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How to Get Tested for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tokyo

Amid all the confusion in Japan (and globally) with regulatory changes in response to the coronavirus outbreak as infections increase, there is limited updated information in English on how foreign residents and tourists in Tokyo can get tested and treated for the COVID-19 virus. Moreover, much of the information is conflicting or ambiguous.

To clarify important details, I called my Local Ward Health Center (保健所), the Tokyo Covid-19 Call Center (新型コロナ受診相談窓口), and “Himawari,” (ひまわり) the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Medical Advisory Service (東京都 医療機関 薬局案内サービス) providing a help desk for foreigners and non-Japanese speakers numerous times for more information.

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The 13th Japan International Manga Awards

Last month, I attended the 13th Japan International Manga Awards, where 4 winners were selected from hundreds of submissions from around the world. t first, I expected that many of the submissions would be from China and South Korea (both are countries with popular localized versions of manga, called Manhua 漫画 or Manhwa 만화 respectively), or other East Asian countries. I was surprised to learn that many of the winning works and runner-up nominations came from artists in countries such as Israel, Brazil, Spain, and even far flung countries in Africa and the Middle East such as Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Egypt!

先月、私は第13回日本国際漫画賞の授賞式に参加し、そこで世界中から寄せられた何百もの応募の中から4人の受賞者に会いました。 最初は、応募作品の多くが中国か韓国(漫画のローカルバージョンが人気のある国であり、それぞれ、「マンフア」と「マンワ」と呼ばれています)からのものであると予想していましたが、他の東アジアの国々からの応募もありました。受賞作品や準優勝ノミネート作品の多くがイスラエル、ブラジル、スペインなどの国のアーティストからであり、そしてさらにはナイジェリアやアフガニスタンやエジプトなどのアフリカや中東の遠い国々からの応募作品もあることを知って驚きました!

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Astronaut Chiaki Mukai

Recently, I attended the World Without Disease Pitch Contest in Tokyo and met with Astronaut Dr. Chiaki Mukai. Human space exploration has always fascinated me and I was so glad to have the opportunity to speak with her about her latest research and past experiences.


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Fukushima Disaster Area Tour

To understand the magnitude of loss that the disaster area has faced, I joined the Fukushima Disaster Area Tour operated by Japan Wonder Travel. I hope to explore the truth behind what is happening now after years of recovery, and how the locals are rebuilding their hometowns.

被災地が直面した損失の大きさを理解するために、Japan Wonder Travelが運営する福島被災地訪問ツアーに参加しました。 長年をかけて回復した後、現在何が起こっているのか、そして地元住民が将来のために故郷をどのように再建しているかの背後にある真実を探求したいと思います。

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Enjoy the Four Seasons at Showa Memorial Park!

Showa Memorial Park—opened in 1983 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the start of Emperor Showa’s reign—is majestically laid out with seemingly endless grounds to explore. Canals, fountains and other water features, as wells as sculptures found in the gardens give the park a grand ambience reminiscent of European estates. Impressive features, such as a huge circular fountain crowned with intricate statues complete the sense of grandeur.


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Zia Mody

As the indisputable leader in Indian corporate law and ranked the #1 most powerful woman in India by Fortune magazine, it was very stimulating to hear her analysis of India’s future potential. After better understanding Zia Mody’s background and career path (full of a whole lot of pure determination and hard work!), I was even more inspired by how she has managed to achieve so much (well-deserved) success. She is a true role model not only for women in India, but for anyone who aims to achieve the best in their field internationally.

インドの会社法のゆるぎのないリーダーであり、フォーチュン誌によってインドで最も強力な女性の第1位に選出されましたインドの将来の可能性に関する彼女の講演を聞くことは非常に刺激的でした。 ジア・モディ氏のバックグラウンドとキャリアパス(純粋な決意とハードワークがいっぱい詰まっている!)はインドの女性だけでなく、自分の分野で国際的に成功することを目指している人にとってのロールモデルです。

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Itabashi Bologna Children’s Book Hall

Explore new worlds today with a visit to the Itabashi Bologna Children’s Hall! The diversity of international books makes it a great place for adults and children alike to gain insight into languages and cultures from across the globe.


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Onomichi II: Island Hopping

Although Onomichi is considered a “city,” it actually consists of many islands!

One of the exceptional attractions in Onomichi is the Shimanami Kaido, or Shimanami Sea Route, that crosses bridges and islands of the Seto Inland Sea to connect Japan’s main island of Honshu to Shikoku. It is the only such land connection that is traversable by cyclists and even pedestrians, making Onomichi very popular for cycling enthusiasts!


尾道の特別なアトラクションの1つは、瀬戸内海の橋と島々を横断して日本の本州である四国を結ぶ「しまなみ海道」です。 サイクリストや歩行者も一緒に通行できる唯一の島と島を結ぶ橋であり、サイクリング愛好家にとって尾道は非常に人気があります!

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How to Get Tested for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Tokyo

Amid all the confusion in Japan (and globally) with regulatory changes in response to the coronavirus outbreak as infections increase, there is limited updated information in English on how foreign residents and tourists in Tokyo can get tested and treated for the COVID-19 virus. Moreover, much of the information is conflicting or ambiguous.

To clarify important details, I called my Local Ward Health Center (保健所), the Tokyo Covid-19 Call Center (新型コロナ受診相談窓口), and “Himawari,” (ひまわり) the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Medical Advisory Service (東京都 医療機関 薬局案内サービス) providing a help desk for foreigners and non-Japanese speakers numerous times for more information.

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The 13th Japan International Manga Awards

Last month, I attended the 13th Japan International Manga Awards, where 4 winners were selected from hundreds of submissions from around the world. t first, I expected that many of the submissions would be from China and South Korea (both are countries with popular localized versions of manga, called Manhua 漫画 or Manhwa 만화 respectively), or other East Asian countries. I was surprised to learn that many of the winning works and runner-up nominations came from artists in countries such as Israel, Brazil, Spain, and even far flung countries in Africa and the Middle East such as Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Egypt!

先月、私は第13回日本国際漫画賞の授賞式に参加し、そこで世界中から寄せられた何百もの応募の中から4人の受賞者に会いました。 最初は、応募作品の多くが中国か韓国(漫画のローカルバージョンが人気のある国であり、それぞれ、「マンフア」と「マンワ」と呼ばれています)からのものであると予想していましたが、他の東アジアの国々からの応募もありました。受賞作品や準優勝ノミネート作品の多くがイスラエル、ブラジル、スペインなどの国のアーティストからであり、そしてさらにはナイジェリアやアフガニスタンやエジプトなどのアフリカや中東の遠い国々からの応募作品もあることを知って驚きました!

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Astronaut Chiaki Mukai

Recently, I attended the World Without Disease Pitch Contest in Tokyo and met with Astronaut Dr. Chiaki Mukai. Human space exploration has always fascinated me and I was so glad to have the opportunity to speak with her about her latest research and past experiences.


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Fukushima Disaster Area Tour

To understand the magnitude of loss that the disaster area has faced, I joined the Fukushima Disaster Area Tour operated by Japan Wonder Travel. I hope to explore the truth behind what is happening now after years of recovery, and how the locals are rebuilding their hometowns.

被災地が直面した損失の大きさを理解するために、Japan Wonder Travelが運営する福島被災地訪問ツアーに参加しました。 長年をかけて回復した後、現在何が起こっているのか、そして地元住民が将来のために故郷をどのように再建しているかの背後にある真実を探求したいと思います。

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Enjoy the Four Seasons at Showa Memorial Park!

Showa Memorial Park—opened in 1983 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the start of Emperor Showa’s reign—is majestically laid out with seemingly endless grounds to explore. Canals, fountains and other water features, as wells as sculptures found in the gardens give the park a grand ambience reminiscent of European estates. Impressive features, such as a huge circular fountain crowned with intricate statues complete the sense of grandeur.


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Zia Mody

As the indisputable leader in Indian corporate law and ranked the #1 most powerful woman in India by Fortune magazine, it was very stimulating to hear her analysis of India’s future potential. After better understanding Zia Mody’s background and career path (full of a whole lot of pure determination and hard work!), I was even more inspired by how she has managed to achieve so much (well-deserved) success. She is a true role model not only for women in India, but for anyone who aims to achieve the best in their field internationally.

インドの会社法のゆるぎのないリーダーであり、フォーチュン誌によってインドで最も強力な女性の第1位に選出されましたインドの将来の可能性に関する彼女の講演を聞くことは非常に刺激的でした。 ジア・モディ氏のバックグラウンドとキャリアパス(純粋な決意とハードワークがいっぱい詰まっている!)はインドの女性だけでなく、自分の分野で国際的に成功することを目指している人にとってのロールモデルです。

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Itabashi Bologna Children’s Book Hall

Explore new worlds today with a visit to the Itabashi Bologna Children’s Hall! The diversity of international books makes it a great place for adults and children alike to gain insight into languages and cultures from across the globe.


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Onomichi II: Island Hopping

Although Onomichi is considered a “city,” it actually consists of many islands!

One of the exceptional attractions in Onomichi is the Shimanami Kaido, or Shimanami Sea Route, that crosses bridges and islands of the Seto Inland Sea to connect Japan’s main island of Honshu to Shikoku. It is the only such land connection that is traversable by cyclists and even pedestrians, making Onomichi very popular for cycling enthusiasts!


尾道の特別なアトラクションの1つは、瀬戸内海の橋と島々を横断して日本の本州である四国を結ぶ「しまなみ海道」です。 サイクリストや歩行者も一緒に通行できる唯一の島と島を結ぶ橋であり、サイクリング愛好家にとって尾道は非常に人気があります!

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