December 11, 2019

Onomichi I: Downtown City

Onomichi (尾道) is a quaint seaside town facing the Seto Inland Sea in eastern Hiroshima. Although it is the 4th largest city in Hiroshima Prefecture with a population of over 150,000 people, it certainly does not feel like it when you set foot on the sidewalks of this nostalgic port town.

尾道は、広島東部の瀬戸内海に面した趣のある海辺の町です。 人口15万人を超える広島県で4番目に大きい都市ですが、このどこか懐かしさと感じる港町の歩道に足を踏み入れたとき、それは確かにそのようには感じません

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Onomichi III: Local Cuisine
尾道Ⅲ: 郷土料理

Onomichi’s past history as a hub of sea-faring traffic on par with Osaka and Kobe in the economy of Western Japan remains evident in the refined local cuisine, which used to cater to the tastes of wealthy merchants.

From Onomichi-style ramen and fresh seafood to modern dining and astounding bars, read on for my must-try Onomichi local cuisine recommendations!



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