Rachel in Thailand

Climbing the Career Rock Wall

The ladder is a typical metaphor often used to describe a career path to success. However, in today’s changing world, we simply cannot predict what steps may or may not seem to lead us toward success, or the unexpected opportunities that could come our way. The coronavirus pandemic has made this reality come into clear focus for many. Rather than a straightforward path upwards to achieving career success with more prestigious titles and bigger paychecks, it has become more common for people around the world to consider the career climb as a rock wall.


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Tiger Kingdom Thailand
[虎の王国] タイガーキングダム・プーケット

皆様、虎と一緒に写真を撮ったことがありますか?猫のような虎に会ったことがありますか?タイに虎と直接戯れることができる夢のようなスポットがあるのはご存知でしょうか。プーケットにある「Tiger Kingdom・タイガーキングダム」(虎の王国)という観光スポットです。そこでは、虎と一緒の珍しい写真が取れます。

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