Japanese Culture

VR Zone Shinjuku

VR Zone Shinjuku is the world’s largest VR arcade located in the heart of Tokyo! Went to try out some games there recently, and it was a lot more fun than I had expected!

この間、東京・新宿にある「VR ZONE SHINJUKU」へ行ってきました!「VR ZONE」といえば、エヴァンゲリオン、マリオカート、ガンダムなどのアニメ・ゲームの世界を体験できるものを中心に様々なVRアクティビティが揃っている施設です。私は初めてVRを通じて、新しいゲームを体験できました!想像していたよりずっと楽しいものでした!!

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Techno Circus

Techno Circus is the latest show created by world-famous performance group SIRO-A, presenting their spectacular mix of dance, comedy, cutting edge illusion, 3D visuals, and acrobats set to the latest techno music. This post features an exclusive interview with the SIRO-A team, the first Asian group to win the Golden Buzzer in America’s Got Talent!

「TechnoCircus」 年齢や性別を問わず、誰でも楽しめると思います! ショーは、「テクノミュージック」と「最新テクノロジー」を融合させ、ダンス、コメディ、イリュージョン、アクロバットで展開していく全く新しい「ミクスド・エンターテイメント」です。カラフルな映像、面白いキャラクター、3Dのビジュアル、素敵なTechno音楽に合わせた。とても楽しくて、素晴らしいパフォーマンスでした。

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Summer in Japan: Watermelon Splitting

Have you ever heard of Watermelon Splitting? Suika-wari (スイカ割り, literally “Watermelon Splitting”) is a traditional Japanese game that involves splitting a watermelon with a stick while blindfolded. It is often played by kids in the summertime, usually at beaches but also at picnics, festivals, and other summer events. I first heard about this game from a Japanese friend, and recently tried playing it myself on the beach at Odaiba! Read on for my experience of this game, some fun facts and a short quiz!



スイカ割りって、日本だと夏って印象ですが、海外ではないと思います。 似たような文化はメキシコで行われる「ピニャータ」ということかもしれません。とても面白そうですので、絶対やってみたいなぁと思いました。最近やっとお台場海浜公園に自分自身でやってみました!

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As Japan’s heatwave brings record-breaking temperatures, a beach or island getaway is at the top of everyone’s wish-list! Did you know that Enoshima, a small island just slightly west of Kamakura, boasts some of the closest beaches to Tokyo? From Shinjuku Station, it is only about 1 hour away! 

My colleague Iwami-san had been recommending this island to me for some time, so finally made it there for a day trip with my brother. Read on for photos and tips on what to do in Enoshima!



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Kanreki Celebration at Ukai Toriyama

At the end of May, my family came to visit Japan to celebrate my father’s 60th birthday. At 60, according to the Chinese zodiac, a person has returned to the calendar sign under which the person was born after completing a full cycle of the twelve-pronged zodiac calendar. Although originally a Chinese tradition, it is arguable that Japanese society probably observes this tradition more closely now.


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Asakusa Sanja Festival

Iwami-san, one of the fund managers at Whiz Partners, invited me to join him and his wife at Asakusa’s Sanja Festival (三社祭, Sanja Matsuri) held during the end of May. One of Iwami-san’s former colleagues, Yamaguchi-san, is a local from the area and has been involved in organizing one of the main attractions of the festival for more than 20 years!

皆様、三社祭に行ったことがありますか?石見さんは浅草の三社祭に招待されました。 石見さんの元同僚の山口さんは、浅草の地元の人ですので、20年以上にわたって、この祭りを長く組織しています。

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