Rachel has been profiled by international newspapers, TV programs, and magazines for cross-cultural perspectives, global careers, youth leadership and service, as well as beauty, fashion, travel and lifestyle.
To date, she has been featured in interviews across Singapore, China, the U.S., South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan.
Documentary feature film for Episode 9 of Homeward Bound 《我家在这里》
October 2015. Mediacorp Channel U.
Click HERE to stream now! (Only available in Singapore)
Click HERE to stream now! (Only available in Singapore)
Watch on UTokyo TV website: http://todai.tv/contents-list/lecture/academic-presentations
(東大TV 実験科学分野のための学術プレゼンテーション)
(しながわのチカラ 艶やかに彩る!華のおいらん道中)
The Japan Times (April 20, 2020). “Japan Network Updates: Rachel Leng.” [Archive]
The Straits Times (Jan 4, 2018). “Home Truly: The place that nurtured me for abroad.” [Archive]
Duke Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. “Alumni Profile: Rachel Leng.”
DukeEngage. (July 12, 2018 by Hesper Linger). “Rachel Leng (’13) Continues to Champion Cross-Cultural Communication.” [Archive]
PDF: rachel_leng_dukeengage_edu
Featured by the Overseas Singaporean Unit in the Prime Minister’s Office as part of the Singapore government’s efforts to engage its citizens overseas (under the Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth). (07 Mar 2018) “Giving Back Through Mentorship.“
PDF: rachel_leng_osu_mentorship
Duke Association for Business Oriented Women. (Summer 2017). “Spotlight on: Rachel Leng.”
The China Post. (Aug 15, 2015). “Learning firsthand about Taiwan: History, Urban Space
and Society “
Mothership (Oct 17, 2017) “S’porean Harvard scholar & equity fund associate takes to Tokyo streets as Japan’s 1st foreign oiran” [Archive]
Channel 8 News 8频道新闻及事情节目 (Oct 16, 2017) “前新加坡世界小姐 成日本传统庆典内首名外籍花魁表演者“
The Japan News ジャパン・ニュース【by Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞】(Sept 24, 2017). “Singaporean becomes 1st foreign oiran festival star.” [Archive]
PDF: Singaporean becomes 1st foreign oiran festival star – The Japan News
Featured as front page headline, #1 most read newspaper in Japan
Featured on Yomiuri_News SNS
Republished on Asia News Network (ANN) (Oct 9, 2017)
Republished on AsiaOne News (Oct 16, 2017) [Archive]
PDF: Singaporean woman becomes first foreign star in Japanese festival, Asia News – AsiaOne
Sankei News 産経新聞 (Sept 24, 2017). 「外国人おいらん登場 しながわ宿場まつり」”Foreigner Oiran Debuts, Shinagawa Shukuba Festival.”
Shinagawa Business News 品川経済新聞. (Sept 20, 2017). ”旧東海道沿いの「しながわ宿場まつり」開催迫る おいらん役に初の海外出身者も” [Archive]
Okezone Indonesia. (Jul 23, 2013). “Miss World Singapura Raih Beasiswa ke Harvard.”
PDF: rachel_leng_miss_world_singapura_raih_beasiswa_ke_harvard_-_news_kampus_okezone_news
MyPaper|我报. (Jul 09, 2013). “Pageant allows me to help needy kids.” [Archive]
PDF: rachel_leng_pageant_allows_me_to_help_needy_kids_my_paper_wo_bao
AsiaOne News. (Jul 18, 2013). “Miss Singapore Headed for Harvard.”
PDF: rachel_leng_miss_world_singapore_finalist_headed_for_harvard_asiaone_edvantage_news
FESO Asia (Nov 28, 2018). “How Rachel Leng Overcame Cultural Shocks and Strived Towards Success.”
FESO Asia how-rachel-leng-overcame-cultural-shocksDownload
wtplus (Oct 31, 2018). “Singaporean Overseas – Japan Edition“
K-Move Mentoring || K-Move 멘토링. (Dec 31, 2016). “[Rachel Leng 멘토] 여러분이 세계를 선도하는 글로벌 인재가 될 수 있도록 돕고 싶어요.”
Ignite Academy || 致知学堂. (July 21, 2016). “明明可以靠脸,却偏偏要靠才华.” [Archive]
Ignite Academy || 致知学堂. (July 16, 2016). “新丝绸之路—中外高峰论坛“
PDF: xin_si_chou_zhi_lu_-zhong_wai_gao_feng_lun_tan_
HerCampus Harvard. (Oct 15, 2014). “Campus Celeb: Rachel Leng.” [Archive]
PDF: campus_celeb_rachel_leng_harvard
The Eagle Review. (Summer 2014). “Beyond Beauty: A Conversation with Rachel Leng.” [Archive]
China Hands Magazine. (Nov 13, 2013). “25 Under 25: Leaders in US-China Relations.” [Archive]
PDF: 25_under_25_china_hands_rachel_leng
Junten High School 順天高校. (March 18, 2021). “Harvard Prize Book 2020-21を授与しました“.
PDF: Harvard Prize Book 2020-21を授与しました _ 順天中学校・高等学校
Junten High School 順天高校. (March 1, 2018). “Harvard Prize Book 2019“.
PDF: Harvard Prize Book 2019 順天
Junten High School 順天高校. (March 1, 2018). “Harvard Prize Book 2017年度授与式” (2017 Harvard Prize Book Presentation Ceremony).
“Love in the Time of COVID: A Letter to My Mother.” Singapore Global Network. May 2020.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Singapore Global Network (SGN) (@singaporeglobalnetwork)
Around The World In 14 Books. Duke International Education Week 2020.
Maction Planet. (Oct 12, 2017). “Mac on Tokyo: Rachel Leng on her Oiran Transformation.” [Archive]
Maction Planet. (Sept 12, 2017). “Mac on Tokyo:Rachel Leng.”
PrisChew. (Jul 11, 2013). “A Beauty with Brains.” [Archive]
PDF: a_beauty_with_brains_2_rachel_leng
PrisChew. (Jul 23, 2013). “A Beauty with a Heart.” [Archive]
PDF: beauty_with_a_heart_1_rachel_leng
PrisChew. (Aug 03, 2013). “A Beauty Bound for Harvard.“ [Archive]
PDF: a_beauty_bound_for_harvard_rachel_leng
Quikforce. (Nov 06, 2016). “Humans on the Move: Rachel.“
Yahoo! SG slideshow for Miss World Singapore 2013 finalists. [Archive]
(July 6, 2013). “Exclusive Interview at Gym n Tonic with Finalists of Miss World Singapore 2013.”
Beautiful Singapore: Rachel Leng. (Sept 12, 2015)
That’s Shenzhen. (July 18, 2016). “The New Silk Road: Entrepreneurship and Innovation in China” [Archive] [as PDF]
The Harvard Crimson. (Apr 11, 2014). “2014-2015 Graduate Student Council Elections.” [Archive]
“Geographic Transitions: Secrets and Strategies” on
Destination Unknown
Jun 23, 2020
“Connecting People to New Opportunities in Japan w/ Rachel Leng” on Small Business Japan
Celebrating Women in Japan (CWJ) social media project.
#BeyondDuke Series by Duke University Students
Featured by Stayway Japan as Instagram Travel Ambassador
Featured as Brand Ambassador for Nita Suri