーケティングツールだと思います。この習慣はアメリカにないと思います。
The opposing team’s stage and cheering squad on the other side of the stadium.
Although SEGASammy lost, it was a great match and awesome experience!