Global Virtual Travel

rachel summer travel

2024 Summer Updates – Stay Cool & Keep Your Spirits High!
2024年の暑中見舞い- 暑い中でもやる気を出そう!

This summer has been filled with exciting domestic and international events, like the Japan Innovation Leaders Summit and the Harvard Asia Business Conference, where I proudly showcased our innovations and story. Additionally, we successfully launched a Gokayama in Nanto VR360 project and displayed our products and services at various events. Reflecting on the past six months, we’re thrilled with our progress and excited about the future.

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Exclusive: Interview with Minato City
SeiRogai x 港区にインタビュー掲載

As COO and Co-Founder of SeiRogai, Inc., I’m thrilled to share that Minato City Hall and the Minato City Industrial Promotion Center gave us an exclusive interview that delves into the core of our company’s mission. At SeiRogai, our passion lies in serving as a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world, opening doors for companies to expand overseas and showcase this remarkable country. Continue reading for the full interview and story!


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