Japan Trip Ideas

East Hokkaido Part 2: Lake Mashu
道東2: 摩周湖

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time. Although visiting Sapporo is arguably the most popular for first-time visitors to Hokkaido, I wanted to explore the much less traveled Eastern Hokkaido, famous locally for its three volcanic lakes, Lake Akan, Lake Mashu, Lake Kussharo, and Mt. Io. In this post, I hope you will enjoy visiting Lake Mashu with me!

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。札幌は人気がありますが、私が訪れたのは道東の3つの火山湖(阿寒湖、摩周湖、屈斜路湖)と硫黄山です。 今回は摩周湖について、ご紹介したいと思います~

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East Hokkaido Part 1: Lake Akan

The recent earthquake was such a disaster in Hokkaido… But amidst the avalanches, broken roads collapsed houses, the Japanese spirit of resilience to such hardships is amazing and truly shines through. This past summer, I had the chance to visit Hokkaido for the first time.

北海道の最近の地震は本当に残念なことですね…しかし、土砂崩れ、家屋や道路の崩壊があった中、苦難から直ぐに立ち直ろうとする日本の精神は素晴らしいと思います。私は、今夏 初めて北海道を訪れました。

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As Japan’s heatwave brings record-breaking temperatures, a beach or island getaway is at the top of everyone’s wish-list! Did you know that Enoshima, a small island just slightly west of Kamakura, boasts some of the closest beaches to Tokyo? From Shinjuku Station, it is only about 1 hour away! 

My colleague Iwami-san had been recommending this island to me for some time, so finally made it there for a day trip with my brother. Read on for photos and tips on what to do in Enoshima!



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Kanreki Celebration at Ukai Toriyama

At the end of May, my family came to visit Japan to celebrate my father’s 60th birthday. At 60, according to the Chinese zodiac, a person has returned to the calendar sign under which the person was born after completing a full cycle of the twelve-pronged zodiac calendar. Although originally a Chinese tradition, it is arguable that Japanese society probably observes this tradition more closely now.


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Clam Digging

May and June are the most popular months of the year to go clam digging (潮干狩り, shiohigari ) in Japan. You may think that clam digging itself is not so special, but “clam digging” is seriously an important keyword in Japanese society and history! I was very surprised by the extent to which the Japanese people love clam digging as a family activity! It also appears to get significant news coverage every year.



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I recently took a day trip to attend the 34th Annual Harvest Festival at Coco Farm and Winery in Ashikaga Prefecture, about 2 hours from Tokyo. The Annual Harvest Festival is one of the prefecture’s biggest events of the year, and the COCOROMI GAKUEN still serves as a residential facility for intellectually disabled people. Attending the festival means you can drink wine, picnic, and celebrate under grapevines up a mountain, AND contribute to the worthy cause of supporting the handicapped! What a great reason to make the trip out!

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