Japan Business and Economy

Summer Night Party with Sugashita Partners

Summer Night Party with Sugashita Partners スガシタパートナーズ株式会社のサマーナイトパーティー 暑い日が続いています。 皆様、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 先日、私は友達と一緒に 「サマーナイトパーティー」に参加しました! とても楽しかったです~ いつかの写真をシェアしたいと思います。 サマーナイトパーティーのホストである、 スガシタパートナーズ株式会社の菅下清廣社長との写真! Photo together with our host,  CEO Kiyohiro Sugashita of Sugashita Partners, Ltd.! 

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Hinode Washi Atelier

Recently, I travelled to Hinode town in West Tama about an hour away from Shinjuku station in Tokyo to learn how to make ‘washi’ (Japanese paper) from start to finish.At the Hinode Washi Atelier, we boiled and pounded our own ‘kozo’ (paper mulberry), which is one of the primary fibers used for washi. Using this washi, we created our very own washi candlelight and art items using innovative washi techniques!


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Tips for Working with Foreigners in Japan

Recently, I participated in WooGWay Inc.’s seminar as speaker and panelist sharing my perspective on working in Japan as a foreigner. My presentation was on the topic of how Japanese companies can better appeal to foreign talent and shared some tips on effective cross-cultural communication.


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Ginza Café Culture

Most people who visit Tokyo think of Ginza (銀座) as the neighborhood famous for its luxury shopping, restaurants, and entertainment venues. However, did you know that Ginza represents deep historical and cultural roots to the Japanese people? Besides having the largest Uniqlo store in the world, Ginza is home to historic buildings such as the Kabukiza Theater (Japan’s largest and most famous Kabuki theater), some of the most unique themed cafes in Tokyo, and the nostalgic Ginza Lion Beer Hall!

東京を訪れるほとんどの人は、銀座を高級なショッピング、レストラン、娯楽施設で有名な所だと思っています。 しかし、銀座は日本人にとって大切な歴史的、文化的な深いルーツでもありますね。 銀座には、世界で最大のユニクロ店があるほか、歌舞伎座、東京で最もユニークなテーマカフェ、懐かしい銀座ライオンビヤホールなどの歴史的建造物がたくさんありますよね。

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Ginza Theatrical Night Tour

Most people who visit Tokyo think of Ginza (銀座) as the neighborhood famous for its luxury shopping, restaurants, and entertainment venues. However, did you know that Ginza represents deep historical and cultural roots to the Japanese people? Besides having the largest uniqlo store in the world, Ginza is home to historic buildings such as the Kabukiza Theater (Japan’s largest and most famous Kabuki theater), some of the most unique themed cafes in Tokyo, and the nostalgic Ginza Lion Beer Hall!

東京を訪れるほとんどの人は、銀座を高級なショッピング、レストラン、娯楽施設で有名な所だと思っています。 しかし、銀座は日本人にとって大切な歴史的、文化的な深いルーツでもありますね。 銀座には、世界で最大のユニクロ店があるほか、歌舞伎座、東京で最もユニークなテーマカフェ、懐かしい銀座ライオンビヤホールなどの歴史的建造物がたくさんありますよね。

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Iwate Oyster Farming

One of the highlights of my trip with the Embassy of Singapore in Tokyo to Rikuzentaka City was the opportunity to meet with the locals and visit the Ohwada Oyster Farm. (Click here to read about my visit to Rikuzentakata City with the Embassy of Singapore in Tokyo!)


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