Japan fruit

Autumn Fruit: Akebi

Have you ever seen or heard of the “Akebi” fruit (or chocolate vine)? Apparently, it is considered one of the Autumn delicacies in Japan. Bold and bright purple, it caught my eye when I saw it for the first time at my local supermarket. Was it a fruit? A vegetable? A potato? Having never seen anything like the Akebi before, I was curious about how it would taste and shelled out about 400 yen to take some home with me and give it a try.


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Summer Cocktails at Gen Yamamoto

Gen Yamamoto is a small bar in Azabu Jyuban renowned for its cocktail tasting menu reflecting “Shiki,” the seasonal changes of Japan. The cocktails are created from seasonal local fresh produce and premium liquors. Reserve early to secure a spot as he only prepares 3 tastings a day and seats fill up quickly!

夏が来ましたね。天気が熱い時、すぐにリフレシュするために、美味しいサマーカクテルは大事と思います。 先週末、麻布十番の近くで「ゲン・ヤマモト」(Gen Yamamoto)というカクテルバーの予約を取りました。


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